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The Revolution of 1848

The Revolution of 1848. Prince Clemens von Metternich – minister of foreign affairs for Austria Felt democratic and nationalist movements would destroy Austrian Empire Crush all revolutionary activity Despite his efforts, revolution spread to Austria in 1848

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The Revolution of 1848

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  1. The Revolution of 1848 • Prince Clemens von Metternich – minister of foreign affairs for Austria • Felt democratic and nationalist movements would destroy Austrian Empire • Crush all revolutionary activity • Despite his efforts, revolution spread to Austria in 1848 • Francis Joseph became emperor in October • Dissolved revolutionary assembly • Rejected new constitution • Maintained empire, but it was weakened • Future foreign crises would weaken it even more

  2. The Dual Monarchy • Francis Joseph was challenged by the Magyars of Hungary • Both worked together to preserve national existence • Ausgleich restored Hungary’s independence • Austrian Empire now a dual monarchy • Francis Joseph would rule both sides • Remained independent politically • Very dependent economically • Dual monarchy restored industrialization in Austria • Agreement was satisfying to most • Nationalists were against

  3. Powder Keg in the Balkans • Ottoman Empire was in decline • Austria hoped to gain territory • France wanted to protect Catholics • Great Britain feared disruption of Mediterranean trade • All powers wanted to prevent Russian expansion • Start of the Crimean War • 1875 Serbia, Bulgaria, and Romania revolted against the Turks • Revolts were suppressed with massacres

  4. The Congress of Berlin • 1877 – Russo-Turkish War • Russia used Balkan countries as a reason to go to war • Gained control over much of the Bulgarian state through Treaty of San Stefano • Great European powers protested treaty • Met in Berlin to revise Treaty • Took away Russia’s war gains • Granted some Balkan states independence, but not others • Ottoman Empire lost much territory

  5. Balkan Conflict • 1912 Balkan forces joined to free members from Ottoman rule • Captured most of Ottoman’s territory • Balkan states began warring with each other • Treaty of Bucharest in 1913 redistributed disputed land • Serbia increased in power • Threatened Austria-Hungary • Russia wanted to expand its own territory • French, British, and German powers tried to maintain balance of power • Prevent Austria-Hungary or Russia from gaining more territory

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