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The Evolution of Storage Service Providers: Techniques and Challenges to Outsourcing Storage

Overview. TerminologySSP MotivationsSSP Market EvolutionCase StudiesConclusions. Terminology. Storage Service Provider (SSP): A Storage Service Provider is a company that provides computer storage space and related management services.1 see appendix in workshop paper. 1Yongdae Kim et al,

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The Evolution of Storage Service Providers: Techniques and Challenges to Outsourcing Storage

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    1. The Evolution of Storage Service Providers: Techniques and Challenges to Outsourcing Storage Ragib Hasan*, William Yurcik, Suvda Myagmar National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign First International Workshop on Storage Security and Survivability (StorageSS 2005)

    2. Overview Terminology SSP Motivations SSP Market Evolution Case Studies Conclusions

    3. Terminology Storage Service Provider (SSP): A Storage Service Provider is a company that provides computer storage space and related management services.1 see appendix in workshop paper

    4. Terminology: SSP Services Managed storage Storage management handled by SSP Backup/Recovery SSP does remote backup/recovery Data protection SSP provides encryption/protection of data Replication SSP replicates data for better performance/availability Archiving SSP archives data as mandated by law (see appendix of workshop paper)

    5. Terminology: SSP Classification

    6. Terminology: SSP Classification

    7. Terminology: SSP Classification

    8. Terminology: SSP Classification

    9. Terminology: SSP Classification

    10. Terminology: SSP Classification

    11. SSP Motivations

    12. SSP Motivations: Storage as Utility Compare to Electric power

    13. SSP Motivations: (1) Management Overhead Cost of storage management is 5 to 7 times that of hardware2 Local storage management can take up to 70% of total IT budget3 2 Gartner Group 2001. 3 L. Erlanger. “Storage as Universal Data Tone: New Technologies Provide Global Access to your Storage Systems and your Data,” Internet World, August 2001

    14. SSP Motivations: (2) Regulatory Compliance

    15. SSP Motivations: (2) Regulatory Compliance

    16. SSP Motivations: (2) Regulatory Compliance

    17. SSP Motivations Data sharing Consolidating storage to a central location enables data sharing, e.g. among health-care organizations/insurance companies High availability Cost of downtime is very high ($10k to 100k/hour) [G. Nagle, “The Cost of Owning and Storing Data,” StorageSearch July 1999 ] SSPs can be made contractually bound to provide high availability

    18. SSP Motivations Storage Provisioning storage on-demand, easier to handle temporary demand spikes in storage needs Storage Utilization Only 40% of local storage is utilized Utilization can be more than 60% in consolidated storage [Source: ITCENTRIX Study 2002]

    19. SSP Market Evolution

    20. SSP Evolution: Boom Revival Big players like IBM, HP, EDS, Sun, EMC entered SSP business Increased management overhead prohibits local management of storage Regulatory laws like HIPAA force companies to ensure complianceRevival Big players like IBM, HP, EDS, Sun, EMC entered SSP business Increased management overhead prohibits local management of storage Regulatory laws like HIPAA force companies to ensure compliance

    21. The SSP Market Evoloution The Bust of 2001!! Economic downturn affected SSP customers Market too much fragmented Clients lacked trust on SSPs Storage itself got cheaper Clients preferred traditional vendors like IBM/HP

    22. SSP Evolution: Revival Revival Big players like IBM, HP, EDS, Sun, EMC entered SSP business Increased management overhead prohibits local management of storage Regulatory laws like HIPAA force companies to ensure complianceRevival Big players like IBM, HP, EDS, Sun, EMC entered SSP business Increased management overhead prohibits local management of storage Regulatory laws like HIPAA force companies to ensure compliance

    23. Case Studies New Entrant, Failed SSP StorageNetworks Traditional vendor, Current Market Leader IBM

    24. Case Study: (1) StorageNetworks One of the early startups in SSP market Pure-play business model Data centers in major cities 2nd fastest growing company in 2001 [Forbes] Went bankrupt in 2003 Did not gain trust among big companies Exodus went bankrupt in 2002 – the major host for StorageNetwork’s Data Centers

    25. Case Study: (2) IBM Current market leader with $22 billion revenue in 2004 [Gartner Group] Reputation and established business relationships enabled success with clients Provides managed storage service from its centers at Colorado and North Carolina Storage provided from IBM’s pool of SAN storage; 99.9% availability guaranteed

    26. Summary Our contribution is documenting this market from different perspectives – pieced together from many sources Major SSP Technical Challenges include: security and trust, bandwidth, QoS SSP market is young with unknown future boom-bust-revival business cycle in 10 years major upside potential

    27. Questions? Ragib Hasan <rhasan@uiuc.edu> NCSA Storage Security Project <http://www.ncassr.org/projects/storage-sec/>

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