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This study aims to route and simulate MORPC's tour-based demand using a TRANSIMS network, including network conversion, trip conversion, user equilibrium assignment, and sensitivity tests.
Interfacing the MORPC Regional Model with Dynamic Traffic SimulationDavid Roden (AECOM)Supin Yoder (FHWA)Nick Gill and Zhuojun Jiang (MORPC)Rebekah Anderson and Greg Giaimo (ODOT) FHWA – TRANSIMS Deployment Project
Agenda • Study Overview • Network Conversion and Debugging • Trip and/or Tour Conversion • User Equilibrium Assignment and Convergence • Output Results and Sensitivity Tests MORPC TRANSIMS Implementation
Purpose of the Study • AECOM, MORPC, ODOT, and FHWA are participating in a study to route and simulate MORPC’s tour-based demand on a TRANSIMS network • Create a time-dependent TRANSIMS network • Route and simulate TP+ trips on the TRANSIMS network • Route and simulate MORPC tours on the TRANSIMS network • Feedback travel times from TRANSIMS to the tour model • Create a time-dependent transit network and tour routing MORPC TRANSIMS Implementation
Network Conversion Process MORPC TRANSIMS Implementation
TRANSIMS Network MORPC TRANSIMS Implementation
TRANSIMS Coding Concepts MORPC TRANSIMS Implementation
Original/Default TRANSIMS Network MORPC TRANSIMS Implementation
Zone Connector Activity Locations MORPC TRANSIMS Implementation
Freeway Access Problems Loop ramps were added to the TP+ network to improve results MORPC TRANSIMS Implementation
TRANSIMS Travel Demand Concepts • TRANSIMS models individual persons for 24+ hours • Trips between specific activity locations, at specific times of day, using a specific travel mode and vehicle • Activity locations – street locations / block faces • Time of day (start/end/duration) – seconds • Modes – walk, bike, drive, ride, transit, P&R, K&R, etc. • Convert aggregate trip tables to individual travelers at specific locations and trip start times • Zones activity locations within the zone • Daily/time period second of the day MORPC TRANSIMS Implementation
Trip Table Conversion Process Block Boundaries Block Data MORPC HH-Tours Traffic Counts Zone Boundaries MORPC Zone Data Non-HH Trip Tables MORPC Diurnals Subzone Factors LocationData TP+ Scripts SmoothData Activity Location Activity Location Trip Tables Diurnal Distributions ConvertTrips Trip File Vehicle File Household File Population File MORPC TRANSIMS Implementation
Diurnal Smoothing Results MORPC TRANSIMS Implementation
Activity Location Weights • Use subzone socio-economic data to calculate trip attraction weights by trip purpose and orientation for each activity location within a TAZ • MORPC/ODOT provided a block data file to calculate the attraction weights • Inconsistencies between the TAZ and block file boundaries and socio-economic attributes necessitated complex data processing MORPC TRANSIMS Implementation
TAZ – Block Data Integration Issues MORPC TRANSIMS Implementation
MORPC Tours TRANSIMS Tours Activities have locations, start times and durations Trips connect activities MORPC TRANSIMS Implementation
TRANSIMS Router and Microsimulator • Router builds a unique path for each trip • Between origin and destination activity locations (link-offset) • Starting at a specific second of the day • Using a specified travel mode and vehicle • Based on network travel times in15-minute increments • Microsimulator moves vehicles between link-lane-cells on a second-by-second basis • Cells are 6 meters long • Vehicles move 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 cells each second • Speeds = 0, 13.5, 27.0, 40.5, 54.0, 67.5 or 81.0 mph MORPC TRANSIMS Implementation
Microsimulator Feedback Loops Trips / Tours Router Network Travel Paths Yes Yes Change? Change? Stop Microsimulator No Travel Times Bottlenecks MORPC TRANSIMS Implementation
Convergence Statistics • Convergence is defined using multiple statistics • Simulation stability and network performance • Number and location of “lost” vehicles by time of day • Difference between the average link delay and the Microsimulator link delay – vehicle hours of travel by link and time of day • User Equilibrium – no traveler can improve their travel time (impedance) by changing paths • Difference between the simulated path and the minimum impedance path for each traveler – vehicle hours of travel by trip • The percentage of travelers with significant differences MORPC TRANSIMS Implementation
Lost Vehicle Problems Iteration 1 Iteration 25 MORPC TRANSIMS Implementation
Trip-Model Convergence Statistics MORPC TRANSIMS Implementation
Trip Gap by Time of Day MORPC TRANSIMS Implementation
Link VHT Gap by Time of Day MORPC TRANSIMS Implementation
ATR 601: I-70 at Brice Rd. MORPC TRANSIMS Implementation
Total Volume: All Stations MORPC TRANSIMS Implementation
Operational Impact Test • Used the turning movement volumes from the simulation to update the signal timing plans for all signals in the region • Applied Progression to calculate signal offsets • Applied Router-Microsimulator to convergence MORPC TRANSIMS Implementation
Signal Timing and Progression Aggregate Wait Time Problems Signal Progression Corridors MORPC TRANSIMS Implementation
Daily Cycle Failures – Original MORPC TRANSIMS Implementation
Daily Cycle Failures – Operational Test MORPC TRANSIMS Implementation
Next Steps • Implement global iterations between the tour-model and the network simulation • Perform sensitivity tests and future forecasts • Refine operational details in downtown to provide demand data for a VISSIM subarea analysis • Upgrade the model to TRANSIMS Version 5 Studio and Visualizer MORPC TRANSIMS Implementation