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UTMB- Galveston. http://sahs.utmb.edu/ot/. How to Apply. Complete online application https://www.utmb.edu/OnlineApp/Default_Secure.asp?strPurpose=ViewApplication The applicant must send in ALL official transcripts from each college/university that was attended.
UTMB- Galveston http://sahs.utmb.edu/ot/
How to Apply • Complete online application • https://www.utmb.edu/OnlineApp/Default_Secure.asp?strPurpose=ViewApplication • The applicant must send in ALL official transcripts from each college/university that was attended. • These must be sent electronically to Enrollment Services. If the college/university does not have electronic capabilities please have that college/university send a hard copy directly to Enrollment Services. However, this will prolong the time that it takes to process the application • UTMB Enrollment Services 301 University Blvd. Galveston, TX 77555-1305
How to Apply Early Acceptance • Application process opens - July 1st through October 1st (please be aware that it takes approximately 4 weeks to process transcripts) • Invitations to interview will go out beginning October 15th • Interviews will take place in October and November • Acceptance notification date will be no later than December 23rd (2/3 of the class will be filled during early acceptance) All Other Decisions • Application process opens - October 2nd through January 15th (please make sure that you give plenty of time to get all your application materials here by the deadline - be aware that it takes approximately 4 weeks to process transcripts). Late applications will not be reviewed. • Invitations to interview will go out beginning February • Interviews will take place in March • Acceptance notification date will be no later than 1st week in April
Prerequisites Prerequisites do not need to be completed by the application deadline. However, if accepted they must be completed by spring semester of the year of enrollment. No prerequisites are offered on the UTMB campus. • Abnormal Psychology - 3 hours • Anatomy and Physiology (including lab) - 8 hours • Human Movement or Physics - 3 hours (i.e., kinesiology or biomechanics) • Lifespan Human Development - 3 hours • Neurological Basis for Human Behavior - 3 hours (i.e., physiological psychology, behavioral neurosciences, biopsychology, brain & behavior, neuroanatomy, neurobiology, neurophysiology, neuroscience) • Statistics - 3 hours • Sociology - 3 hours (Introductory Sociology courses will only be accepted) • Human Movement, and Neurological Basis courses are only offered at 4 year institutions.
Requirements • Have baccalaureate degree completed by the end of Spring semester before starting program in Fall. A degree in any area of study will be accepted. • Have a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. All courses from all colleges/universities are used for this calculation. If a course was repeated both grades will be used in the GPA calculation. • Have a minimum prerequisite GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. All grades from prerequisite courses are used even if courses were repeated.
Requirements • Have at least 3 prerequisite courses completed before applying including at least 1 Anatomy & Physiology course. • All prerequisites must be completed by the spring semester before starting the program in the fall. Courses will not be able to be taken during the summer semester. Courses must be completed with a grade of "C" or better.
Requirements • The applicant must provide documentation of at least 20 clock hours of observation, volunteer, or paid experience in one or more occupational therapy settings prior to the time of application. • The applicant must independently locate volunteer settings. You will bring this if your are invited to interview. (Do not send to Enrollment Services, as that would delay your application.) • The applicant must provide three professional references. At least one of these references must be from a supervisor (either an OTR or COTA) during your observation, volunteer, or work setting. Reference form is located on the website and instructions on how to send back the recommendation form is listed on the form. • No letters will be accepted. (Do not send to Enrollment Services, as that would delay your application.) • They do not require the GRE.
Selection Process • Once the application materials arrive eligible students will be invited to attend an on-campus interview in Galveston. During this time on campus, prospective students will have an individual interview with a faculty member, have a group interview with other prospective applications along with the admissions committee, and write an essay on a given topic. Also applicants will have the opportunity to visit with current students in the program. • The admissions committee will meet after the last interviews are held for each section (early acceptance and other acceptance). Students are weighted equally on overall GPA, prerequisite GPA, 3 recommendation forms, individual interview, group interview, and written essay. • Notification will be received by email. Please be sure to include a working email address in your application. If accepted into the MOT program proof of immunization record, proof of health insurance, and a background check will be required.
Step 1: APPLICATION – Complete online application • Step 2: TRANSCRIPTS – from every college/university you’ve attended • Step 3: Observation or Volunteer Hours – Bring this if invited to interview • Step 4: Professional Reference Forms – Provide three professional recommendations with at least one from either an OT or COTA
University of Texas- El Paso http://chs.utep.edu/ot/
Program Information • MOT in 2.5 years • Concludes with two 12-week clinical rotations
How to Apply • All applicants to the Master of Occupational Therapy Program must first apply to the UTEP graduate school for admission. Additionally, an application to the Master of Occupational Therapy Program must also be completed. • The application deadline is January 10
Prerequisites • Human Anatomy and Physiology I with lab- 4 hours • Anatomy & Physiology II- 4 hours • Introduction to Psychology- 3 hours • Human Development Across the Lifespan- 3 hours • Abnormal Psychology- 3 hours • Statistics- 3 hours • Behavioral Science elective (suggested course in psychology, sociology, anthropology or health promotion)- 3 hours • Technical Writing or equivalent- 3 hours • Medical Terminology- 1 hour Application to the program can be made before all prerequisites are completed, but all prerequisites must be completed by May of the year of admission
Requirements • Acceptance to the UTEP Graduate school • GRE score within the past 5 years • Grade transcripts of all academic coursework • 3.0 overall and prerequisite GPA (no minimum score is required) • Completion of a bachelor's degree • Course prerequisites • 40 observation/volunteer hours with a licensed OT • Three letters of recommendation
Selection Process • For final admission into the Master of Occupational Therapy Program, students will be required to interview with selected Occupational Therapy faculty members. • Students will be notified in writing of the final admissions decision. • The Master of Occupational Therapy Program will admit up to 24 students per year
Texas Tech http://www.ttuhsc.edu/sah/mot/
How to Apply • To be considered for admission, the applicant must complete and submit the online application and the required documentation: transcripts, verification of observation/ experience hours in occupational therapy setting, two recommendation letters, verification of required immunizations, verification of current CPR certification, and personal essay. • Early acceptance: submit application by October 1st • All other applications must be submitted by December 15th • The program starts in late May each year
Prerequisites • English- 6 hours • Statistics- 3 hours • Anatomy and Physiology (with lab)- 6 to 8 hours • Physics and/or Biomechanics and/or Kinesiology- 3 hours • Introductory Psychology- 3 hours • Abnormal Psychology- 3 hours • Introductory Sociology- 3 hours • Developmental Psychology (across the lifespan)- 3 hours • Electives- 58 to 60 hours At time of application, no more than 9 hours of prerequisites can be in progress and at least two science prerequisites must be completed for file to be reviewed
Requirements • A Bachelor's Degree is not required to apply to our program • A minimum of 90 semester hours, including the courses listed below, is required before starting the program. • A grade of C or better is necessary in each required prerequisites. A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and a minimum science prerequisite GPA of 3.0 is required. For persons with an existing baccalaureate or graduate degree, a minimum cumulative GPA of a 3.0 is required for the last 90 semester hours
Requirements • Verification of a minimum 40 of hours of observation/experience in occupational therapy practice must be submitted as a part of the application • Two letters of recommendation are required. One letter must be completed by an occupational therapist. Letters should be completed by professionals who have observed you during any related volunteer or paid work, previous or present instructors and/or counselors, or previous or present employers.
Requirements • A bachelor’s degree is not required to apply to the program. • The GRE is not required. • You must be CPR certified prior to enrollment in professional curriculum OR application deadline.
Selection Process • A Master of Occupational Therapy admissions committee will review all completed applications. Competitive applicants are interviewed via phone or onsite during the fall or spring semester.
University of Texas- Pan American http://portal.utpa.edu/utpa_main/daa_home/hshs_home/ot_home/
How to Apply • Apply for admission to the Graduate School of UTPA before applying to the Occupational Therapy program at www.utpa.edu/gradschool/. This must be current. • Apply to the OT program through the Centralized Application Service for Occupational Therapy Schools (OTCAS) online at http://www.otcas.org/. All required materials must be completed and submitted online by the February 1st application deadline. • Complete FERPA Consent Form and submit to the Occupational Therapy Department • The deadline for applications is February 1st
How to Apply • Application fee: $50. • Official transcripts should be sent directly to the Graduate Studies office: The University of Texas-Pan American Office of Graduate Studies Administration Building Room 116 1201 W. University Drive Edinburg, Texas 78539
Prerequisites • Anatomy & Physiology I (lecture & lab)- 4 hours • Anatomy & Physiology II (lecture & lab)- 4 hours • Basic Statistics- 3 hours • Psychology of Lifespan- 3 hours • Abnormal Psychology- 3 hours • Anthropology or Sociology- 3 hours • Medical Terminology- 1, 2, or 3 hours * Recommended: Biomechanics, General Physics I, and Technical Writing. Beginning 2014 the following courses will be required prerequisite courses: Biomechanics, General Physics I, and Technical Writing. (If you are planning to apply for the Fall 2014 class, these courses must also be completed by the February 1, 2014 application deadline.)
Requirements • Have a Baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university by May 31st (or before) of the year you are applying. A degree in any area of study will be accepted. • Complete all prerequisites within 5 years of the February 1st application deadline. • Take the Revised Graduate Record Examination (GRE) within 5 years of the application deadline. If any component – verbal, quantitative & analytical writing is missing, the application is considered incomplete and is not reviewed.
Requirements • Indication of volunteer hours and/or work experiences submitted through OTCAS. (No required number of hours). • Provide three references (recommendations) submitted through OTCAS. • The applicant must provide a Personal Statement submitted through OTCAS.
Selection Process • Applicants may be required to participate in a personal interview with the MS in Occupational Therapy Admissions Committee. If required, the Chair of the Admissions Committee will notify the applicant via phone or letter for an interview • Once selections have been made, the UTPA Graduate School will send notification to all applicants indicating whether or not they have been accepted. No information regarding the status of an application is given over the phone. Once a selection is made, the status of your application will be available online at www.utpa.edu/gradschool.
Texas Women’s University http://www.twu.edu/occupational-therapy/
How to Apply • Applications are accepted year round for fall entry, but must be postmarked by October 15 for assured consideration for entry in the subsequent fall semester • Completed online application to Texas Woman’s University Graduate School • Completed School of Occupational Therapy application packet
How to Apply • Step 1: Apply to the Graduate School at Texas Woman’s University www.twu.edu/admissions/ • Step 2: Complete 20 volunteer hours under the supervision of an occupational therapist • Step 3: Obtain two sets of official transcripts from all institutions of higher education attended • Step 4: Complete the Plan for Completion of Prerequisites form Attach copies of course descriptions of prerequisites taken at schools other than TWU. Include course descriptions of courses completed and courses planned. Do not leave any blanks on this form. • Step 5: Apply to the School of Occupational Therapy • Step 6: Mail your application packet Texas Woman’s UniversitySchool of Occupational TherapyPO Box 425648Denton, TX 76204-5648
Prerequisites • Anatomy & Physiology I and II- 8 hours • Elementary Statistics- 3 hours • Abnormal Psychology- 3 hours • Developmental Psychology- 3 hours • Medical Terminology- 3 hours At the time of application, a minimum of 7 credit hours of prerequisite courses for the MOT program (four hours in the biological sciences and three hours in the behavioral sciences) must be completed with an overall grade point average of 3.0 A plan to complete all prerequisites must be submitted prior to enrollment (form is included). To verify whether a course meets prerequisite requirements contact the School of Occupational Therapy admissions secretary at 940-898-2801 or lspratling@twu.edu .
Requirements • Baccalaureate degree completed by time of enrollment • Overall grade point average of 3.0 calculated on last 60 credit hours before completion of baccalaureate degree • GRE not required • Recommendation Form completed by a licensed occupational therapist who can document a minimum of 20 contact hours of supervised observation with that individual therapist
Selection Process • The Occupational Therapy Admissions Committee reviews all complete application packets. Individuals from this group are selected and invited to attend an on-campus interview at either the Houston Campus or the Dallas Campus. During the time on campus, prospective students are asked to complete a writing task, and interview with faculty and area clinicians. Applicants will also have the opportunity to interact with students already in the program during this process. • The Admissions Committee meets approximately two weeks after the interview. Students are recommended for acceptance on the basis of academic proficiency, ratings by clinical supervisor and interviewers, and ability to communicate well in writing. • All applicants are notified in writing as to acceptance status. • If accepted into the MOT program, proof of immunization records and a background check will be required.
University of Texas Health Science Center- San Antonio http://www.uthscsa.edu/shp/ot/
Program Information • Master of Occupational Therapy (MOT) degree is a 33 month (2 ½ years) long program. • Consists of 84 semester credit hours of coursework and 20 semester hours (6 months) of full time fieldwork. • The type of learning you will participate in includes: • Lectures, labs, clinical simulations, observations of clinical assessment and interventions, community visits and group discussions. • Level I Fieldwork – Five different courses providing over 200 hours of observational experiences. • Level II Fieldwork - Two courses allowing students to practice under the direct supervision of licensed occupational therapists in hospital, school, clinic and community settings. (6 months, full-time)
Program Information • Number of Program Graduates: In 2009 = 32. In 2010 = 24. In 2011 = 35. • The number of people who apply has been increasing rapidly: • In 2006 -2007 = 10 Males and 81 Females (Total = 91) applied. 31 were accepted and 29 enrolled. • In 2010 -2011 = 43 Males and 186 Females (Total = 229) applied.41 were accepted and 34 enrolled. • About 1 out of 5 people were accepted this year.
How to Apply • Complete the Texas Common Application and pay the application fee • Send in official transcripts from each college and university currently or previously attended. Applicants who are enrolled in college courses at the time of application should submit an official transcript showing courses in progress. An updated transcript must be submitted upon completion of the courses. • Supporting documents must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar between August 15th and November 1st for summer admission into the Master of Occupational Therapy program. • All application materials, the application fee, official transcripts, and all supporting documents must be submitted to the HSC Registrar’s Office by the deadline of November 1 for summer admission.
Prerequisites • Human Anatomy with lab or Anatomy and Physiology I- 4 hours • Human Physiology with lab or Anatomy and Physiology II- 4 hours • Physics or Kinesiology (Principles of Dynamics of Movement)- 3 hours • Abnormal Psychology- 3 hours • Developmental Psychology- 3 hours • Sociology or Anthropology- 3 hours • Statistics- 3 hours • English (Technical Writing or an advanced writing course)- 3 hours • Medical Terminology- 1 hour By the end of the fall semester prior to summer admission, all courses listed must be completed.
Requirements • Grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) • Two Letters of Reference • A minimum of 40 hours volunteer and/or observation under a licensed occupational therapist • Completion of a bachelor’s degree by the end of the fall semester the year before summer admission
Selection Process • Interviews with Occupational Therapy faculty • Upon admission to the MOT program, these additional items are required: Evidence of current health insurance showing dates of coverage Immunization record: Immunization requirements can be found at the student health center web page Completion of a background check - directions for this process will be included in the acceptance letter