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學術 與工程 倫理

學術 與工程 倫理. 魏哲和 97.2.25 References : 1. 崔秉鉞 , “ 工程倫理二三事 “ 97.03.11 2. 李世光、林政廷 及 李舒昇 , “ 學術研究與道德責任 : 進入學術領域的第一課” 3.Wikipedia. 科學 與技術 「科學」探索自然的現象及原理 注重知識的認知、真理的尋求 「技術」則是運用、操控自然以達到人為 目的之知識 「工程」注重知識、資訊及技術應用。. Science and technology

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學術 與工程 倫理

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  1. 學術與工程倫理 魏哲和 97.2.25 References : 1.崔秉鉞, “工程倫理二三事 “ 97.03.11 2.李世光、林政廷 及 李舒昇, “ 學術研究與道德責任:進入學術領域的第一課” 3.Wikipedia

  2. 科學與技術 • 「科學」探索自然的現象及原理 注重知識的認知、真理的尋求 • 「技術」則是運用、操控自然以達到人為 目的之知識 • 「工程」注重知識、資訊及技術應用。

  3. Science and technology • Science is the discovery and explanation of nature. • Technology is knowledge of manipulation of nature for human purposes . • Science understands nature, and technology manipulates nature. • Engineering is the design of economic artifacts embodying technology

  4. 「工程」與「科學」 工程    科學 發明運用← 目的→ 發現「、認知 創意、實現← 方法→ 歸納、分析、演譯 精打細算← 成本→ 不計代價 改善生活← 貢獻→ 知識開拓

  5. 學術倫理是甚麼? • 學術倫理 Academic Ethics) 是學術界中約人,從事學術研究的基本道德規範. 只要是以學術為業(無論是從事教學還是研究),都 應堅守基本的工作倫理。 • 所謂 ,國有國法 ,家有家規,各行各業有行規.

  6. 行為約束

  7. 學術研究的基本道德 理性 客觀 一致 誠實 負責 開放

  8. 國內外上常見的違反學術倫理之行為 捏造 (假造) 篡改/選擇性揭露 成果(數據) 抄襲 引用不當 掛名作者 一稿多投 挪用研究經費 研究成果 /專利 歸屬不當 (侵佔)

  9. Acceptance of reuse in some disciplines • In some academic disciplines, verbatim reuse of previously published material is generally avoided but is accepted practice under certain circumstances. • Conference papers that receive limited distribution are often converted into journal articles or chapters in books, and journal articles are often recycled into chapters in books. • Ideas in one journal article are often developed further in subsequent articles by the same author. Doctoral dissertations are frequently republished as books after revision. Material in one book is often reused in another book by the same author, often with different publishers. • Legitimate exceptions to the general norm are numerous, based on the purposes of development and dissemination of knowledge. It is especially important where public safety may be at risk if a single paper is not reaching a wide enough audience, for example in product liability.

  10. 違反學術倫理案例 – 黃禹錫(W.S. Hwang ) • 黃禹錫1952年--- ),韓國著名生物學家ㄝ,曾任首爾大學獸醫系首席教授,他在幹細胞的研究,一度令他成為南韓的民族英雄.但 2005年12月,他被揭發偽造多項研究成果,南韓舉國嘩然1993年宣布培育出韓國第一頭試管牛 • 1999年宣布培育出韓國第一例複製 (clone)牛 • 2002年宣布成功複製豬 • 2003年宣稱培育出4頭能抵抗瘋牛病的牛 • 2004年宣布複製出第一個人類胚胎,並從中提取幹細胞 • 2005年宣布複製出世界上首批與病人基因相符的胚胎幹細胞 • 2005年宣布培育出全球首隻複製狗。 • 2006年調查報告:黃禹錫科研小組2004年發表在美國《科學》雜誌上的“人類核置換胚胎幹細胞”的研究成果與2005年發表的論文一樣,全部出自編造。

  11. 南韓首爾國立大學的九人調查委員會公布調查報告,判定幹細胞與複製醫學權威黃禹錫等人刊登於Science的論文,蓄意偽造實驗結果,其行為嚴重違反學術倫理,而黃禹錫本人應負主要責任。首爾大學調查委員會公佈「黃禹錫造假事件」調查結果,證實黃禹錫及其研究小組除成功培育出全球第一隻複製狗「史納皮」外,其餘科研成果都是造假南韓首爾國立大學的九人調查委員會公布調查報告,判定幹細胞與複製醫學權威黃禹錫等人刊登於Science的論文,蓄意偽造實驗結果,其行為嚴重違反學術倫理,而黃禹錫本人應負主要責任。首爾大學調查委員會公佈「黃禹錫造假事件」調查結果,證實黃禹錫及其研究小組除成功培育出全球第一隻複製狗「史納皮」外,其餘科研成果都是造假 • 黃禹錫隨即出面召開記者會,向南韓全體國民道歉,並宣布辭去首爾國立大學教授之職。黃禹錫也準備撒銷刊登在Science的該篇論文。 • 這樁醜聞不僅令黃禹錫一敗塗地,更重創南韓科學界的國際形象。韓國科學技術部表示,政府無從追討這筆鉅額研究經費,但是可能會終止資助黃禹錫的研究計畫,並且撤銷其「最高科學家」榮銜。

  12. 違反學術倫理案例 –Hendrik Schön • Schön's field of research was condensed matter physics and nanotechnology. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Konstanz in 1997. In late 1997 he was hired by Bell Labs. • Before he was exposed, Schön had received several prizes from professional societies in 2001 and 2002. (三年內發表近百篇論文,大都發表 在Science, Nature等頂尖期刊, 有些實驗結果其他團隊無法依樣做出來;有些結果與目前物理學衝突 )

  13. Less than five years after finishing graduate school, Jan Hendrik Schön was in contention for the Nobel prize. • In late May 2002, the management of Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies, formed a committee to investigate “the possibility of scientific misconduct, the validity of the data and whether or not proper scientific methodology was used in papers by Hendrik Schön, et al., • The Schön scandal provoked discussion in the scientific community about the degree of responsibility of coauthors and reviewers of scientific papers.

  14. Relationship of Technology to Ethics • Technology is a kind of means to the ends of action, while ethics is about choices of end of action. • Technologies are judged as efficient or inefficient toward ends. It is the ends, i.e. the applications of technology, that are ethically good or evil.

  15. Case: Monsanto’s Strategy for Sustainable Economy • In 1997, CEO of Monsanto , took the initiative to re-orient Monsanto toward a future business in environmentally sustainable economies. • Monsanto’s traditional chemical business was in agricultural chemicals, such as pesticides. ( It is said that 0nly 5% of the chemicals reached the target pests of potato crop). • Monsanto’s strategy was to move from being primarily a supplier of pesticides to being a supplier of biotechnology-engineered seeds and seed plant.

  16. Sustainable development is going to be one of the organizing principles in the year to come. • Yet, Monsanto’s vision had not taken into account the possibility that some portions of society would view agricultural biotechnology as an intrinsically evil, because the scale and extent of the possible impacts on the environment were not easily foreseen. • Later, when Monsanto released a genetically altered corn, some worried that genes in the corn would affect butterflies and human. The US govern banned the corn for use in human food.

  17. Monsanto also had a strategy for placing a sterility gene in all Monsanto bioengineered seeds to ensure sterility of any plant growing from the seed. • This strategy was to ensure that farmers would have to buy all future seeds from Monsanto. It was viewed as an intrinsically evil technology to make life deliberately sterile. After public opposition to this strategy, Monsanto renounced it . • Monsanto’s introduction of biotechnology-altered agricultural products hit a public relations roadblock in the 1990s.

  18. Green Technology a. Industrialized economies’ emissions of carbon dioxide ( CO2) to the atmosphere make a significant contribution to global warming. b. Certain industrial and agricultural chemicals have devastating effects on living creatures and even on the ozone layers in the upper atmosphere of the Earth.

  19. c. Since 1990s the adjective green hasbecome popular to indicate business strategies that included environmentalconcerns, such as the phrase green manufacturing.

  20. Humanity Designing Humanity a. In addition to the sensible use of technologies as useful means, some technologies provide means so horrible that any use can be seen as evil. Example of this in military applications include the use in warfare of poison gas, biological diseases, and nuclear weapons. b. Now biotechnology is providing human beings with the technical power to design life itself, even human life.

  21. (c )As the human genome is understand , human DNA can be deliberately altered, then inserted into a human cell and cloned into a human being. (d) As the 21st century began, laws were being formulated in the US to ban human cloning. The cloning of embryos for stem cell research was restricted by the US government.

  22. 工程倫理基本守則行政院公共工程委員會96.03 一、善盡個人能力,強化專業形象。 二、 涵蘊創意思維,持續技術成長。 三、 發揮合作精神,共創團隊績效。 四、 維護雇主權益,嚴守公正誠信。 五、 體察業主需求,達成工作目標。 六、 公平對待包商,分工達成任務。 七、 落實安全環保,增進公眾福祉。 八、 重視自然生態,珍惜地球資源。

  23. IEEE Code of Ethics As per IEEE Bylaw I-104.14, membership in IEEE in any grade shall carry the obligation to abide by the IEEE Code of Ethics (IEEE Policy 7.8) as stated below.  • We, the members of the IEEE, in recognition of the importance of our technologies in affecting the quality of life throughout the world, and in accepting a personal obligation to our profession, its members and the communities we serve, do hereby commit ourselves to the highest ethical and professional conduct and agree:

  24. to accept responsibility in making decisions consistent with the safety, health and welfare of the public, and to disclose promptly factors that might endanger the public or the environment; • to avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest whenever possible, and to disclose them to affected parties when they do exist; • to be honest and realistic in stating claims or estimates based on available data; • to reject bribery in all its forms; • to improve the understanding of technology, its appropriate application, and potential consequences;

  25. to maintain and improve our technical competence and to undertake technological tasks for others only if qualified by training or experience, or after full disclosure of pertinent limitations; • to seek, accept, and offer honest criticism of technical work, to acknowledge and correct errors, and to credit properly the contributions of others; • to treat fairly all persons regardless of such factors as race, religion, gender, disability, age, or national origin; • to avoid injuring others, their property, reputation, or employment by false or malicious action; • to assist colleagues and co-workers in their professional development and to support them in following this code of ethics. Approved by the IEEE Board of DirectorsFebruary 2006

  26. 專業倫理的思考 — 看國際知名法醫 Dr. Cyril H. Wecht遭聯邦罪起訴案 • NanoForensics 報導 曾來台參與2004年台灣319槍擊案調查,咸認為全美最權威的刑事病理學家,也擔任過美國鑑識科學學會理事長與美國法醫學院院長之Allegheny County法醫Dr. Cyril H. Wecht,因違法使用公家資源做私人用途,遭聯邦大陪審團起訴以84項罪名起訴,並立即辭去Allegheny County法醫室主任的公職。

  27. Computer Ethhics (資訊倫理) 運用資訊科技時的倫理通則 Cyberethics (網路倫理 ) 在網際網路中必須遵守的倫理規範,如涉及網路使用習慣之規定、智慧財產權、濫用、電腦犯罪垃圾郵件、匿名、病毒等等 參考 : The ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conducts The ACM/IEEE Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice.

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