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GEOGRAPHY EXPLORATION COLONIZATION AMERICAN REVOLUTION. REASONS FOR EUROPEAN EXPLORATION *Conquistadors-God, glory and gold *curiosity *new empire and land *colonization Significance- founding of colonies and formation of U.S. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND EFFECTS
REASONS FOR EUROPEAN EXPLORATION *Conquistadors-God, glory and gold *curiosity *new empire and land *colonization Significance- founding of colonies and formation of U.S.
PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND EFFECTS Prevent movement-mountains, rivers, plains, oceans Resources, or lack of, affect economy of area Significance-affects westward movement and economies of different regions
REASONS FOR EUROPEAN COLONIZATION Political-spread democracy & control surroundings Social-religious freedom & better way of life Economic-mercantilism, wealth & power Significance-formation of U.S.
FREEDOM OF RELIGION IN THE COLONIES Massachusetts-Puritans & Pilgrims wanted to find religious freedom Rhode Island-Anne Hutchinson & Roger Williams separate church and state First Great Awakening-emphasized education & religion Significance-freedom of religion and religious choice
TRIANGLE TRADE Middle Passage transported slaves to New World Significance-brought slaves to America; South developed economy based on slavery
JAMESTOWN Established in 1607 by English gentlemen 1st permanent English settlement Looking for gold and Northwest Passage Significance-beginning of America
NEW ENGLAND COLONIES New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts Cold climate & poor rocky soil Small farms-produced enough to feed themselves Depended on sea for economy-trade, fishing, shipbuilding Significance-provided ships for slave trade, industry as economy
MIDDLE COLONIES New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware Mild climate, fertile soil Grains-Breadbasket Colonies Immigrants-Melting Pot Significance-provided breads and grains for colonies
SOUTHERN COLONIES Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia Warm climate, very fertile soil Grew tobacco and rice Large plantations that grew cotton-labor source was slaves Significance-provided Northern factories with cotton Slavery-major cause of Civil War
DEBTORS Owed money Settled Georgia which was founded by James Ogelthorpe Significance-settled colonies
COLONIAL GOVERNMENT INFLUENCES House of Burgesses established 1619 in Virginia-1st representative government in New World Mayflower Compact written by Pilgrims in 1620-signed aboard Mayflower-agreement to live by a set of rules. 1st form of self government Fundamental Orders of Connecticut proposed by Thomas Hooker-basis for future governing of a colony William Penn founded Pennsylvania as refuge for Quakers-wrote Charter of Liberties to allow colonists to elect representatives Significance-led to democracy and representative government
CAUSES OF AMERICAN REVOLUTION Taxation without representation Proclamation of 1763-no colonists west of Appalachian Mountains Stamp Act-paper materials had stamp to show tax had been paid Intolerable Acts-punish Boston for Tea Party Significance-colonists angry enough to declare independence
MERCANTILISM Colony exists to benefit mother country Colony provided raw materials and markets-British provided finished products Significance-led to formation of U.S.
BRITISH ECONOMIC POLICIES AFTER FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR Colonists must pay debts from war Parliament & George III start tax Colonists no representation in Parliament Significance-led to independence and war
COMMON SENSE Written by Thomas Paine Encouraged colonists to support independence and war Significance-encouraged colonists to fight for independence
PATRICK HENRY Virginia statesman who said “Give me liberty, or give me death!” Leading Federalist-supported Constitution Significance-encouraged independence and ratification of Constitution
MARQUIS DE LAFAYETTE Aide to Washington during American Revolution Helped train soldiers at Valley Forge Took ideas of Declaration of Independence back to France Significance-spread ideas of American Revolution worldwide
CRISPUS ATTUCKS 1st person killed in American Revolution 1st martyr of American Revolution Significance-propaganda for Patriots
GEORGE III King of Great Britain during Revolutionary period Thought colonists should pay for French and Indian War so started to tax colonists without their representation/vote Significance-taxation policies led to American Revolution and independence
HAYM SOLOMON Financed Revolution for the Americans Significance-financial support for the war
JAMES ARMISTEAD African American spy during the American Revolution Spied for the Americans Significance-Washington gained valuable knowledge of British movements
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN Negotiated Treaty of Paris, 1783 to end American Revolution Served on Declaration committee Inventor Wrote Poor Richard’s Almanac Created “Join or Die” cartoon during French and Indian War Significance-contributed to all major documents of American independence and government
BERNARDO DE GALVEZ Spanish governor of Louisiana Allied with America during Revolution Protected Mississippi River for America Significance-kept Mississippi River open for American trade
WENTWORTH CHESWELL 1st African American elected to public office in America Fought at battle of Saratoga Significance-African American rights
SAM ADAMS Patriot leader Organized Sons of Liberty Believed that taxation without representation was tyranny Significance-civil disobedience to protest British policies-Boston Tea Party-encouraged independence
MERCY OTIS WARREN Patriot playwright Plays encouraged colonist to support independence Significance-encouraged colonists to support independence
ABIGAIL ADAMS Wife of John Adams Reminded her husband to “remember the ladies” Significance-encouraged women’s rights
JOHN ADAMS Patriot leader in Massachusetts Defended British soldiers at Boston Massacre Encouraged independence/Declaration of Independence 2nd President Significance-driving force behind independence
JOHN PAUL JONES Commander of Continental Navy Said “I have not yet begun to fight!” Significance-did not give up, earned British respect
MAJOR BATTLES OF REVOLUTION Lexington was 1st battle of Revolution Concord-British wanted ammunition & leaders Saratoga-turning point of war because France allied with Americans Valley Forge-winter camp of Americans in Pennsylvania-Lafayette and Von Steuben trained troops-horrible conditions, freezing, starving, no supplies-Washington’s leadership kept army together Yorktown in Virginia-Revolution ended with surrender of Great Britain Significance-Washington’s leadership won war
TREATY OF PARIS, 1783 Officially ended American Revolution Great Britain forced to recognize U.S. as a nation Significance-officially established U.S. & forced Britain to recognize U.S.