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Problem development

Problem development. A number of years ago Canadian Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA) audited Kitchener Sydney St. Told to suspend transfer to ACCF because no formal relation between church and ACCF existed. This is required because they are a foreign entity

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Problem development

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  1. Problem development • A number of years ago Canadian Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA) audited Kitchener Sydney St. • Told to suspend transfer to ACCF because no formal relation between church and ACCF existed. This is required because they are a foreign entity • Toronto has also been told to suspend donations to ACCF. Windsor has voluntarily suspended donations.

  2. Temporary Solution • Ontario elders drafted temporary solution in August 2002 – each church takes care of their own mission work • Not a long term solution • Most churches do not have Objects for foreign missionary work in their declaration of trust • Do not have the necessary infrastructure to focus on missionary and humanitarian work (legal, insurance, knowledge)

  3. Recommendation • Motion passed at 2003 elder body meeting to form a missionary committee to address our lack of participation in mission efforts • In order to fulfill the mandate, a long term solution for the Canadian churches was necessary • Legal and professional advice recommended a charity be formed that would represent the ACC Canadian churches for domestic and foreign missionary work

  4. ACCMBC Objects • Advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world • Through preaching, teaching, music • Literature (newsletter, statement of faith, pamphlets, Bible distribution etc.) • Provide humanitarian aid to the needy • Food, clothing, shelter

  5. Examples • Work teams both domestic and foreign • Equipment to be shared among ACC churches • Reimbursement for travel • Disaster relief • Short term mission work

  6. Completed • Registered charity • Current trustees - Brothers Frank Binder, Doug Savin, Edmund Reinhardt, Werner Weinhardt and Gary Tomic (chairman) • Strategy for 2004 defined and in progress • Long term vision defined • Projector purchased

  7. In Progress • Scholarships and Bursaries • Public school in Paraguay • PNG Girls Bible School • Humanitarian aid to support children at orphanages • CLM (Brazil) • Nepomuceno (Brazil) • Work team led by brother Werner to CLM and Paraguay (August)

  8. In Progress • Website created www.accmbc.org • Will be used for dissemination of information both on missions, as well as opportunity for local church website (ww.accmbc.org/windsor) • Lists for prayer requests & mission updates where one e-mail address is used and people can add or remove their own e-mail address. Also Archived • Monthly trustee meetings • By-law establishment

  9. Vision • Become an international organization through a joint venture with the ACCF. • Allows us to have Canadian representation on the ACCF in proportion to our financial contribution • Reduces the overhead we currently need to run • Requires structural changes in the ACCF • Some unknowns in carrying out these changes

  10. Needs • Prayer that we can carry out our objectives • Volunteers • Raise awareness and inform churches and individuals of the needs • Technical help for the website • Those who would like to be involved in projects & work teams • Corresponding with those who have needs • Donations to pay for startup costs

  11. Questions • What is the best way to inform churches and individuals? • Bi-monthly project/mission focus announced in each church? • Newsletter, e-mail? • How should the ACCMBC cover on-going administration costs? • Annual fee for churches based on membership following church dues model? • General fund donation?

  12. Questions

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