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4-H Club Officer Training: Mastering Leadership Roles and Responsibilities

Learn the duties and responsibilities of each 4-H club officer role, from President to Song Leader. Get tips on conducting effective meetings, making motions, and holding successful elections. Enhance your leadership skills for a successful 4-H experience!

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4-H Club Officer Training: Mastering Leadership Roles and Responsibilities

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  1. 4-H Club Officer Training Wednesday, November 10, 2004 Warren County Extension Office

  2. Be enthusiastic and dependable Be willing to learn and work for a good cause Work well with others Inspire and encourage others to do their best Be kind, tactful and courteous Be neat in appearance Speak in a strong and pleasing voice Solicit suggestions and cooperation of others Be prompt, on time and prepared for all meetings Conduct the meeting in an orderly and impartial manner Check closely with 4-H leaders, get their suggestions and help in conducting programs. To Be a Good 4-H Member You Should….

  3. Start and End the meeting on time Have a suitable meeting place in readiness Have an appropriate, planned program Have short, snappy business meetings (10 minutes) Conduct the meeting according to parliamentary procedure Plan for several members to participate in each program and for all to participate during the year Have a variety of things on the program To Conduct a Good Meeting You Should….

  4. As an officer of your 4-H Club, you have added opportunities and responsibilities. Learn what these are and be prepared to meet them. President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Reporter Leader’s Representative Recreation Leader (Historian) (Song Leader) The Job of a 4-H Officer

  5. Leader’s Rep’s Duties • “…one 4-H member per club, as identified by each 4-H club, shall be a voting member [of the Warren County 4-H Volunteer Leaders’ Association (VLA)].” • Represent your club at the monthly VLA meetings – 4th Monday at 7pm. • Report information back to your club.

  6. Recreation Leader’s Duties • Select appropriate type or form of recreation in advance of meeting • Games, mixers, relays, skits, etc. • Lead the recreation at 4-H meetings and other 4-H events • Teach other 4-Hers to lead recreational activities • Serve as chairman of the recreation committee

  7. Historian’s Duties (in clubs with no historian, duties are assumed by the secretary or reporter) • Keep a record or scrapbook of all club activities and events. • Include names of members and leaders, copies of club program plans, news clippings and pictures about club events. • Work closely with the secretary and reporter in keeping a record or history of all club activities

  8. Song Leader’s Duties • Select appropriate songs in advance of the 4-H meeting • Lead the singing at 4-H meetings and other 4-H events • Learn and teach new songs • Keep song books and music of the club. • Distribute and collect songs at meetings.

  9. Youth Representative • “At the annual fall officer training, the top four officers of each club present shall elect, by majority vote, one of the club representatives to serve on the Executive Board [of the VLA]. This individual shall have the same term of office, privileges, and responsibilities as the Association’s officers.”

  10. Opening Call to order Pledges (Song) Business Roll call Reading & approval of minutes Report of treasurer Report of committees Unfinished business New business Program Educational presentation, talks, demonstrations, skits, review of program for next meeting, etc. Adjournment Recreation Songs, games, etc, Refreshments (optional) Suggested Order for Conducting Meetings

  11. How to Make and Pass a Motion • During the business meeting • Raise hand and wait until the president calls your name (obtaining the floor) • State the motion: “I move that, ….” • Motion must be seconded by another member before discussion can begin: “I second the motion.” • Any member can second a motion • If no one seconds, the president declares the motion lost

  12. How to Make and Pass a Motion (cont.) • After properly seconded, president asks “Is there any discussion?” • After a reasonable length of time, president puts the motion to a vote. • Re states the motion: “It has been moved and seconded that…. All those in favor say ‘aye’. (pause) All those opposed say ‘no’.” • Motion is carried or is lost. • [Question, Votes, Amendments] • Only one motion on the floor at a time.

  13. Election of Officers • Usually takes place annually, unless specified otherwise • Can be held at any regular meeting to fill vacancies • Nominating committee appointed to nominate a slate of officers (one per office to be filled) • When nominating committee makes its report, president can take nominations from the floor (do not have to be seconded)

  14. Election of Officers (cont.) • After nominations from the floor president closes nominations: “If there are no other nominations, is there a motion that the nominations be closed?” • After being recognized by the president, a member makes the motion to close nominations, and another member seconds the motion. • Members may speak to the qualifications of their nominees. • Voting takes place in order of nominations.

  15. Committees • A committee (2 or more members) is used for preliminary work in preparation of matter for action by the club. • Saves time in meetings • Usually assures more effective results • Provides opportunities for more members • Number and kind of committees varies, but all fit into two classes: • Standing committees • Special committees

  16. Committees (cont.) • Standing committees • Appointed for a definite time • Examples are Executive, Program, Recreation, Membership, etc. • Special committees • Appointed for special purpose such as tours, exhibits, etc. • Except for Executive committee [club officers and volunteers (ex-officio members)] all committees are appointed by the president

  17. Committees (cont.) • Unless otherwise specified, the first named on a committee is the chairman. • Chairman duties are: • Call a meeting of the committee • Have discussion and action on the question referred to the committee • Make report at next club meeting on recommendations of the committee

  18. The House The official meeting of the 4-H Club The Chair The presiding officer Minutes Official record of work done in a meeting Motion Proposal that a certain action be taken by the club Second to Motion To approve a motion that has been made The question The motion before the house Unfinished business Business carried over from the previous meeting or meetings Parliamentary Terms

  19. To refer to a committee To place certain work in the hands of a small committee which must report at a future meeting To obtain the floor To obtain, from the presiding officer, the right to speak To put the question To take a vote Parliamentary Terms (cont.)

  20. Display only from sunrise to sunset on buildings and stationary flagstaffs in the open. May be displayed at night on special occasions to produce patriotic effect Should be hoisted briskly and lowered ceremoniously Should not be displayed on days when weather is inclement When carried in a procession with another flag, should be either on the marching right (the flag’s own right) or in the center of a line of flags Should not be displayed on a flat in a parade except from a staff or suspended so that its folds fall as free as if it were staffed How to Use the Flag

  21. Should not be draped over the hood, top, sides or back of a vehicle, train or boat. No other flag or pennant should be placed above the US flag. If on the same level, other flags should be to the left of the US flag When used on a speakers platform, if displayed flat, should be above and behind the speaker. Otherwise, should be displayed to the right of the speaker. How to Use the Flag (cont.)

  22. Presidents & Vice Presidents with Allen & Kim Secretaries & Reporters with Campbell Treasurers with Debbi All others with Campbell Break Into Groups

  23. Pizza and drinks will be served in the cafeteria 7:30. If you finish early, please do not disturb other groups. Please keep pizza and drinks in the cafeteria (not in the halls or rooms). Refreshments

  24. Thanks!

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