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Discover the essence of relationships, friendship, intimacy, and infatuation as highlighted by Vince Vaughn. What are the end goals of relationships such as marriage, engagement, and weddings? Delve into the traits of healthy and unhealthy relationships, communication styles, and the importance of trust. Find out how to build and maintain healthy relationships through mutual respect, care, honesty, commitment, and setting boundaries. Strengthen your communication skills, learn to cooperate and compromise, and understand the impact of cliques and jealousy on relationships. Explore scenarios like changing friendships, time management in dating relationships, and dealing with peer pressure, judgment, and societal expectations. Reflect on your values and decisions to navigate the complexities of various relationships in your life.

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  1. Relationships

  2. Lets here what Vince Vaughn has to say about relationships! • Relationships= bond or connection you have with another person • Friendship-Significant relationship between two people that is built on trust, caring , and consideration • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAGNvvd2FAA

  3. Intimacy- Closeness between two people that develops over time • Infatuation- Exaggerated feelings for or toward a person

  4. What is the end goal of relationships??? • Marriage??? • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSDmfdiiT94 • The Engagement • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtPkxzHKLpk • The Wedding • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrWBjF9zAq0

  5. Food for thought… • 95% of all Americans marry at least once • The average marriage lasts 9.4 years • Most remarry again

  6. Think, Pair, Share • What are some traits or qualities of a healthy relationship (same sex or opposite sex)?

  7. Think, Pair, Share • What are some traits or qualities of an unhealthy relationship (same sex or opposite sex)?

  8. Some traits to look for…Healthy Relationships • Mutual respect • Care • Honesty • Commitment • Trust • Boundaries • Priorities- goals, tasks, values • Setting limits- deliberate decision to avoid certain behaviors (sexual activity, drugs, alcohol)

  9. Skills for Building Healthy Relationships • Communication • Cooperation • Compromise

  10. 3 Types of Communication Style • 1. Passive- Unwilling or unable to express thoughts and feelings in a direct manner • Ex: I guess you can do that, just don’t tell anyone

  11. 3 Types of Communication Style • Aggressive- Being overly forceful, pushy or hostile

  12. 3 Types of Communication Style • Assertive- Expressing your views clearly and respectfully • * The best and most effective way to communicate. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6LcPfnwGec

  13. Question • How important do you think communication is in relationships?

  14. Question • What do you think is the most important quality in a relationship? • Guy/girl • Guy/guy • Girl/girl

  15. Can you have a relationship with someone you do not trust?

  16. What is a clique? • Do you think having cliques is helpful or harmful regarding relationships? • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBAYiBoy43M

  17. Have you ever been envious or jealous of a friend? • How do you feel? • How do you handle the situation?

  18. You come back next school year from summer break. You notice your best friend has changed…a lot. You’re not clicking like you used to. • What do you say to him/her? • How do you handle the situation?

  19. You are in a dating relationship. Your significant other is consuming all your time. Your grades are suffering and your other friends are complaining you never hang out with them. • How do you balance this???

  20. You have been dating your significant other for almost a year now. Other peers are picking on you because of the fact you are still a “virgin.” You are proud of your decisions thus far, yet your friends don’t seem to be supportive. • What would you do?

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