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Cancer Among Native Americans in Arizona and New Mexico

Cancer Among Native Americans in Arizona and New Mexico. Data Provided by Arizona Cancer Registry at the Arizona Department of Health Services and the New Mexico Cancer Council. Age when Diagnosed with Cancer (Arizona Native Americans, 2005-2009). HIGH PREVENTION POTENTIAL.

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Cancer Among Native Americans in Arizona and New Mexico

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  1. Cancer Among Native Americans in Arizona and New Mexico Data Provided by Arizona Cancer Registry at the Arizona Department of Health Services and the New Mexico Cancer Council

  2. Age when Diagnosed with Cancer(Arizona Native Americans, 2005-2009)


  4. Yearly average count of new cancers among Arizona Native Americans Source: ACR, 2005-2009

  5. CONCLUSIONS • AIAN elders increasing proportion of the population • Cancer screening will be an important aspect of maintaining health as people age • Looking at the “whole person” remains the most important determinant for good care

  6. Introduction to Myeloma:Diagnosis, Treatment, Risk Factorsand Prevalence Alan Bryce, MD Staff Oncologist, Mayo Clinic Arizona Scottsdale, Arizona Rochester, Minnesota Jacksonville, Florida

  7. Multiple Myeloma - Introduction • Myeloma is a cancer of the Plasma Cells • They grow out of control in the bone marrow (at least 10% and as high as nearly 100%) • This results in many problems including: • Low hemoglobin (anemia) and platelets • Elevated abnormal immunoglobulins (proteins) • Bone pain and fractures • Infections (partly due to low normal immunoglobulins) • Kidney problems • Other complications…

  8. Asymp- tomatic Myeloma Spectrum of Myeloma Normal plasma cell Aggressive Myeloma MGUS Active Myeloma Monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance

  9. How do plasma cells become “evil”?

  10. Multiple Myeloma – Causes? • The cause of myeloma is still unknown • Some have suggested: • Radiation- Nuclear Bomb Survivors • Chemicals (benzenes), herbicides and insecticides- The “Myeloma Belt” • Genetics or even viruses • Familial Myeloma – still rare • However, nothing is conclusive, and it is likely a combination of many factors…

  11. Multiple Myeloma • Unfortunately, MM is not a curable disease (yet!!) • Historically most people did not live for much more than 2 years… • However, the average survival is now at least 8 years • This has been a result of three key developments: 1. Early Detection 2. Autologous Stem Cell Transplant 3. Novel Drugs (thalidomide, bortezomib, lenalidomide)

  12. Myeloma rate in Arizona among race groups, 1995-2009

  13. Common Symptoms • Not all patients will have all of these symptoms • Fatigue • Lack of Appetite • Infection • Bone Pain • Kidney Failure • Confusion, dehydration, and constipation (high calcium)

  14. Myeloma Treatment • Principles of therapy • 1. Stop the production of the abnormal plasma cells (chemo) • 2. Strengthen the bone and prevent fractures • 3. Increase the hemoglobin count and reduce fatigue • 4. Reduce risk of infections • 5. Promote well being and quality of life

  15. Conclusions • New Treatments for myeloma have improved survival • Myeloma is usually preceded by many years of MGUS • Screening and early detection can allow therapy to begin before organ damage develops • Bone Marrow transplant and Clinical Trials should be considered when appropriate

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