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Paulding County Schools Guidance & Counseling Presents

Paulding County Schools Guidance & Counseling Presents. Mission Possible: Graduation and Beyond. Your Son/Daughter is Graduating…. …So Now What?. Congratulations Seniors! Only 31 weeks remain…plus exam days All grades still count!

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Paulding County Schools Guidance & Counseling Presents

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  1. Paulding County SchoolsGuidance & Counseling Presents Mission Possible: Graduation and Beyond

  2. Your Son/Daughter is Graduating…

  3. …So Now What? • Congratulations Seniors! • Only 31 weeks remain…plus exam days • All grades still count! • Graduation – May 27th, 2010 @ 7:30 Location: EPHS Stadium

  4. EXAM EXEMPTIONS • To be able to exempt finals student must have an 80 or higher average in the class, 3 or fewer absences, and no ISS or OSS for any reason or any amount of time. • 3 unexcused tardies to class count as 1 absence • Student can only exempt 3 exams

  5. Heading to college or technical school? • Meet all remaining deadlines • Deposits • Final transcript • Scholarships • Housing • Special Programs

  6. www.GACollege411.org website

  7. College Visits • Seniors are allowed to take 2 college visits during a school day this year. The student must bring something back from the admissions office saying they visited campus on that date to be excused. These visits do not count as absences for exam exemptions.

  8. Recommendations • If your student needs a recommendation for college or a scholarship from a teacher or counselor they must request this at least 10school days prior to the due date. They will need to include a resume and the senior application packet available in the guidance office.

  9. SAT & ACT • Sign up now if you need a better score • Make sure you send to all Universities and NCAA clearinghouse where appropriate • Make sure the date doesn’t conflict with an activity before you pay for it • Check deadlines for applications – scores take 4 weeks to come back

  10. FAFSA • Submit an application on-line at www.fafsa.ed.gov with 2010 tax information • The FAFSA can be used to apply for the HOPE scholarship, as well as all other state and federal student aid • Financial Aid Night will be January 31, 2011 at 6:30 to help with the FAFSA

  11. HOPE Scholarship • You can apply for HOPE through either FAFSA or the e-HOPE electronic application at www.gsfc.org • http://www.gacollege411.org/Financial_Aid_Planning/HOPE_Program/Georgia_s_HOPE_Scholarship_Program_Overview.aspx • College Preparatory or Technical Eligibility (3.0 in academics: CP; 3.2 for TP) • Paulding County downloads your high school information to the Georgia Student Finance Commission (HOPE)

  12. HOPE GPA Eligibility • District HS transcript is a numeric grade point average, example 83.4% • all courses on the entire high school transcript count • Coming Soon! Transcript that has numeric unweighted information as well as weighted and unweighted 4.0 GPA…..this is not the same as the HOPE GPA • HOPE GPA – 4.0 scale • All academic courses count, even academic electives • Electives do not count • An 83.4% weighted gpa on the Paulding County School District transcript may not mean that the there will be a 3.0 HOPE eligible GPA • Students must monitor the HOPE eligible GPA on their My411 account on GACollege411

  13. Financial Aid Opportunities FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) must be completed, even for HOPE Scholarship

  14. HOPE Scholarship • Again note…..3.0 Grade Point Average in all academic courses • Only AP (Advanced Placement) courses will receive a .5 weight by Georgia Student Finance Commission • There is no .5 weight added to an A grade.

  15. Important HOPE Information • Even if student is eligible, student will not receive HOPE, if there is no match among: • Infinite Campus (student information system) • FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) • My411 account on GACollege411 • College/university application • Financial aid documentation at college, university, and/or technical college

  16. Areas that cause an eligible student not to show eligible for the HOPE: • 800 number is in the student information system rather than valid Social Security Number • Incorrect Social Security Number • Incorrect Legal Name • Incorrect birth date and/or high school name Carefully and continually check your HOPE information on your My411 account on GACollege411.org

  17. Specialized Technical Preparation • 80% of jobs require a specialized skill • U.S. Department of Labor Statistics • www.dol.gov • HOPE Grant pays for 95 quarter hours of coursework toward technical certification regardless of high school GPA

  18. Final Transcript Request • You must send a final transcript to the school you plan to attend • This request is completed electronically by the student for all University System of Georgia Schools through their My411 account on GACollege411. • For out-of-state transcripts, submit the school’s address when requesting a transcript

  19. Transcript Requests During Year for Admissions and Scholarship Applications • University System of Georgia Schools will receive transcripts via GACollege411 • Transcripts for out-of-state schools and for other reasons will be printed off, reviewed, and mailed • There needs to be plenty of lead time for transcripts to accompany college and scholarship applications

  20. Immunization • Colleges require proof of immunization for entering freshmen • If you do not have this at home, request a copy from your family physician

  21. Scholarships • You can still apply for scholarships after you start college and throughout your postsecondary education • Example: Kennesaw State University offers scholarships in multiple fields

  22. PROBE FAIR, November 3, 6-8 p.m.Hiram High School The Probe Fair is an excellent time to visit with college, university, technical college and military representatives.

  23. Other Probe Fairs • Marietta HS on Sept. 16 from 6:30-8:30 Over 100 colleges and universities will be represented. Douglas County on Sept. 23 from 6:30-8:30 Town Center on Sept. 28 from 6-9

  24. Not everyone will make the decision to go to college next year….. • You and your student can find valuable information on the career section of the GACollege411. org website

  25. Work Ready Assessment Being given during the last week of October to all Seniors.

  26. Work Ready Assessment Measures • core skills • applied mathematics, reading for information and locating information, three skills that are highly important to the majority of jobs in the workplace • work habits • work-related attitudes and behaviors in areas such as carefulness, cooperation, discipline and drive.

  27. Georgia Work Ready CertificateThis certificate is presented to potential employers after high school and/or post-secondary graduation.

  28. Jostens • Jostens will hold a senior class meeting on Sept. 28 at 9 am and at 6:30 they will be here for parents to place orders or ask questions. They can also be reached at the phone number on the next slide.

  29. Contact Information • Penny Berry, Senior Counselor pberry@paulding.k12.ga.us • Jake Kellerhals, Jostens Representative 706-858-5573 • Mrs. Tami Johnson, Senior Sponsor tljohnson@paulding.k12.ga.us

  30. A quote fromApples & Chalkdust: Inspirational Stories and Encouragement for Teachersby Vicki Caruana “Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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