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Installation Workbook Organization. The installation workbook is organized into six sections General Reference (Tabs 1
1. Installation Management InstituteJanuary 2007
PART 5- ASSETS This section of the discussion focuses on Assets. While traditional thought equates Assets with Inventory, the inventory is only part of the equation in considering assets. Assets include not only inventory (what you have) but also planned construction (what you are going to get) and disposals (what you are going to get rid of). While not specifically addressed in this discussion in detail, assets also include leases and facilities or services provided by the other military services regionally that you don’t have to provide locally.This section of the discussion focuses on Assets. While traditional thought equates Assets with Inventory, the inventory is only part of the equation in considering assets. Assets include not only inventory (what you have) but also planned construction (what you are going to get) and disposals (what you are going to get rid of). While not specifically addressed in this discussion in detail, assets also include leases and facilities or services provided by the other military services regionally that you don’t have to provide locally.
2. Installation Workbook Organization The installation workbook is organized into six sections
General Reference (Tabs 1 – 3)
ASIP Information (Tabs 4 – 8)
TAB/Requirements (Tabs 9 – 11)
Assets (Tabs 12 – 15)
Supporting Information (Tabs 16 – 19)
Target FCGs (Tabs 20 and following)
3. Installation Workbook Assets Tab 12 – Unrecognized UICs
Tab 13 - Construction Program by Year
Tab 14 – Facilities by Facility Number
Tab 15 – Planned Disposals This section of the workbook provides detailed information about assets. Assets consist of inventory plus planned construction minus planned disposals.
This section of the workbook provides detailed information about assets. Assets consist of inventory plus planned construction minus planned disposals.
4. The Formula - Assets In the Formula, assets consist of inventory plus construction minus disposals:
The Process – Verify and Reconcile Source Data
Verify Assets
The Workbook Tabs
12 - 15
The section addresses assets. It is necessary to be careful not to confuse assets with inventory. The inventory in IFS is sometimes referred to as assets, but to get a complete picture of assets for the purposes of TAB management it is necessary to take a broader view. The section addresses assets. It is necessary to be careful not to confuse assets with inventory. The inventory in IFS is sometimes referred to as assets, but to get a complete picture of assets for the purposes of TAB management it is necessary to take a broader view.
5. Assets Flow As shown in this diagram, assets flow directly to Installation RPLANS and, simultaneously to Region RPLANS from IFS and, for the National Guard, from a ARNG system called “PRIDE.” Those same assets flow to HQRPLANS through HQEIS. HQRPLANS locks the assets data twice a year based on the end of March and end of September inventory submissions. Installation RPLANS must be updated between 1 March and 10 April and again between 1 September and 10 October. Other updates may be performed at other times when appropriate.
The update of assets in RPLANS is a semi-automated process which involves generating a query using the RPLANS Admin program, running the query against IFS and then posting the files to the Installation RPLANS database using the RPLANS Admin program. Assets in Region RPLANS are automatically updated whenever an installation updates assets locally.As shown in this diagram, assets flow directly to Installation RPLANS and, simultaneously to Region RPLANS from IFS and, for the National Guard, from a ARNG system called “PRIDE.” Those same assets flow to HQRPLANS through HQEIS. HQRPLANS locks the assets data twice a year based on the end of March and end of September inventory submissions. Installation RPLANS must be updated between 1 March and 10 April and again between 1 September and 10 October. Other updates may be performed at other times when appropriate.
The update of assets in RPLANS is a semi-automated process which involves generating a query using the RPLANS Admin program, running the query against IFS and then posting the files to the Installation RPLANS database using the RPLANS Admin program. Assets in Region RPLANS are automatically updated whenever an installation updates assets locally.
6. Assets in RPLANS Because of the flow:
Assets in HQRPLANS will not necessarily equal assets in Installation and Region RPLANS; however the assets in HQRPLANS determine the allowances for “allowance = assets” FCGs
Assets versions in Region RPLANS will be different for the different installations in the region
Because of the timing of the assets flow, allowance equals assets FCGs may show either an excess or a deficit in Region and Installation RPLANS because requirements in installation and region RPLANS are set to assets in unedited FCGs
7. Recognizing Assets in IFSWorkbook Tab 12 – Unrecognized UICs IFS requires a UIC on every assignment record. The UICs now come from an ASIP provided list.
RPLANS gets assignment details including assigned UIC from IFS, but gets UIC descriptions from the ASIP.
If the UIC on the assignment record does not match a UIC in the ASIP in the current version of RPLANS the result is an unrecognized UIC
8. Reports / Facility Details / by Unrecognized UICs Tab 12 is used to identify facilities in the inventory that are not correctly associated with a UIC in the ASIP as it is carried in RPLANS. This report provides a list of every facility in IFS that has a UIC not contained in the current ASIP as compiled in RPLANS. The purpose for having this report is to identify a correct UIC for every record since RPLANS cannot generate an accurate TAB at UIC level if facilities are assigned to incorrect, outdated or unapproved UICs.
The unit description provided in the report is based on the customer ID description in IFS. The customer ID in IFS and the user code in RPLANS are the same data element. IFS is the original source of this data.
If there are a large number of pages associated with this report, which may be the case if there is a problem with the UIC of the garrison or a major tenant, it may be useful to create a report extract that deletes all but one occurrence of each unrecognized UIC and the associated user code/customer ID. This can be done by exporting the report to Excel and sorting on the UIC.
STEPS for TAB 12:
Reports/ Facility Details/ by Unrecognized UICs/ Select Installation/ RunTab 12 is used to identify facilities in the inventory that are not correctly associated with a UIC in the ASIP as it is carried in RPLANS. This report provides a list of every facility in IFS that has a UIC not contained in the current ASIP as compiled in RPLANS. The purpose for having this report is to identify a correct UIC for every record since RPLANS cannot generate an accurate TAB at UIC level if facilities are assigned to incorrect, outdated or unapproved UICs.
The unit description provided in the report is based on the customer ID description in IFS. The customer ID in IFS and the user code in RPLANS are the same data element. IFS is the original source of this data.
If there are a large number of pages associated with this report, which may be the case if there is a problem with the UIC of the garrison or a major tenant, it may be useful to create a report extract that deletes all but one occurrence of each unrecognized UIC and the associated user code/customer ID. This can be done by exporting the report to Excel and sorting on the UIC.
STEPS for TAB 12:
Reports/ Facility Details/ by Unrecognized UICs/ Select Installation/ Run
9. Construction in RPLANSWorkbook TAB 13 Based on analysis of approved construction in the future year development plan (FYDP)
Derived from CAPCES
Does not include host nation funded FIP
Classified as new or renovation (or a combination)
All construction is displayed, but only “new” affects the TAB
Added based on 2 year rule
Workbook TAB 13 - Reports/Construction Program/By Year
EXERCISE: Find an ASIP UIC for three UICs in this report
10. Construction 2 Year Rule Construction in POM included from current FY, minus two years and plus up to four years (2 years prior to current year to four years past)
Current version has data through 2010
New construction is included in inventory after two year “build” assumption (i.e., 2007 projects will impact total assets in 2009)
Included in allowances for “allowance equal assets FCGs”
11. Reports/Construction Program/by Year Tab 13 contains a list of all major construction army (MCA) projects including family housing, ARNG, USAR, NAF, DOD and BRAC funded projects that are in the future year development plan (FYDP). Each project has been annotated to indicate whether the project consists of new area being added to the inventory or renovation of existing facilities. Projects coded as new area are included as part of total assets in the TAB beginning two years after the fiscal year in which the project is funded.
STEPS for TAB 13:
Reports/ Construction Program/ by Year/ Select Installation/ RunTab 13 contains a list of all major construction army (MCA) projects including family housing, ARNG, USAR, NAF, DOD and BRAC funded projects that are in the future year development plan (FYDP). Each project has been annotated to indicate whether the project consists of new area being added to the inventory or renovation of existing facilities. Projects coded as new area are included as part of total assets in the TAB beginning two years after the fiscal year in which the project is funded.
STEPS for TAB 13:
Reports/ Construction Program/ by Year/ Select Installation/ Run
12. Construction Cautions Facilities constructed in less than 2 years:
May be reflected as both inventory and planned construction
Create an artificial excess that can inflate ISR quantity ratings
Facilities taking more than 2 years:
May be reflected in neither inventory nor planned construction
May result in understated anticipated on-hand inventory in the Facility Sustainment Model (FSM) used to generate SRM distribution
13. InventoryWorkbook TAB 14 Based on IFS/PRIDE for Installation and Region RPLANS
Includes permanent, semi-permanent and temporary facilities except ownership codes 0 and 9 (civil works, state owned)
In TABs, permanent assets minus requirements includes permanent, semi-permanent and planned construction
Reports/Facility Details/By Facility Number
Export to Excel
Sort by UM to delete Other Than Square Feet
Sort by category code to delete AFH if desired
On separate sheets sort by Site (INSNO) and by FACNO; Site and by UIC; Site and by Category Code; and Site and by User Code
Print Landscape to align with other reports in the workbook
14. Verify/Reconcile Assets Inventory Verify/Reconcile RPI
Check for correct category code
Check for correct assignment
Focus on problem/target FCGs
Unrecognized UICs – TAB 12
Facilities by FACNO – TAB 14
If significant changes are needed, correct IFS and update RPLANS before proceeding if possible The best way to verify/reconcile the inventory is by a 100% facility utilization study (FUS) of all facilities with the results linked to the installation GIS system. This is not always a practical option, especially in the short run. There are two major goals in this step; to ensure the inventory is correctly classified, to ensure that the occupants.
The best way to verify/reconcile the inventory is by a 100% facility utilization study (FUS) of all facilities with the results linked to the installation GIS system. This is not always a practical option, especially in the short run. There are two major goals in this step; to ensure the inventory is correctly classified, to ensure that the occupants.
15. Reports / Facility Details / by Facility Number Tab 14 is a list of facilities by facility number. This can be obtained from IFS or generated from RPLANS. It is beneficial to do it from RPLANS since the list reflects the data as it is contained in RPLANS. A list from IFS might include changes that have not yet been added to the RPLANS inventory.
It is usually beneficial, especially at larger installations, to export the RPLANS report to Excel, sort by unit of measure and delete all facilities measured in other than gross square feet, then sort by category code and delete all facilities classified in a family housing related category code. The list should then be sorted by Site (if there are more than one Sites listed in the installation composition) and by facility number (also referred to as FACNO). Additional sorts on separate sheets (Site and by UIC; Site and by Category Code; and Site and by User Code) should be added to further assist in analysis.
If the installation has a very large number of facilities it may be expedient to change the format from landscape to portrait and delete some of the columns such as Site. This can reduce the total number of pages by one third or more. Be aware that going to a portrait orientation will require turning the book to read those pages and can be inconvenient if using the book in a vehicle.
STEPS for TAB 14:
Reports/ Facility Details/ by Facility Number/ Select Facilities/ OK/ Highlight ALL Installation Facility Numbers/ Scroll to the Next set of Facility Groups and do the same until you’ve completed all/ OK/ RunTab 14 is a list of facilities by facility number. This can be obtained from IFS or generated from RPLANS. It is beneficial to do it from RPLANS since the list reflects the data as it is contained in RPLANS. A list from IFS might include changes that have not yet been added to the RPLANS inventory.
It is usually beneficial, especially at larger installations, to export the RPLANS report to Excel, sort by unit of measure and delete all facilities measured in other than gross square feet, then sort by category code and delete all facilities classified in a family housing related category code. The list should then be sorted by Site (if there are more than one Sites listed in the installation composition) and by facility number (also referred to as FACNO). Additional sorts on separate sheets (Site and by UIC; Site and by Category Code; and Site and by User Code) should be added to further assist in analysis.
If the installation has a very large number of facilities it may be expedient to change the format from landscape to portrait and delete some of the columns such as Site. This can reduce the total number of pages by one third or more. Be aware that going to a portrait orientation will require turning the book to read those pages and can be inconvenient if using the book in a vehicle.
STEPS for TAB 14:
Reports/ Facility Details/ by Facility Number/ Select Facilities/ OK/ Highlight ALL Installation Facility Numbers/ Scroll to the Next set of Facility Groups and do the same until you’ve completed all/ OK/ Run
16. Other Asset Consideration Accurate, consistent inventory is critical.
Communication between planners, space managers and real property is a vital part of the process.
Verification and reconciliation of assets data is a time consuming but instrumental part of the process.
Facility utilization surveys (FUS) linking assets to CADD/GIS helps maintain accurate data.
FUS can be conducted over multiple years to spread out costs – focus on critical areas first.
17. Planned DisposalsWorkbook TAB 15 Not addressed programmatically based on policy
If temporary facilities, ISR quantity for allowance equal assets FCGs is based on permanent assets only and may not be the default requirement in RPLANS
May be deleted using assets editor to generate TAB reports reflecting the impact of disposal
Can be demonstrated with Excel
TABs show status based on perm and temp
18. TAB 15Planned Disposals This information is not available from RPLANS
Contact the installation POC:
Request a list of planned disposals for the current and next fiscal year by facility number
Ask them to ensure their list includes any facilities listed on a DD form 1391 as a one for one disposal
The preferred format is MS Excel Tab 15, Planned Disposals, is used to get a sense of the planned reductions in inventory through the facility reduction program, the MCA one for one program, or other initiatives. This information is NOT available from RPLANS and should be requested as part of government furnished items during the initial stages of a TAB update.
The information is most useful when it is provided in Excel since this allows facilities to be aggregated by FCG to determine the net effect of the reductions on the TAB. In many cases where an installation shows a gross excess in a particular FCG on the Installation Coarse Screen report (Tab 3 in this workbook) there is a corresponding list of facilities in that FCG on the disposal list.Tab 15, Planned Disposals, is used to get a sense of the planned reductions in inventory through the facility reduction program, the MCA one for one program, or other initiatives. This information is NOT available from RPLANS and should be requested as part of government furnished items during the initial stages of a TAB update.
The information is most useful when it is provided in Excel since this allows facilities to be aggregated by FCG to determine the net effect of the reductions on the TAB. In many cases where an installation shows a gross excess in a particular FCG on the Installation Coarse Screen report (Tab 3 in this workbook) there is a corresponding list of facilities in that FCG on the disposal list.