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With: Tay Zonday

Acid Rain. Alex Ozdamar Michael Rempter Rachel Naugle Julie Busch. With: Tay Zonday. Acid Rain. http://www.edf.org/content_images/a_building2.jpg. Acid Rain was first noticed a century ago when buildings in the area were being warn away by the acid rain. Acid Rain.

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With: Tay Zonday

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  1. Acid Rain Alex Ozdamar Michael Rempter Rachel Naugle Julie Busch With: Tay Zonday

  2. Acid Rain http://www.edf.org/content_images/a_building2.jpg

  3. Acid Rain was first noticed a century ago when buildings in the area were being warn away by the acid rain.

  4. Acid Rain http://www.rst2.edu/ties/acidrain/miscgraphics/rheims.statue.gif

  5. Acid Rain is an acidic form of precipitation which can effect our environment as well as ourselves. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acid_rain

  6. Acid Rain http://drwaqipedia.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/steroid-inhaler.jpg

  7. Acid rain can be detrimental to the health of humans. Annually, in the United States and Canada alone, Acid Rain causes: • 550 premature deaths • 1,520 emergency room visits • 210,070 asthma symptoms • If it is not stopped, these issues can become larger, and more can arise. http://library.thinkquest.org/CR0215471/acid_rain.htm

  8. Acid Rain http://www.odec.ca/projects/2008/shar8a3/AcidRain_drawing.gif

  9. When chemicals such as nitric and sulfuric acids are burned in factories and forests (deforestation) and enter the atmosphere, they enter the natural biogeochemical cycles and are released in the form of precipitation (Acid Rain). http://library.thinkquest.org/CR0215471/acid_rain.htm

  10. Acid Rain http://simonmccormack.files.wordpress.com/2010/02/p0013033-acid-rain12.gif

  11. Acid Rain affects biogeochemical cycles because its acidity is added to water or soil in the cycle. It remains present throughout the cycle, thus affecting everything impacted by the cycle.

  12. Acid Rain http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/people/faculty/djj/book/bookchap13-19.gif

  13. In the United States, Acid Rain is most prevalent in Northeast and West. http://acmg.seas.harvard.edu/people/faculty/djj/book/bookchap13-19.gif

  14. Acid Rain http://www.gogreen4fuel.com/acidraineffects.jpg

  15. Acid Rain effects our environments by damaging buildings, waters and forests. Its acidity is detrimental to places with balanced pHs. http://www.dec.ny.gov/chemical/8412.html

  16. Acid Rain http://farm1.static.flickr.com/23/95658030_c68a00168c.jpg

  17. Acid Rain can be prevented by stopping the production of emissions, such as nitrogen and carbon dioxide. One way to do so would be eliminating the burning of natural gasses or wood. http://www.blurtit.com/q179579.html

  18. The End

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