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Beliefs. Wu Wei is a central belief in Taoism. It means "not doing" It is a spiritual request to leave things alone and let nature run its course
Beliefs Wu Wei is a central belief in Taoism. It means "not doing" It is a spiritual request to leave things alone and let nature run its course A person should not manipulate other's thoughts and minds into thinking in a certain manner. One should have faith in the Tao, and allow people to find their own way on their eternal Tao. If one boils away a well, it is against nature. This is called "taking action" or "yu wei" Wu Wei is when people act in a manner that does as little harm as possible to the natural world.
Taoism Tao is the force that existed before all things. By giving birth to one, Tao gave the world a mechanism for balance. The birth of two means the birth of opposites. The birth of three refers to the existence of heaven, earth and humanity. Thus, all creation can be related back to the Tao, the great silent source of harmony.
Origin Place of Origin: China During the time of the uprising of Zoroastrianism in Persia, and Jainism in India.
Founder and Key Figures • Huang Di • • Emperor of China • • Legend: Huang Di visited a hermit and asked him a question. When the hermit finally replied, he told Huang great wisdom, which changed the way Huang ruled over his people. This secret was Tao. • • Tao: the way; to practise the way of nature and to understand how to achieve balance between opposing forces. • Lao Tzu • • Founder of Taoism • • Lao Tzu = “old master” • • The existence of Lao is questionable, and he may have been one of three people. • • He wrote the Tao Te Ching, which is a short collection of wise verses about the way. • Chuang Tzu • • He is one of the authors of the book, Chuang Tzu, which is a collection of stories teaching the Tao for everyday life. • • The secret between Huang Di and the hermit was finally revealed through the book.
Continued • Chang Tao-ling (34 – 156 CE) • • He had a revelation from the spirit of Lao Tzu, which was to organize Taoism into a formal faith, to compensate for the growing numbers of Buddhists. • • He traveled the countryside healing, teaching, and establishing places of worship. • • Chang and his followers became known as the Way of the Celestial Masters. • Chang Chiao • • Rebel Leader • • He wanted to have a new spiritual authority ruling China that followed Tao. • • He and his band of rebels tried to overthrow the Han authorities, but they were not successful (184 CE). However, the “Yellow Turban” rebellion brought more attention to the religion.
Key Practices or Ceremonies • “Taoists place a tremendous emphasis on physical health and longevity.” Tai Chi • Founded by Chang San Feng in the twelfth century CE. • Encourages physical activities designed to bring a person into harmony with Tao. • This harmony is expressed through martial arts such as Tai Chi. • It harmonizes the flow of chi through the body. • ChiEnergy; the spiritual breath of life that moves all existence. • Various movement bring the person into a state of harmony. • Tai Chi has positive effects on a person’s nervous system, blood circulation, and muscle tone. • The movements also massage a person’s internal organs.
bring a balance of chi within a person Balance is disrupted when there is a blockage in the flow of chi within a person’s body. This is treated through acupuncture. Acupuncture targets the pressure points within a body to maintain a proper flow of chi. Practitioners apply tiny needles to the acupuncture points of a person’s body. There are over 800 acupuncture points on the human body. Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture:
Feng Shui • Originated 1000’s of years ago. • “Feng Shui seeks to bring a building into alignment with the environment in order to ensure the best possible flow of spiritual energy.” • This is accomplished by placing doorways, staircases, windows, and rooms in certain geometrical locations. • All choices are made with the optimal use of spiritual energy in mind. • There are eight enrichments of Feng Shui • people’s houses are divided amongst them each area covers a necessity of human life. • The Eight enrichments with their compass directions are: south wealth, money south east, education east, children north-east, relationships north, friends northwest, pleasure west, healthsouth-west. • These are the Eight Remedies of Feng Shui inside a home • Light • Life • Mechanical Devices • Colour • Movement • Stillness • Sound • Straight Lines
Other Interesting Facts The two most sacred writings in Taoism are the Tao Te Ching and the Chuang Tzu. The Tao Te Ching is a collection of 81 short poems, which include advice to leaders and paradoxes about life. The Chuang Tzu has more of a prose writing style, with stories focussing on uniting with the Tao by abandoning society. Taoism has an impact on Canadian culture through martial arts, herbalism, holistic medicine, meditation, and acupuncture.
When Chang Chiao wanted to see a new spiritual authority in China following Tao, he: left China to get away from the growing appeal of Buddhism wrote a book about Tao followed “wu wei” and didn’t take action. tried to overthrow the Han authority with his band of rebels.
Huang Di changed the way he governed his people when he was given great wisdom from a: Grasshopper Hermit Turtle Lobster
Tao means The way The life Energy Food
What does Wu Wei mean? Balance of the soul Not Doing Creating Peace Tao for WOOHHHHH!!
People who practice Wu Wei… Become one with animals Respect the natural world Do the funky chicken Respect the Ying Yang
What does the Wu Wei Request? To let nature run its nature course To pray for nature Wear bling bling Go against nature
Which sacred writing of Taoism consists of 81 short poems? Lu Xiujing Chuang Tzu Yin Shui Tao Te Ching
Tao is recognized as a force that: Helps those in need governs the universe is controlled by the ying yang should be worshipped
Around what time did Taoism change from a philosophy into a religion? 220 C.E. 550 B.C.E. 440 C.E 440 B.C.E.
Tai Chi harmonizes the flow of _______ through the body? Red blood cells Chi Feng Shui Oxygen
The are _____acupuncture points on the human body? 2000 700 650 800