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1. camaraderie: n. rapport between friends; comradeship Syn: fellowship

1. camaraderie: n. rapport between friends; comradeship Syn: fellowship 2. haughty: adj. proud, arrogant Syn: snobbish Ant: unpretentious. 3. hubris: n. arrogance resulting from excessive pride Syn: self-confidence Ant: humility 4. imbroglio: n difficult situation Syn: disagreement

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1. camaraderie: n. rapport between friends; comradeship Syn: fellowship

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  1. 1. camaraderie: n. rapport between friends; comradeship Syn: fellowship 2. haughty: adj. proud, arrogant Syn: snobbish Ant: unpretentious • 3. hubris: n. arrogance resulting from excessive pride • Syn: self-confidence • Ant: humility • 4. imbroglio: n difficult situation • Syn: disagreement • Ant: understanding

  2. 5. impetuous: adj. impulsive; rash Syn: precipitate Ant: planned; careful 6. malinger: v. to pretend to be ill or injured to avoid work 7. peregrination: n. traveling on foot; walking Syn: travel • 8. platitude: n. cliché Syn: truism 9. sanctimonious: adj. false piety or righteousness 10. scullion: n a kitchen servant 11. sectarian: adj. narrowly confined to a particular group

  3. 12. stringent: adj. Strict; rigorous Syn: severe, restrictive Ant: flexible 13. trite: adj. hackneyed; clinched; lacking interest Syn: ordinary Ant: original • 14. venerate: v. to respect, worship, or revere Syn: esteem Ant: desecrate 15. wrenching: adj. violent, forceful twisting

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