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Ten tips on consumer rights information, from advice on buying a second hand car to refunds for faulty goods
2.It may come as a surprise that there is no automatic right to a refund if you change your mind after buying goods. Always check the returns policy for an item if you are in doubt, you may not have a legal right to a refund if you just decide you don’t like something. 1. When buying a second hand car you still have the same rights as you do when buying a new one.
3. There is no requirement for a shop to sell goods at a price displayed. This is a commonly-held misunderstanding. In legal terms a price ticket is an “invitation to offer” and isn’t contractually-binding. 4. "Section 75" laws give consumers free payment protection for anything worth over £100 bought on credit cards. If there is a problem with the goods or services you purchase, or the company goes bankrupt your money is protected.
6. Beware the small print! You don’t always have the right to cancel a contract, you’ll only find the details in the small print. No information on cancellation provision usually means no right to cancel. Also note, if you’ve ticked a box that says you’ve read the terms and conditions, the law takes this as acceptance - you can’t later claim you weren’t aware of the details! 5.If goods are faulty, you don’t need the original receipt. It is likely that you will be required to show proof of purchase, but a credit card slip or a bank statement will suffice.
7. When you buy goods online you have the protection of a seven day “cooling off period” from the date the goods are delivered to you. This gives you the right to a full refund without having to give a reason. 8. Always return goods to the retailer. When you buy goods, your contract is with the retailer rather than the manufacturer, and so a claim for faulty goods should go to where you made the purchase.
9. Don’t waste time. If goods have a fault and you wish to claim a full refund you must return the goods to the retailer promptly. The Sale of Goods Act allows you to reject faulty goods within a reasonable period of time, usually three to four weeks. 10. Check the delivery details. If you have an item delivered and the deliverer can’t get it through the door, there is no requirement for them to take it away – they could legally leave it on your doorstep or charge you for its return.