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Welcome . Future Wells Middle School Wolverines!. BENEKE CLARK HERITAGE HOYLAND MAJOR PONDEROSA REYNOLDS THOMPSON BURCHETT EICHENROHT MEYER LINK. Wells Principal Dr. Lenny Hardoin Wells 6 th Grade Assistant Principal Mr. Carlos Lewis

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  2. Wells Principal Dr. Lenny Hardoin Wells 6th Grade Assistant Principal Mr. Carlos Lewis Wells 6th Grade Counselor Mrs. Chandra Johnson-Pearson (Mrs. J-P)

  3. A D M I N I S T R A T O R S Dr. Lenny Hardoin, Principal Mrs. Elaine Sam, 7th Grade Assistant Principal Mr. Benjamin Bostick, 8th Grade Assistant Principal Mr. Carlos Lewis, Jr. 6th Grade Assistant Principal

  4. Counselors Mr. Joe DeGregorio (Mr. D) 7th Grade Counselor 8th Grade Boys’ Counselor Mrs. Chandra Johnson-Pearson (Mrs. J-P) 6th Grade Counselor 8th Grade Girls’ Counselor

  5. Doing things the wells way

  6. THE WELLS WAY • Do Quality Work • Respect Others • Try My Best • Be Kind • Cooperate • I Am Responsible

  7. THE WELLS WAY • Do Quality Work • Respect Others • Try My Best • Be Kind • Cooperate • I Am Responsible

  8. THE ROAD TO SUCCESS TRAVELS THROUGH WMS • STAAR, CFAs, and Course Success; • Take school seriously; • Plan for high school, higher education, and beyond; • Build meaningful relationships; • EXEMPLARY expectations; • Aim for Distinguished or Recommended High School Program

  9. 4 credits EnglishI*, II,III, and IV 4 credits Math - Algebra 1*, Geometry, Algebra 2, & Calculus 4 credits Social Studies 4 credits Science 2 credits Languages other than English (Spanish I*, & Spanish for Spanish Speakers) *Denotes High School Credit Courses available at WMS and/or SISD Virtual School 1 credit Fine Arts 0.5 credit Health* 1 credit PE 0.5 credit Communication Applications* 5 credits Electives *CTE credits available = 26 Credits ~It’s possible to leave MS with up to 8 HS credits!!! WMS offers 9 HS credit courses. Recommended High School Program

  10. THE WELLS WAY • Do Quality Work • Respect Others • Try My Best • Be Kind • Cooperate • I Am Responsible

  11. 4 credits EnglishI*, II,III, and IV 4 credits Math - Algebra 1*, Geometry, Algebra 2, & Calculus 4 credits Social Studies 4 credits Science 2 credits Languages other than English (Spanish I*, & Spanish for Spanish Speakers) *Denotes High School Credit Courses available at WMS and/or SISD Virtual School 1 credit Fine Arts 0.5 credit Health* 1 credit PE 0.5 credit Communication Applications* 5 credits Electives *CTE credits available = 26 Credits ~It’s possible to leave MS with up to 8 HS credits!!! WMS offers 9 HS credit courses. Recommended High School Program

  12. .5 Health .5 Touch System Data Entry (CTE) BCIM (CTE) Spanish I Spanish for Spanish Speakers Principles of Architecture & Construction (CTE) Exploring Careers and Professional Communications (CTE) English I Algebra I HS Credit Courses Available at WMS

  13. DATES TO REMEMBER March 9, 2012……………Submit Course Selection Sheet to Elementary Counselor April 3, 2012, 6:30PM….COURSE SELECTION FAIR Incoming 6th Grade Parent Night April 3, 2011..................LAST CHANCE for elective changes (based upon preference change) June 7, 2011.........................YOUR LAST DAY AS A 5TH GRADER!

  14. English-Language Arts - (2 pd); (includes Reading) Math - (2 pd); Science - (1 pd) World Cultures (Social Studies) - (1 pd) Math Plus or Reading Plus* * May be required of student not meeting the standard on STAAR or if recommended based on performance in Reading &/or Math Required Academic Courses

  15. AND

  16. Physical Education 1 period 1 period All students MUST have 2 years of PE in middle school.

  17. PLUS

  18. 1 ELECTIVE If successful on STAAR

  19. What are the Wells ELECTIVES? [1 period] • SEMESTER • Exploratory Art & Exploratory Music • OR • Exploratory Art & Exploratory Theatre • OR • Exploratory Music & Exploratory Theatre FULL YEAR • Beginner Band (Instrument Selection Interview, instrument rental/purchase & other fees required) OR • Choir (Fees & supplies required) Seats are filled by random computer selection

  20. BAND Study the fundamentals of reading music & play an instrument; No previous music training or experience is necessary; Attend before/after school rehearsals/performances as required.

  21. Band Information • Instrument must be acquired: • New or rental-purchase at local music store; • Used instrument with approval of Band Director, or use school-owned instrument (maintenance fee $80/year). • Additional expenses include: Instrumental music books, metronome, accessories (i.e., reeds, valve oil, mallets, drumsticks, etc.), Solo/Ensemble & accompanist fees. • Instrument, equipment, and/or materials must be available for class the first week of school. • Do not purchase an instrument until Band Director consultation. • Parent conferences will be scheduled by the directors.

  22. CHOIR Introduction to choral music (no previous musical training/experience necessary); Learn to read & perform in unison, & in two- & three-part harmony; Learn to sing as a choral member & in a performing group; Attend before/after school rehearsals & performances as required.

  23. Art Study the elements of art, art history, art appreciation, and a brief introduction to drawing, painting, and sculpture.

  24. Theatre Arts Study imitative movement, sensory awareness, and creative dialogue.

  25. MUSIC Study basic music theory, history, and appreciation; Study vocal and instrumental works, creating an interest in the various music areas.

  26. Incoming 6th Grade Parent Night Course Selection Fair Tues., April 3, 2012, 6:30PM


  28. 10. Where are my classes? What if I get lost?

  29. 9. Can I play sports in the 6th grade?

  30. 8. What’s RFID? Do I eat it or wear it?

  31. 7. How much time do I have between class periods?

  32. 6. Is there a DRESS CODE?

  33. 5. When do I get my LOCKER?

  34. 4. What supplies do I need?

  35. 3. Can I change my schedule?

  36. 2. Can I bring my cell phone to school?


  38. 1. IS THERE RECESS!?!?

  39. DATES TO REMEMBER March 9, 2012……………Submit Course Selection Sheet to Elementary Counselor April 3, 2012, 6:30PM….COURSE SELECTION FAIR Incoming 6th Grade Parent Night April 3, 2011..................LAST CHANCE for elective changes (based upon preference change) June 7, 2011.........................YOUR LAST DAY AS A 5TH GRADER!

  40. Mark your calendar!

  41. Incoming 6th Grade Parent Night Course Selection Fair Tues., April 3, 2012, 6:30PM

  42. STILL CONFUSED… • Academic Placements – Check with your 5th Grade Teacher • Electives - See the Program of Studies online • Course offerings at WMS or General/Specific Course Selection Sheet Questions - Mrs. Johnson-Pearson at (281)891-7759 or chandrajp@springisd.org or http://classroom.springisd.org/webs/wmscoun

  43. Submit completed Course Selection Sheet to your Counselor by the deadline!

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