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LAr news ( LAr week 7-11/05/2007 , BNL) В середине марта был залит End-Cap A и начато охлаждение End-Cap -а С ( сейчас t=130 K). EMEC A: HV problems 16 sectors + 4 spares (?) in bldg. 180 ( @ nominal voltage )
LAr news (LAr week7-11/05/2007, BNL) В середине марта был залит End-Cap A и начато охлаждение End-Cap-а С (сейчас t=130 K). EMEC A: HV problems 16 sectors + 4 spares (?) in bldg. 180 ( @ nominalvoltage ) 27 sectors + 4 spares in cold -> 11 + 3 after shorts burning Crates A02, A03 A01-06, A09 – last week with refitted LV power supply (LVPS) все LVPS для ECA – конец мая Доступ ECA – с середины мая до начала июня, потом начало июля ECC – конец июля Шумы, зависящие от времени, в т.ч. коррелированные -> Tile LVPS ? Триггер для космики:4 boards Tile + 4 boards LAr since May 8 -> 12 Tile slices in trigger timing problems HEC A: HV и шумы ОК, но сбрасывается высокое (interlock problem) FCAL A:HV ОК, шумы в группе каналов (same pin row in last connector)
Commissioning, integration, preparation to data acquisition (including the data quality control) OTSMOU = Operation Task Share Memorandum of Understanding 556 FTE/year, Россия должна обеспечить ~5 % 2007: 298 человек в LAr (из них 79 студентов)-> 200 FTE потребность 79 FTE (из них 45 FTE во время набора данных = 8 месяцев/год в период 2007-2010) ATHENA new release 13.0.0 – до сих пор не выпущен ( закрывается по частям)
Release schedule for simulate for reconstruction and AOD level corrections for 1mm done: fixes for pileup (mostly cavern) => finalized:12.0.7 12.0.95 = 12.0.6 + Geant 4.8.2 built for CTB data/MC comparisons (no IDET and muon CTB in release 13) 12.0.5-COS : For combined cosmic run in June. 12.0.x • 13.0.10 to be built next week, extended validation expected. • Still need to finalize sampling fraction for the new G4.8 simulation • Migration of commissioning analysis to 13.0.10 or saved nightly 13.0.x • Development release towards release 14. • Robustness, more realism from commissioning • Dead cells, noisy channels, HV corrections • Performance optimization 13.x.0
Physics simulation and analysis chain Generator info (MC true) GEANT4 or ATLFAST RDO (output of digitization) 2 Mb/event simulation (1.5 experiment) ESD (event summary data) 0.5 Mb/event AOD (analysis object data) 100 kb/event ( -> 50 ?) Output of several jet algorithms (different size cones, Kt) may be stored simultaneously Object containers (muons, electrons, photons, jets, b-jets etc) Duplicates tagging and/or removal (TopView, Akira Shibata) New data samples for CSC notes available (GRID and CASTOR)
15/05/07Tue 16:00 (CERN) PAT (=Physics Analysis Tools) phone meeting 16/05/07Wed 14:00 (CERN) Top Working Group phone meeting (regular bi-weekly)
The top group CSC Notes TopGroupNoteT1Leptons (Pralavorio) TopGroupNoteT2LightJets (Schwindling) TopGroupNoteT3BJets (Hawkings) TopGroupNoteT5Trigger (Wengler) TopGroupNoteT6CrossSection (Bentvelsen, Cobal) TopGroupNoteT7TopProperties (Onofre, Tokar) TopGroupNoteT8SingleTop (A. Lucotte, S. Rolli) TopGroupNoteT9TopMass (Pallin, Etienvre) Щегельский, Федин (PNPI) – Single Top Бедняков, Храмов (Дубна) – измерение заряда, tt-bar-резонансы Костюхин (INFN) – измерение массы MPI (Munich) – tt-bar semileptonic decays, jets energy scale calibration
LHC schedule (L.Evans & Dec 2006 Council): last magnet installed March 07 machine closed August 07 450 GeV (lum~1029:1030, 75 ns between bunch crossings) November 07 7 TeV August 08 Calorimeters (plan of 20 February): end of access to ECA - end of June, Barrel A – 15 July, Barrel C and ECC – 15 August Problems: calorimeters - LV power supplies (BNL and CERN, modified version should be supplied starting from April) Inner detector - SCT and TRT - heaters problem, Pixels on retard LHC - failure of support structure of final focus “inner triplet” superconductive quadrupoles (1 of 28, all assembled by FNAL) during pressure test 27 March