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THE SHEPHERD’S TREASURE. In Iran, the shepherd lived very simple life. He used to grazing the sheep on the hills. . The Shah decided to test the shepherd’s ability to know people’s sorrow and trouble. He disguised as a shepherd and riding a mule reached to the shepherd.
In Iran, the shepherd lived very simple life. He used to grazing the sheep on the hills.
The Shah decided to test the shepherd’s ability to know people’s sorrow and trouble. • He disguised as a shepherd and riding a mule reached to the shepherd. • He became happy with the shepherd and made him the governor of the district.
The shepherd’s life was simple. He lived in a cave. He was not literate. • The shepherd was sitting at the mouth of the cave. • He saw a traveler coming towards the cave. • He gave water, food and shelter to the shah.
The Shepherd’s Treasure • The governor of the other districts were jealous. • They poisoned the ear of the shah that the new governor was dishonest. • They also told that the shepherd had hidden the treasure in the iron chest which he had collected from the poor people as tax. WOODEN CHEST
The shepherd had a cloak. • He made that cloak from the wool of the sheep. • That cloak was the best protector during the cold winter season. • The shepherd said that the cloak was his best friend.
Read the text from the book and answer the following questions.In a certain ………….. visiting him. • Where did the shepherd live? • How was the shepherd’s financial and educational condition? • Which gift did the shepherd possess? • Find out the word similar to the following meaning: home/bravely/popular/king • How did the Shah become famous in the country? • What did the Shah decide? Why? • It is not ………. to waste time. (advise) • The shepherd was …….. to all. (sympathy) • The shepherd became ……… in the country. (fame) • The villagers felt …………. with the shepherd. (comfort) • The shepherd taught the people to face problems ………… (courage)
So, one day the Shah………… hospitality of the shepherd. • Which dress did the shepherd disguise? Why? • Which animal did the Shah take for the ride? • Where did the Shah find the shepherd? • Why did the Shah feel sure that the shepherd must be somewhere near the hill? • Find out the synonym of ‘search for’/ ‘dressed as’/ ‘entrance’/ ‘food’/ ‘stood up’ / ‘give’/ ‘many’. • What was the shepherd doing ? • How did the shepherd welcome the Shah? • Why was the Shah impressed with the shepherd? • The shepherd was ……….. . (hospitality)
The next morning …….. appointed him their governor. • Why did the shah thank the shepherd? • How did the shepherd identify the Shah? • What did the shepherd about the traveller? • What was the real identity of the traveller? • Which special ability did the shepherd have? • Why was the shepherd surprised? • Which post did the shah offer to the shepherd? • The shepherd was known for his …… (kind) • The Shah’s ……. was his real identity. (appear) • The traveller was not ……. (poverty) • The traveller was an ………… person. (ordinary) • Find out the similar words meaning ‘leave’/ ‘surprised’/ ‘really’/ ‘if’.
In this way ………. dishonestly amassed. • The shepherd became a …….governor. (power) • Did any change come in the shepherd’s nature as a governor? • describe the shepherd as a governor? • Why did the people like their new governor? • Who became jealous of the shepherd? Why? • Why did the governors poison the ears of the shah? • What did they say to the Shah about the new governor? • What was the Shah’s reaction to the governors at first? • What did the shepherd bring with him on the camel’s back? • Find out the synonym of the words ‘ to speak ill of someone’/ ‘with satisfaction’/ ‘modest’/ ‘wealth’/ ‘gather’/ ‘call’/ ‘safely’. • According to the governors the shepherd was …… . (honest) • In reality the shepherd was a ……….. governor. (justice)
When the governor …… to be revealed. • Why did the Shah scold to the shepherd? • What did the shah order to the shepherd? • What were the people waiting for? • Find out the similar words meaning ‘scold’/ ‘valuable’/ ‘disclose’/ ‘bag’.
But how great …… the Prime Minister. • What was there in the iron chest? • Why were the people astonished? • Why did the shepherd keep the cloak with him? • Who was the shepherd’s best friend? • What did the shah do after knowing the Shepherd’s reality? • Find out the synonym of ‘look after’/ ‘respect’/ ‘save’. • The shepherd was ……… governor. (faith)
THE SHEPHERD’S TREASURE • Q. 1. Did the Shepherd welcome the king ? • Ans. Yes, the shepherd welcomed the king, who was in a shepherd’s disguise warmly. They remained busy in wise conversation and stayed together at night. • Q. 2. The shepherd hadn’t been to school because(i) he was very poor.(ii) there were very few schools in those days.(iii) he wasn’t interested in studies.Choose the right answer.Ans. (ii) there were very few schools in those days.
The Shepherd’s Treasure • Q. 3. Why did the other governors grow jealous of the shepherd?Ans. The shepherd won people’s hearts and became famous as a fair and wise governor. In fact his wisdom, sympathy and goodness made him popular. This made the other governors grow jealous of him. • Q. 4. Was the king angry to see the iron chest ? Why ?Ans. People had complained to the king that the new governor kept a part of the tax collected in an iron chest. Further, it was said that he always kept that chest with him when the king called the shepherd, the chest was still with him. So the king was very angry to see the iron chest.
The Shepherd’s Treasure • Q. 5. What did the iron chest contain ?Ans. The iron chest contained an old blanket. • Q. 6. Why did the shepherd always carry it ?Ans. The shepherd always carried it as it had an old blanket in it which he thought of as his oldest and tested friend. It would protect him in case the king takes away his new cloaks.
The Shepherd’s Treasure • Q. 7. Is it an example of the shepherd’s humility or wisdom or both ?Ans. Yes, it is an example of both— the shepherd’s humility as well as wisdom. • Q. 8. Why was everyone delighted to see the iron chest on the camel’s back ?Ans. The people who were present there believed that the chest contained valuables. They thought that it was the money which rightly belonged to the king. So they thought that it could be the proof of the new governor’s dishonesty. So, being jealous of the new governor, they were delighted to see the chest.