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Realizing a Government of the People

Government Innovation Strategy. Realizing a Government of the People. November 15, 2018. The Government of the Republic of Korea. Contents. Ⅰ . Government Innovation Framework. Ⅱ . Government Innovation Commitments. Ⅲ . Cases of Government Innovation.

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Realizing a Government of the People

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  1. Government Innovation Strategy Realizing a Government of the People November 15, 2018 The Government of the Republic of Korea

  2. Contents Ⅰ. Government Innovation Framework Ⅱ. Government Innovation Commitments Ⅲ. Cases of Government Innovation Ⅳ. Toward a Better Tomorrow for KOREA

  3. Ⅰ. Government Innovation Framework Vision & Strategies Realizing a Government of the People Vision Objective Promote the Public Interest through Citizen Participation and Trust-Building Personnel Management Budgeting Organizational Management Performance Evaluation Participation and Collaboration Three Strategies A Trustworthy Government Public Values 신뢰받는 정부 참여와 협력

  4. Ⅱ. Government Innovation Commitments Public-Value-Oriented Government 1 Reform the financial systems to pursue human rights and safety 2 Establish personnel, organizational and performance evaluation systems

  5. Ⅱ. Government Innovation Commitments Participation and Cooperation 1 Work with citizens to make policies that meet their needs 2 Pursue an open government that shares information and resources Break down silos for the government to work better 3

  6. Ⅱ. Government Innovation Commitments A Trustworthy Government 1 Work toward a fair and transparent public service that citizens want 2 Carry out citizen-centered innovation

  7. Ⅲ. Cases of Government Innovation Case 1 Gwanghwawoon 1st Street “Civic Space for Policymaking” www.gwanghwamoon1st.go.kr Discussion → Proposals → Consultation → Policy Design An onsite and online platform was established to collect the people’s ideas and design priority agendas. Everyone is welcome to propose ideas, have debates and even design policies.

  8. Ⅲ. Cases of Government Innovation Case 2 Gov24’s Life-Cycle Staged Service “Public Services Available from Cradle to Grave” www.gov.kr • Infants and Toddlers: • One-Stop Service for Happy Childbirth • Children and Teenagers: • Vaccination for Children • Youth: • Employment Support Package • Middle-Aged: • Happy Housing • Elderly: • Property Information Search • Safe Inheritance ‘Gov24’ is a cress-government platform that provides proactive public services and processes civil complaints. A ‘Life-Cycle Staged Service’ is one of the most useful services that touch citizens lives.

  9. Ⅲ. Cases of Government Innovation Case 3 Safety e-Report and Daily Inconvenience Report “Daily Risks and Inconvenience Reported through Mobile App” Available both for Android and iOS Daily Inconvenience Report App Safety e-Report App Safety issues in daily lives can be reported in the form of picture or video. Around 645,160 cases were submitted from Jan 2015 to Oct 2018, and 639,451 have been handled. Daily inconvenience can be reported with the location and images posted. The application ranked first in public service area and was awarded at the App Award Korea 2015.

  10. Ⅳ. Toward a Better Tomorrow for KOREA Government Innovation Is the first step in a journey toward A better tomorrow for KOREA Participation and Cooperation Public-Value-Oriented Government Trustworthy Government

  11. Thank you

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