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Explore how Imatra addresses the challenge of population decline by creating new job opportunities in the travel industry. Discover the success of their collaboration with Saimaa University in offering tourism and hospitality studies to local students.
Border town in the Eastern Finland • 28 000 inhabitants • Biggest employers Imatra City, Ovako Steel, Stora Enso • Imatra rapids as the oldest travel destination in Finland • Catherine the great visited Imatra in 1772
Why Imatra hasbeenpart of thisproject? • Problem: people moving away from Imatra as there are not so many new jobs available. • Students moving away to study in a university • What to do to stop this trend? • → New jobs has to be created within new industries, such as travel industry and tourism • Saimaa university in Imatra offers degree studies in Tourism and hospitality – co-operation between Imatra city, Imatranyhteiskoulu and Saimaa university within the field of tourism • Students of Imatra yhteislukio have a chance to study tourism and hospitality in Saimaa University and get to know more about the job opportunities within the tourism field
What have we done? • Imatran yhteislukio studentshaveattendedvariouscourses at Saimaa University • Workshopstogether with Narva-Joesuustudents in Narva, Narva-Joesuu and Imatra • Studytrip to Turkey
What have we gained from this project? • We now have Travel and tourism course in Imatran yhteislukio • Every year 10-15 new students will be chosen to study on the course • Co-operation with Saimaa University continues • Students have been very positive about the course and have gained valuable knowledge of studying tourism and working on that field