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What can you expect when it comes to events in 2022? This year is considered to be the year of the Events service industry.
The pandemic reformed the Events Industry. Decadesoftransformationshrunktothespanof two years. In-person events took an overnight shift and dived into the virtual world. The event reached the ‘new normal’ stage when gearing backtonormalcy.Thoseremarkablechangesare here to stay. According to Statista, the event tickets segment reached US$ 7.1Bn in 2022, and thereisanestimatedincreaseof14.4%in2023. Hence,itisexpectedthat2022willbetheyearof theeventindustry. Introduction Let us see in detail how the event industry is today, some noticeable predictions, and the stepseventplannerstaketobringpeopletoin- personevents.
Newroutinesemerginginin-personevents Changesinin-personevents afterthepandemic After the pandemic, virtual events started to go back to their traditional physical state but with a rapid, unexpected transformationthatshookthewholeevent industry. Introducing us to the “new normal,” event organizers and attendees wanted to embrace the technological advantages of virtual events and merge them seamlessly with in-person events for a double-effective event experience. Such events go hand-in-hand with physical events,andtheycanbe:
Newroutinesemerginginin-personevents Hybrideventscombinein-personlivewith virtualevents.Hybrideventsintegratethe virtualcomponentswiththeliveevent. There are several advantages of going hybrid, from large-scale events to accommodating audiences despite geographical constraints and much more. They make your in-person event capable of providing an immersive virtual experience for effective and engaging content. These events give an opportunity to draw in a diverse audience eliminating physical, language,andanyaccessibilitybarriers,and they can be live-streamed or re-streamed wheneverorwhereverdesired. Hybridevents
Howarein-personeventsheldtoday? According to Forbes, In-person events have a warmwelcomein2022witha27%increasein pre-bookingsfromJanuarytoMarch.Although theyarebackinuse,thepandemicmadesome safetymeasuresunavoidable. Protocols to follow from staff to guests. For example, Monitoring and minimizing exposureamongstaffbyestablishingground rules like separate dining, individual breaks, working behind a sneeze guard, etc. And mandatory protocols for guests and visitors likeverifyingvaccination,masking,andsocial distancing. Packfoodandbeveragesinsteadofabuffet. Conduct in-person events outdoors or in a spaciousenvironment. Attention retention strategies. CDCcompliantset-upforevents INPERSONEVENTS
Challengestobringingaudiencestoin-personevents Therearesomechallengesfacedwhileplanning an event. Some noteworthy points to draw in more audience to an in-person event are as follows: As per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC),Covidcomplianteventshave a handful of guidelines to follow. They include contactless registration, digital payment, verification for vaccination, PCR testing in special cases, temperature checking, canned drinks and boxed meals, separate and small networking sessions, mandatory masks, and 6 feet distance. This made in-person events expensive; thus, they tend to be held small scale. COVIDcompliantevents
Challengestobringingaudiencestoin-personevents Virtual events incorporate different techniques promote, and reach, technologiesto impactand entertainment.Andtocompensatefor such effortful attendee engagement, in-personeventsareexpectedto provide anentirelyimprovised audienceexperience. Virtualexperiencecan be brought into the physical events to maintain the same zeal as visual events hyped up.Forexample,thebestpartsof virtualeventslikeall-inclusiveevent Attendee’sengagement managementappsandplatforms, customization, gamification, live sessions,break-outrooms,live streaming,virtualbooths,socialmedia and networking integrations, etc., can beincorporated.
Challengestobringingaudiencestoin-personevents Meetingaudienceexpectations The audience acquired a taste of several options and varieties from virtual events. From attending any international event from home to breaking down any physical, language, accessibility barriers, andmuchmore,onlineeventsservesomebenefits totheaudience.Hence,tomakeanin-personevent equally beneficial, event organizers should blend thevirtualcomponentswithliveevents. Bepreparedfortheworst It is wise to be prepared for the worst, especially when another coronavirus outbreak isuncertain. Besides, follow the precautions as per the CDC and WHO guidelines, and make prior arrangements in caseofemergency.Stockingsanitizers,masks, spaciousareas,orspareroomsforemergency lockdownorquarantineisadvisable.
Howarein-personeventsheldtoday? According to Forbes, In-person events have a warmwelcomein2022witha27%increasein pre-bookingsfromJanuarytoMarch.Although theyarebackinuse,thepandemicmadesome safetymeasuresunavoidable. Protocols to follow from staff to guests. For example, Monitoring and minimizing exposureamongstaffbyestablishingground rules like separate dining, individual breaks, working behind a sneeze guard, etc. And mandatory protocols for guests and visitors likeverifyingvaccination,masking,andsocial distancing. Packfoodandbeveragesinsteadofabuffet. Conduct in-person events outdoors or in a spaciousenvironment. Attention retention strategies. CDCcompliantset-upforevents INPERSONEVENTS
Challengestobringingaudiencestoin-person events Hiring a live language translator and an ASL interpreter can help your in-person event break languagebarriers.Insomecases,asignlanguage interpretercanalsoboosttheaccessibilityofyour event. Adding a digital board for captions in the live event is also a great way to make your contentmoreaccessible. Accessibility
Neweventtrendsandtechnologies Technology has a near-future role in the event industry,and itreshapedthe waycontent is delivered or perceived. Let it be an international entertaining event or a local internal meeting, event technology makes the event experience easy,impactful,andsometimesout-of-the-world. INPERSONEVENTS Technology engagement, helps increase trackandmonitor attendee’s specified metricsquickly,andhelpimprovetheoverallROI oftheevent companies.Accordingto Socialtables, studies show that event technology increasesplanner’sproductivityby27%andevent attendance by 20% while decreasing costs up to 30%. Event plannersneed tocreateanimmersive, informative, complex yet simple, and engaging event all at once. And there are some of the on- trend event technology that is used by the event industry.Let’sdiscussafew.
Neweventtrendsandtechnologies Touchlesstechnology Contactless registration and check-in/check-out, QR code, digitalpayment,andothertouchlesstechnologyare exceptionallyusefulinpost-pandemicin-personevents. INPERSONEVENTS Hybridliveevents Live event technology combines virtual components with face-to-face meetings where people enjoy an in-person companywithallvirtualadvantages.Sucheventsareeasier to be live-streamed, adding live accessibility features like livetranslations,etc. Simulive Simulive is a recorded live event, and this pre-recorded sessioncanbeputliveatanygiventimeasneeded.
Neweventtrendsandtechnologies Touchlesstechnology Contactless registration and check-in/check-out, QR code, digitalpayment,andothertouchlesstechnologyare exceptionallyusefulinpost-pandemicin-personevents. INPERSONEVENTS Hybridliveevents Live event technology combines virtual components with face-to-face meetings where people enjoy an in-person companywithallvirtualadvantages.Sucheventsareeasier to be live-streamed, adding live accessibility features like livetranslations,etc. Simulive Simulive is a recorded live event, and this pre-recorded sessioncanbeputliveatanygiventimeasneeded.
Neweventtrendsandtechnologies Virtualreality Virtualbooths,metaverse,gamification,3Dcubes,and much more event technology engage the audience and createanimmersivevirtualenvironment. EventTech411 EventTech is the largest learning lab on event technology. They present EventTech 411that roundups effective event technology periodically. They suggest a range of tools like wearablesmartbadges,aerialdevices,socialsharing, registration, guest tracking, mobile audience engagement, etc. These tools help monitor and track the event- metrics, staffing, sessions, guest arrivals, social distancing, attendee engagement, etc. It also lets you make real-time changes quitequickly. Virtualreality
Neweventtrendsandtechnologies Eventmanagementapplication All-inclusivemobileapplicationprovidesaplatformto organize, promote, host, survey, and follow up with the event while personalizing the event experience forthe attendeeswithgamification,avatars,3Dbooths,etc. Nft Non Fungible Tokens let people own digital assets and souvenirs. At events, they are ticketing, gift bags or digital souvenirs,etc. INPERSONEVENTS
WHOWEARE CaptioningStar helps event organizers with their accessibility needs. We provide live translators, ASLinterpretations,subtitles,language interpretations, and live captions to your event. Post-productionserviceslikeclosedcaptions, videoediting,transcripts,voiceover,live streaming in OTT, and VOD platforms are also available.Reachusforimpeccableservices.
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