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Link-Up and Lifeline Telephone Assistance Workshop. April 11, 2006. KMR Opinion on What Florida’s Link-Up and Lifeline Goals Should Be. Increase public awareness of Lifeline and Link-Up telephone assistance services.
Link-Up and Lifeline Telephone Assistance Workshop April 11, 2006
KMR Opinion on What Florida’s Link-Up and Lifeline Goals Should Be • Increase public awareness of Lifeline and Link-Up telephone assistance services. • Engage effective outreach initiatives reaching Florida eligibles and increasing the number of enrolled Lifeline recipients to reach the national average Lifeline participation level.
Link-Up and Lifeline Outreach Efforts Performed by KMR • Launched Florida’s Lifeline/Link-Up National School Lunch Program in all 67 counties with coordinated placement of Lifeline brochures in 2.6 million back-to-school student packets • Designed Lifeline/Link-Up National School Lunch Program brochure and initial implementation plan for 67 school districts
Link-Up and Lifeline Outreach Efforts Performed by KMR (continued) 2004 National School Lunch Program Brochures Distributed 2005 Source: Florida Public Service Commission
Link-Up and Lifeline Outreach Efforts Performed by KMR (continued) • Followed school district placements of Lifeline/Link-Up National School Lunch Program Information in student packets, performed troubleshooting, identified and implemented necessary program changes and modifications • Identified and coordinated distribution of more than 11,000 Lifeline/Link-Up brochures for statewide clients of government human service agencies
Link-Up and Lifeline Outreach Efforts Performed by KMR (continued) • Coordinated 4 Lifeline/Link-Up National School Lunch Program media events: • Statewide Press Conference • Marion County • Leon County • Walton County • Wrote and placed Lifeline education and awareness news articles in statewide minority (African-American and Hispanic) newspapers
Barriers that Discourage or Prevent People from Enrolling in Lifeline • Unaware of Link-Up and Lifeline Telephone Assistance Programs • Distrust of assistance programs for low-income as provided by government and telephone industry • Belief by low-income consumers that their finances and credit will not qualify them for telephone service • Link-up and Lifeline program enrollment access challenges in rural and small communities
Suggestions on How to Increase Enrollment in Lifeline Expand outreach initiatives including: • More aggressive consumer communications and education to increase statewide Link-Up and Lifeline Program awareness • Further work with schools to reach families through the National School Free Breakfast and Lunch programs and to determine Lifeline program participation and benefits that may be derived through program integration in Florida • Develop on-line or electronic means of enrollment and verification to minimize the burdens on telephone companies and applicant households.
Suggestions on How to Increase Enrollment in Lifeline (continued) • Deploy electronic sharing of Lifeline enrollment information between telecoms and a third-party administrator to further identify households eligible for enrollment • Develop more intimate Lifeline enrollment working relationship with Florida Departments of Elder Affairs and Department of Revenue, Child Support Enforcement • Share Lifeline program information electronically with the state agencies that operate various low-income assistance programs
Specific Successes or Failures regarding Lifeline Outreach Successful Lifeline Outreach Initiatives: • DCF outreach: Mass mailing assisting Lifeline Program launch Client notices New client data exchange • National School Lunch Program Back-to-School Initiative • Connect Florida Campaign • Various media campaigns Lifeline Outreach Failure: • Insufficient consumer program awareness
Contact Information KMR Consultants, LLC Linda Dilworth, Chief Operating Officer 3065 Highland Oaks Terrace Tallahassee, Florida 32301 LindaD@kmrconsultants.com 850.222.3768 (office) 850.561.0397 (fax) www.kmrconsultants.com FOR MORE INFO...