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Welcome to Curriculum Night 2014-2015. “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” ― W.B. Yeats. 8 th Grade History. What do they learn and how is it done?
Welcome to Curriculum Night 2014-2015 “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” ― W.B. Yeats
8th Grade History What do they learn and how is it done? The Middle School Social Studies curriculum emphasizes instruction in the Washington State and Common Core learning targets. Students integrate language arts, literacy, and drama into the understanding and internalization of Social Studies. The teaching and learning strategies are student-centered and activity based. In eighth grade, students study American History. Students learn about the important people, ideas, and events that brought about the formation of the American nation and shaped the culture and the political and economic institutions through the Civil War and Reconstruction. Students develop their understanding of the history of their country through the reading of historical narrative and biography, discussion, and writing. They further develop their historical thinking skills, critical thinking skills, and social studies skills by constructing timelines, reading primary and secondary sources, drawing and interpreting maps, interpreting political cartoons, gathering historical data, and formulating historical interpretations. Students learn to apply historical understanding to current issues and events. Curriculum Units of study include: • The Establishment of the Republic• The Growth of the United States• Westward Expansion• The Civil War and Reconstruction
8th Grade Religion In 8th grade, the philosophy of St. Catherine School continues to emphasize that learning is value-based and a foundation for continued and life-long learning. Learning is designed to promote the spiritual, intellectual, social, physical and emotional growth of each unique child. Middle School students at St. Catholic School are model citizens for the entire school and accept many leadership roles. Students learn and practice the Seven Themes of Catholic Social Justice. They graduate from St. Catherine School prepared to continue service to others and practice the teachings of Jesus. Curriculum Building a Community Seven Teaching of Social Justice Warm Beach/Oct. 8-10 World Religions History of the Church Holy Men and Women of the Church, Modern Day Martyrs Current Works in the Church Service to Others The many forms of Prayer and the history behind them Multi-cultural, Multi-ethnic Church Promote a Missionary Spirit to Witness the Faith in Society Reflection R.O.P.E (Rite of Passage Experience)
Common Core/ Standards-Based Learning, Application and Grading • Knowledge (What they need to know to succeed) • Reasoning(How well they can explain it using evidence) • Performance/skills(Show and Tell) • Products(Project based with short and long term goals)
Standards-Based Grading Rubrics 4 = Exceeds grade level expectations 3 = Meets grade level expectations 2 = Needs to strengthen grade level expectations 1 = Needs additional help and/or resources to meet grade level expectations
Weighting of Assignments • Grading Criteria • 50% Assessments ( Tests, quizzes, reviews, essays, summaries) • 30% Classwork (sm. and lg. group discussion, debates, dramatizations, reenactments, in class assignments connected to standards…) • 20% Projects
Discipline • Discipline and the Family Handbook • - Follow the discipline policy and there shouldn’t be a problem. • Consequences • - Verbal Warning • - Written Warning, Parents and Administration Notified • - Written Warning, Parents, Teachers, and Administration meet for conference • Questions? • Not anticipating any problems.
Attendance and Late Work Late Work Policy Assignments are expected to be turned in on the assigned due date. All late work is excepted. The late work policy is consistent throughout the middle school. Absences and Tardies It is the student’s responsibility to check with the teacher for make-up work. This includes being absent for an excused event, illness, or any unforeseen event. Students will have one day to make up the work for each day absent. If a student misses a quiz or test the student will have two days to make up the quiz or test. If the student chooses not to make up the work, he/she will not receive points for the work. It’s pretty simple, no work, no credit, no grade.
Homework Please check the St. Catherine website daily for homework. Homework is posted daily at 2:50 with the students on the SmartBoard. Students are expected to write all homework in their planners daily. Students may email me at anytime. I normally check my emails starting around 6:30 am until 7:00pm, as well as weekends.
Contacting the Teachers • I can be contacted via email: • mhorrigan@stcatherineschool.net • You can also leave a voice mail at: 206-525-0581 ext.117 • I am not always able to immediately return emails as I am teaching and many times am unable to get to the computer. • All teachers can be contacted through email.
Thank You! Any questions? Comments? High School Information Night, 9/23/14 DC information Night, 10/22/14 Have a great Evening and thanks for Attending. It is going to be a Fantastic year of learning.