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ARCHITECTURE HISTORY. ENG. Shireen Abdelrahman. Introduction. History is a study and analysis of the past actions. It’s apart of the previous facts that could be proofed The majority of the historians knew that the present dimensions color and influence the past actions
Introduction • History is a study and analysis of the past actions. It’s apart of the previous facts that could be proofed • The majority of the historians knew that the present dimensions color and influence the past actions • The translation of the past actions re-changed frequently according to the timescale • Translations and analysis based on document sources produced in or directly after the past occurrences is considered the valuable and the most important elements
Through the history many civilizations were constructed and the people tends to build their private identification and style and if they didn't do that it comes to us through the time which we called the civilization history • We draw comparison between these civilizations to conclude the characteristics of their styles. • Studying the architectural styles starting from the creation period up to day should be connected to the current change especially the political, economical and social actions that affect the styles.
Influences Factors:that affect the Architectural Style 1. Natural Factors : Climite,Geography,and Geology of the area 2. Human Factors Economical, Social, and Political conditions of the area
Conclusion the Architecture history considered apart of the art history which study the historical development of buildings design and city planning.
INTRODUCTION عمــارةفجر المسيحية Early Christian Architecture
Analysis of Architecture Styles Elements • Plans • Walls • Openings • Roofs • Columns • Moldingsقولبة • Ornaments • Composition • Construction • Function • Treatment • Position
Early Christian Architecture - Influences A diagram of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre based on a german documentary, claimed to be the site of Calvary and the Tomb of Jesus
Geographical • Christianity had its birth in Beit Lahim (Judaea), an eastern province of the Roman Empire • directly it became a living organism , carried by S. Peter, S. Paul, and other missionariesالمبشرون to Rome, the centre of the World-Empire and the fountain-head of power and influenceالقوة و التأثير • In spite of opposition and persecutionالمعارضة و الاضطهاد , the new religion took root and grewتجذرت و نمت , till it was strong enough to become the recognized universal religion الدين المعترف به عالمياof the whole Roman Empire. • Early Christian architecture at Rome was influenced by, and was the logical outcome of, existing Roman art, and it was modified in other parts of the Empire according to the type already recognized as suitable for the geographical situation of those countries, such as Syria, Asia Minor, North Africa, and Egypt.
Geological • Geological influences have acted indirectly on Early Christian • architecture, for the ruins of Roman buildings often provided the • quarry whence materials were obtained. • This influenced the style, both construction and decoration ; for • columns and other architectural features, as well as fine sculptures • and mosaics from older buildings, were worked into basilican • churches of the new faith. • Domes, vaults and walls were formed of concrete, and they were • faced with brick, stone, alabaster, porphyry and other marble while White and colored marbles were imported from- all parts of the Empire • Roman architecture spread over the world, and variously • influenced by the materials found in the widely differing localities • but concrete, which in conjunction with brick and stone casing was • the favorite uniformity material of Roman architecture style • Local geological influences in Syria, as at Baalbek, also in Egypt, • as at Philae, yield many quarries so that stone blocks took the placeof Roman concrete,
Roman building materials • Marble from Rome and all over Italy • Travertine, a hard limestone from Tivoli • Tufa, a volcanic substance of which the hills of Rome are mainly composed ; • Peperino, a stone of volcanic origin from Mount Albano ; • Lava from volcanic eruptions • excellent sand and gravel.
Climate • The climate of Italy, the centre of building activity has variety of climatic conditions and has diversity of architectural features and treatment in the peninsula, • The differing climates of the various Roman provinces from England to North Africa, and from Syria to Spain, produced local modifications in details which leave little choice in general design • The climatic conditions of such Roman provinces as Egypt, Syria, and North Africa where Christianity was established were more or less varied, and naturally modified the style in those countries where the fiercer sun and hotter climate necessitated small windows and other Eastern featuresالملامح الشرقية. • North Italy has the climate of the temperate region of Europe, Central Italy is genial and sunny, while the south is almost tropical.
Religious • Christianity has striking rise, and rapidity diffused throughout the civilized world, and, in all subsequent ages, و في جميع العصور المتلاحقة • Christianity has inspired greatest monuments building and the Christian communities established in Eastern Mediterranean, in Syria, Africa, Greece, and Italy, lead to many ruins of Early Christian basilica churches • The purpose of the Christian church was to shelter worshippers who met for prayer and praise to an unseen Deityشكر الاله , and, during the unsettled conditions at the beginning of Christianity, various places were adapted for this worship. • Thus the building of pagan temples ceased before any attempt was made to build Christian churchesبناء المعابد الوثنية توقف قبل بناء الكنائس .
Constantine decree 313 A.D., give Christianity equal rights with other religions, and in A.D. 323 he professed Christianityأعلن المسيحية , which became the official religion of the Roman Empire, and began to build churches of a type suitable to their needs and ritualالكنائس مناسبة لنوع طقوسهم. • So Early laid foundations of the temporal power of the Papacy, steadily increased, especially under Popesللسلطة للبابا Hadrian I and Leo II.
Social • Constantine changed the capital of the Empire from Rome to Byzantium in A.D. 324, when the old Roman political system came to an end • Besides the troubles caused by Julian the Apostate, Christianity suffered further disabilities during the unsettled conditionsالاحوال الغير مستقرة consequent upon the division of the Roman Empireتقسيم الامبراطورية الرومانية, which first took place in A.D. 365 when Valentinianفالنتنيان became Emperor of the West and his brother Valens فالنسof the East. • Theodosius the Great (A.D. 379-395) reunited, for a time, the Eastern and Western Empires,جمع شملهم لبعض الوقت • again the seat of power was changedتم تغيير مقر السلطة , and Theodoric the Goth reigned in Italy الطراز القوطي ساد في ايطاليا(A.D. 493–526) and , Byzantine art influenced Early Christian art by way of Ravenna, which rivalled Rome in importance و التي تضاهي في اهميتها روما and was the capital of the Gothic Dynastyكانت عاصمة للسلالة القوطية A.Daa. 493–552 with the exception of a short period when it was subdued by Justinianكان مهزوما من جستنيان (A.D. 537).
Kings were elected for the separate states of Spain, Northern Africa, and Italy, where King Odoacer recognized the supremacy of the one Roman Emperor at Constantinopleالقسطنطينية . • So it is clear that these many social changes and political disturbances could not fail to be reflected in the architecture of a period in which great formative forces were at work.
Historical • The Early Christian period is generally taken as lasting fromConstantine to the death of Gregory the Great (A.D. 604), although inRome and many Italian cities it continued up to the tenth century. Theincursionsغارات of the Huns into Germany about A.D. 376 eventually broughtabout invasionsغزوات from the north into Italy. • in A.D. 410 Rome was sacked by the Gothsالقوط . So manyconflicting forces were at work in Europe which arrested during thisperiod till A.D. 451, when the defeat of Attila, King of the Huns, byChalons who aided in the consolidationترسيخ of Christianity in Europe. • In A.D. 568 the Lombards penetrated into Italyتوغلوا في ايطاليا and held thenorthern part for 200 years. Then in A.D. 800 Charlemagne شارلمانwascrowned by the Pope in Rome توج من قبل البابا , and from this date the Empire wasstyled the Holy Roman Empireالامبراطورية الرومانية المقدسة , a title retained till A.D. 1800. UnderPope Gregory the Great (A.D. 590–604)
Early Christian architecture, the latest phase of Roman art, gradually • fell into disuseتدريجيا و لم تستمر مدة طويلة , and for the next two centuriesarchitecturaldevelopment was practically at a standstill في حالة جمود in Europe ; and thoughthe influence of Byzantium asserted itself, old Roman traditions werein abeyance till the time when Romanesque architecture wasgradually evolvedتطورت تدريجيا .