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Explore how Pericles led Athens, strengthened democracy, expanded the empire, and beautified the city during the Age of Pericles in ancient Greece. Discover his lasting impact on Athenian politics, architecture, and military prowess.
Chapter 11, Lesson 1 Slide 1 *How did Pericles lead Athens? *Around 460 B.C., a leader named Pericles emerged in Athens, Greece. *He remained leader for 31 more years until his death. *His leadership was so important that this time in Athens is often called the Age of Pericles. *He had three goals: • To strengthen democracy • To expand the empire • To beautify Athens
Chapter 11, Lesson 1 Slide 2 -How did Pericles strengthen democracy? -Before Pericles, leaders in Athens had begun to expand democracy. -Pericles supported democracy, but he wanted to change the balance of power between the rich and poor. -To spread power more evenly, Pericles changed the rule for holding public office and wanted officials to lead based on ability. -Before, public officials were unpaid so only wealthy people could serve in government in Athens. -Pericles increased the number of paid public officials which allowed poor citizens to hold a public office if chosen or elected.
Chapter 11, Lesson 1 Slide 3 -How did Pericles strengthen democracy? (continued) -However, to be a citizen an individual had to be a free male, over 18, and the son of Athenian born parents. -In Athens, the form of democracy was called a direct democracy in which all citizens participate in running the government. -In Athens all citizens could propose and vote directly on laws, whereas only elected representatives can vote directly in the United States. -In the US, we have a representative democracy.
Chapter 11, Lesson 1 Slide 4 *How did Pericles expand the empire? *Greek wealth depended on overseas trade and Athens was determined to protect it and its homeland. *The Greek city-states formed a league for mutual protection called the Delian League. *It was called the Delian League because its headquarters and treasury were located on the island of Delos. Athens helped to organize the league. *Pericles used money from the league’s treasury to build a strong navy that was made up of at least 300 warships.
Chapter 11, Lesson 1 Slide 5 *How did Pericles expand the empire? (continued) *The fleet of Athens was the strongest of the Mediterranean region. *Because Athens now had a superior navy, it took over leadership of the Delian League and its treasury was moved to Athens in 454 BC. *The treasury helped strengthen Athens’ power and they treated other members of the league as if they were conquered people, not allies. *Athens dominated all of the city-states to such an extent that they became part of an Athenian empire.
Chapter 11, Lesson 1 Slide 6 -How did Pericles beautify Athens? -Athens was a city in ruins when a war with Persia ended in 480 BC. -Parts of it were burned and most of the buildings were destroyed, but Pericles saw the destruction as a chance to rebuild, glorify, and beautify Athens. -The Greek city-states paid a tribute to the Delian League to help build its power, but Pericles used these funds to beautify Athens. -He spent the money to buy gold, ivory, and marble to create sculptures and beautiful buildings. -He did it without asking approval from the other city-state members of the league which made them angry.
Chapter 11, Lesson 1 Slide 7 -How did Pericles beautify Athens? (continued) -One of the areas rebuilt was the Acropolis which in a Greek city is where important temples, monuments, and buildings are located. -The Acropolis in Athens was destroyed in war by the Persians. -One of the constructed buildings was the Parthenon which was built to honor a statue of Athena, the goddess and warrior who protected Athens. -The Parthenon is considered to be the most magnificent building on the Acropolis and is a masterpiece of architectural design.
Chapter 11, Lesson 1 Slide 8 *Summary *Pericles strengthened democracy in Athens by paying public officials. *Pericles expanded the empire by building a strong naval fleet. *Pericles rebuilt and beautified Athens.
Questions??? • How long did Pericles rule Athens? • What were two goals that Pericles had for Athens? • In the United States, what type of democracy does the government use? • What was the name of the league for Greek city-states? • Which group of people destroyed the Acropolis of Athens? • What is considered to be the most magnificent building on the Acropolis?