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Basic Knots

Basic Knots. Overhand Knot. PROCEDUCE Form an overhand loop and insert one end of the rope into the loop. Then tighten up the knot Uses To stop the end of the rope from fraying

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Basic Knots

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Basic Knots

  2. Overhand Knot • PROCEDUCE • Form an overhand loop and insert one end of the rope into the loop. Then tighten up the knot • Uses • To stop the end of the rope from fraying • A series of overhand knots from Quipi, which can slow down the pace of a man going down a slope with the aid of a long rope

  3. Overhand Knot Picture

  4. Figure of Eight Knot • Uses • To stop rope from frying • To wrap packages or bundles

  5. Figure Of Eight Knot Picture

  6. Square Knot (Reef Knot) • PROCEDURE • Hold each end of the knots with both hands • Form an overhand knot or a loop by placing the right end over the left – the right end entering from the outer part of the knot going towards the person • Form a bight, this time, left over right • Uses • To close the knot in lashing when making gadgets • Tie shoe string, gifts, ribbons, bolts, etc • Bind packages, firewood, etc. together • To close triangular bandage in first aid

  7. Square Knot Picture

  8. Sheepshank (Dog Shank) • Procedure • Divide a long rope equally into three loops. To make the loop, follow the procedure for the clover hitch but add one more loop to make a total of three loops. • Pull apart the loop at the center passing over the rope near the center • When the center loop and the hanging ends are properly pulled, the result is a shortened rope • Uses • Best used to shorten ropes • Dogshank is a sheepshank with the eyes seized by passing the rope ends. The dogshank prevents sheepshank from slipping

  9. Sheep Shank Picture

  10. Two Half Hitches • Procedure • Loop rope over a post • Make a clove hitch around the standing part of the rope • Uses • To tie the clothesline • To tie a rope to a tree or pole • To join two unequal ropes • The joint is stronger with the use of half hitch

  11. Two Half Hitches Picture

  12. Sheet bend • Procedure • Make a bight in the thicker rope. Bring up the short end of the thinner rope up through this bight. • Pass the thinner rope under the bight crossing the short and first, then behind the bight and up and over the standing part, across the front of the bight and under its own standing part.Tighten by pulling on the standing part. • Uses • To join two rope ends, especially when they are not same size.

  13. Sheet Bend Picture

  14. Timber Hitch • Procedure • Make a half hitch. • Entangle the working part of the rope with half hitch. • Uses • To tie a rope to a log or pole that needs to be pulled. • To start diagonal lashing.

  15. Timber Hitch Picture

  16. Clove Hitch • Method A Procedure • Hold each end with both hands. • Form a loop with the right end towards you and the left end away from you. • Let the two loops meet at the center. Insert finger between the loops. An X is formed when the two ends meet at the center. • Method B Procedure • Take one end of the rope in your right hand. With the left, hold rest of rope across front of pole. • Pass end of rope around in back of pole. • Bring it around to front of pole. Cross it over long part making an X. Hold X with left thumb and forefinger.

  17. Method B Procedure • Pass rope to the right again, wrapping it around pole below first turn. • Push rope end under X, going from left to right so that it comes out between the two turns around pole. • Pull short end to the right, long end to the left. • Untie it by pushing both ends towards the center. • Uses • To start lashing when making gadgets. • Tie the clothesline. • Attach a rope to a tree, pole hands or fingers. • Bind objects together. • Tie rope on objects – the rope to be used for mountain climbing, to secure against a tree in rescuing a drowning person.

  18. Clove Hitch Picture

  19. Bowline • Procedure • Start by forming an overhand loop on the standing part which is large enough for its purposes. • Take a free end up through the eye, around the standing part, and right back where it came from. • Uses • To save a drowning person • To tie animals

  20. Bowline Picture

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