Religious Beliefs • There are many different Native American religious practices. Beliefs vary by the tribe, and their location. Each religion has its own rituals and ceremonies that are practiced. Native American religion is very closely connected to the land in which Native Americans dwell and the supernatural. There is a lot of mythology connected to animals. Some of the religions are the Peyote Religion, Feather Religion, Bole-Maru Religion, Ghost Dance Religion, Earth Lodge Religion, Drum Religion, Waashat Religion, and the Longhouse Religion. • Native American spirituality is characterized by a strong emphasis on the importance of personal spirituality and its inter-connectivity with one's own daily life, and a deep connection between the natural and spiritual worlds. Their lives are steeped in religious ceremonies often directly related to farming and hunting. They believe that spiritual power, and sacred spirits can be found in all kinds of living and inanimate things-animals, plants, trees, water, and wind. • For Native Americans, a relationship with God is experienced as a relationship with all of creation and does not require an institution or building. It is more of an individual process, or a journey rather than a religion. • Many Native Americans also practice Christianity in combination with their tribal religion. • The American Indian Religious Freedom Act is a United States Federal Law and a joint resolution of Congress that provides protection for tribal culture and traditional religious rights such as access to sacred sites, freedom to worship through traditional ceremony, and use and possession of sacred objects for American Indians, Eskimos, Aleuts, and Native Hawaiians. It was passed on August 11, 1978. This law allows them to retain their native culture without being persecuted for their beliefs as was done in the past.
Celebrations • A Pow-Wow is an event where both Native American and non-Native American people meet to dance, sing, socialize, and honor Native American culture. There is a dancing competition with a variety of dances to compete in. Pow-Wows vary in length from a one day event from 5 to 6 hours long with others lasting up to to three days. Major Pow-Wows, or ones called for a special occasion can be up to one week long. • Girls Shawl Dance at a Pow-Wow. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGljkLiVnPY&feature=relmfu • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twahk5JKYOc&feature=related • Music for the Pow-Wow dance competitions and other activities is provided by a drum circle, a group of performers who play a large, specially designed drum and sing traditional songs. • Mens Warrior Dance at a Pow-Wow. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ubw7aWcQ4E0&feature=fvwrel • Hoop Dance at a Pow-Wow. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gS0QshbclDA&feature=related • Drumming Circle at a Pow-Wow. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IK0Nn9yR4ig&feature=related
Coming of Age Ceremony • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5B3Abpv0ysM • Apache http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4nTZH3jdZI