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CO2 Reduction Solutions in Beet Sugar Production: Steam Drying and CO2 Neutral Boiler

Explore proposals for CO2-neutral beet sugar production, including steam drying beet pulp and using alternative energy sources. Learn about CO2 reduction projects like Rødsand Wind Park and thermal gasification. Discover how cost-effective steam drying can reduce CO2 emissions and the benefits of making boilers CO2 neutral. Find out about fuel-saving options and the efficiency of replacing thermal fuel with electricity in recent projects. Consider the potential of steam dryers and MVR in standalone installations for sustainable sugar production.

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CO2 Reduction Solutions in Beet Sugar Production: Steam Drying and CO2 Neutral Boiler

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  1. Steam Drying Kasper Larsen Arne Sloth Jensen Towards CO2 neutral beet sugar production

  2. Future demands from lawmakers etc. • No emissions • Only use CO2 neutral energy sources • Perhaps beets as an energy crop?

  3. Proposals for solutions • Steam dry the beet pulp and burn it • Alternative energy sources • Use MVR, no boiler, big electric consumption. Alternatively all sugar produced from cane. (self-sufficient with energy)

  4. Old style beet sugar factory10.000 t/d, 120 d/y, coal fired, CO2: 50.000 t/y CO2: 100.000 t/y Drum Dryer 50 t/h evap. Factory 10.000 t/d Beet pulp

  5. Beet sugar factory with steam dryer10.000 t/d, 120d/y, coal fired CO2: 100.000 t/y Steam Dryer 50 t/h evap. Factory 10.000 t/d Steam 3,7 bar Steam 28 bar Beet pulp 2 MWe Power plant CO2: 2000 t/y

  6. Cost of CO2 reduction Project Rødsand Wind Park Installed 207 MW. Investment 500 Million € Saved 700.000 ton CO2 per year 714 €/ton/year Investment 12 million € CO2 saving 48.000 ton/year Price for saved ton CO2/year Benefits: Fuel saving, no dust/VOC 250 €/ton/year Steamdryingturnkeyinvestment Wind Turbines

  7. Beet sugar factory with steam dryer and CO2 neutral boiler10.000 t/d, 120 d/y, coal fired CO2: 0 t/y Steam Dryer 50 t/h evap. Factory 10.000 t/d Steam 3,7 bar Steam 28 bar Beet pulp 2 MW Power plant CO2: 2000 t/y

  8. CO2 neutral fuel: • Fuels which have no net greenhouse gas emissions: • Straw • Wood • Sugar beet pulp • Municipal waste • How to use in existing boilers?

  9. Fuelprices10.000 t/d, 120 d/y

  10. Factory energy source prices

  11. Thermalgasification / gas generatorNot a new invention

  12. References: 80 MWtermal 110 Mwtermal 140 Mwtermal 1600 MWtermal

  13. Beet sugar factory with steam dryer and termal gasification10.000 t/d, 120 d/y, coal fired GAS: 600ºC H2 CO CO2 CH4 Factory 10.000 t/d Termal gasifier 2 MW Fuel Power plant CO2: 0 t/y

  14. Cost of CO2 reduction Project Rødsand Wind Park Installed 207 MW. Investment 500 Million € Saved 700.000 ton CO2 per year 714 €/ton/year Investment 50 million € CO2 saving 100.000 ton/year Benefits: Fuel flexible, “cheap” Price for saved ton CO2/year 500 €/ton/year Thermal gasifier Wind Turbines

  15. Stand alonesteamdryer (MVR)

  16. Intelligent use of energy Efficiency of replacing thermal fuel with electricity

  17. Recent projects Russia 2018: Kirsanov 2 x size J 141 t/h evap

  18. Conclusion. • Reduction of CO2 is costly. • Step 1: Steam drying at 250 €/ton CO2/year is cheaper than most other projects • Due to fuel savings, steam dryer will be paid back in 2-8 years • Step 2, make boiler CO2 neutral. • Best option currently seams to be Gasifier. • Steam dryer and MVR is a good solution in stand alone installations.

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