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The Union in Crisis Chapter 10. How did the nation’s expansion lead to the Civil War?. Slavery, States’ Rights, and Western Expansion. Section 1 How did Congress try to resolve the dispute between North and South over slavery? Vocabulary: Wilmot Proviso secede
The Union in CrisisChapter 10 How did the nation’s expansion lead to the Civil War?
Slavery, States’ Rights, and Western Expansion • Section 1 • How did Congress try to resolve the dispute between North and South over slavery? • Vocabulary: Wilmot Proviso secede Free-Soil Party Compromise of 1850 popular sovereignty Fugitive Slave Act
Two Nations • North and South were divided by slavery • North believed slavery was wrong based on religion • South believed that whites and African Americans were not equal and attacked uncaring northern industrialists who took no personal responsibility for their workers • Wilmot Proviso seeks to limit slavery in the territories gained in the Mexican-American War. Passed by the House of Representatives, but rejected by the Senate
Northern Views of Slavery • Laws in the North severely limited the rights of free African Americans • Abolitionists wanted slavery to end • Some white northern bankers, mill owners, and merchants favored slavery • Some northern workers feared that freed slaves would take their jobs
Southern Views of Slavery • Slavery was a part of southern life • Many southerners felt that slavery was good • Many argued that slavery was more kind than the northern system of free labor • Southerners believed that slaves were healthier and happier
Historians • Recent historians emphasize the differences between the regions, racial groups, and social classes • Some kind of major conflict was bound to occur • Question: Could the politicians have avoided the Civil War?
Election of 1848 • Free-Soil Party: supported the Wilmot Proviso to keep new western territories free of slavery • Nominated Martin Van Buren • Popular sovereignty: policy that voters in a territory would decide whether or not to allow slavery; both the Democratic Party and the Whigs support popular sovereignty
Election of 1848 • Democrats: Lewis Cass • Whigs: Zachary Taylor • Free Soil Party: Martin Van Buren • Van Buren took votes away from Cass to give Taylor the victory • Taylor died in 1850; Millard Fillmore, the Vice President, takes office
Compromise of 1850 • Question: What were the effects of the Missouri Compromise, and how did the Compromise of 1850 try to deal with them? • Kept the balance between slave and free states in the Senate; free states only north of 36º 30‘ N latitude • Henry Clay of Kentucky proposes a compromise to admit California as a free state • John C. Calhoun of SC against compromise • Daniel Webster of Massachusetts for compromise
Clay’s Compromise of 1850 CHART Chart: Clay’s Compromise of 1850
Reading Skill: Categorize NOTE TAKING Note Taking: Reading Skill: Categorize
A Rising Tide of Protest and Violence Section 2 • How did the Fugitive Slave Act and the Kansas-Nebraska Act increase tensions between the North and the South? • Vocabulary: personal liberty laws Kansas-Nebraska Act Underground Railroad John Brown Harriet Tubman “Bleeding Kansas” Harriet Beecher Stowe
Reading Skill: Understand Effects NOTE TAKING Note Taking: Reading Skill: Understand Effects
Underground Railroad • Known as the “Black Moses” • Guided hundreds of slaves to freedom • Large reward on her head, but never captured
Kansas-Nebraska Act • Stephen Douglas of Illinois wanted to run for President • Act supported popular sovereignty for area • Passed but made North angry; in effect, Congress repealed the Missouri Compromise since Kansas and Nebraska were above the 36º 30‘ N latitude
Reading Skill: Understand Effects NOTE TAKING Note Taking: Reading Skill: Understand Effects
Violence Begins • Free soilers: 1,200 New Englanders sent to Kansas to fight against slavery • Proslavery settlers opposed them • Kansas had an antislavery capital at Topeka and a proslavery capital at Lecompton • 1856, open violence erupted • “Bleeding Kansas”
Bleeding Kansas TRANSPARENCY Transparency: Bleeding Kansas
“Bleeding Kansas” • John Brown: Following a raid in Lawrence by a proslavery group, he and his followers killed five proslavery men along the Pottawatomie Creek • Summer of murder and raids
Lecompton Constitution • Proslavery group wrote a proslavery constitution for Kansas called the Lecompton constitution • Buchanan accepted it, but Congress returned it. • Defeated by Kansas people the second time
Senate Violence • Senator Charles Sumner, a Republican, gave a speech that attacked Southerners for forcing slavery on Kansas and insulted Senator Andrew Butler of SC • Preston Brooks, a member of the House beat him with his cane • Sumner lived but never recovered; added to hatred
Harriet Beecher Stowe • Uncle Tom’s Cabin: Eliza Harris, a slave, escapes when her child is to be sold • As Eliza heads north, she eludes the slave catchers • Uncle Tom is sold and is killed by his brutal master, Simon Legree, a Northerner • Book had a powerful effect: North became convinced that slavery would ruin the U.S. South believed it was a book of insulting lies.
The Slavery Issue TRANSPARENCY Transparency: The Slavery Issue
Political Realignment Deepens the CrisisSection 3 • What developments deepened the divisions between North and South? • Vocabulary: Know-Nothings Abraham Lincoln Republican Party Stephen A. Douglas Dred Scott Harpers Ferry Roger B. Taney
Shifting Political Scene • Whig Party disintegrates: divided over the issues; nominated Winfield Scott in 1852 • Know-Nothings: nativists; will become American Party; divided over issues
Republican Party 1854, dedicated to stopping “Slave Power” Declared slavery a great moral evil Demanded repeal of the Kansas-Nebraska Act and Fugitive Slave Act; Comprised of antislavery Democrats, Whigs, and Free Soilers from North Farmers, professionals, small business owners, craftworkers joined
Election of 1856 Democrats nominated James Buchanan Republicans nominated John C. Frémont Know-Nothings chose Millard Fillmore Buchanan won the election He hoped that the Supreme Court would resolve the slavery issue
*Scott v. Sandford The Dred Scott Decision 1857; Scott v. Sandford Scott sued his owner Said that he and his wife were taken to states and territories where slavery was illegal and therefore should be free
Ruling The Court, under Chief Justice Roger B. Taney, ruled 7 to 2 against Scott Slaves are property, not citizens, and cannot sue in court Scott not free due to being in free area Missouri Compromise ruled unconstitutional. Slaves were considered property of their owners and Congress could not deprive people of their property without due process of law according to the Fifth Amendment. Antislavery forces were disgusted
Lincoln-Douglas Debates Campaigning for Senate seat from Illinois in 1858 Series of seven debates on the issue of slavery in the territories. Physical contrast in the men was striking Douglas wins election
Abraham Lincoln Studied law and worked at various jobs Served in the Congress in the 1840s Believed that the majority could not deny the minority their rights Foresaw confrontation “A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved—I do not expect the house to fall—but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing, or all the other.”
Senator Douglas Short, stout; known as “the Little Giant” Believed that the majority of people could do anything they wished, even make slavery legal Lincoln gets national attention, although Douglas won the Senate election
Lincoln-Douglas Debates1858 Illinois Senate Race • Stephen Douglas • Agreed with Dred Scott decision on legal grounds • “Freeport Doctrine” says people can vote slavery down by popular sovereignty • Abraham Lincoln • Disagreed with Dred Scott decision (How can we have popular sovereignty if case is accepted?) • Believed slavery should not be allowed to spread to the territories
John Brown’s Raid 1859, Brown and his men attacked the federal arsenal at Harper’s Ferry, Virginia; he hoped to seize weapons and give them to slaves Wanted a slave uprising Colonel Robert E. Lee leads troops; Brown is executed. Northerners saw him as a martyr; his raid deepened the divide between the North and South
Note Taking: Reading Skill: Sequence Reading Skill: Sequence NOTE TAKING
Chart: American Political Parties During the 1850s American Political Parties During the 1850s CHART
Lincoln, Secession, and WarSection 4 • How did the Union finally collapse into a civil war? • Vocabulary: Jefferson Davis Crittenden Compromise John C. Breckinridge Fort Sumter Confederate States of America
The Election of 1860 In April 1860, Democratic Party split into North and South factions In Border States, the Constitutional Union party forms from Whigs and American party (Know Nothing)
Chart: The Candidates for President The Candidates for President CHART
Candidates Southern Democrats: John C. Breckinrigde Northern Democrats: Stephen Douglas, Illinois Constitutional Unionist party: John Bell, Tennessee Republican party:Abraham Lincoln, Illinois Lincoln wins with 39% of the vote and 180 electoral votes; sectional victory
Lower South Secedes Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina Secessionists: those who wanted the South to secede
Confederate States of America South Carolina seceded December 20, 1860 In February 1861, the seven states created the Confederacy and elected Jefferson Davis as President
War Starts Lincoln takes office on March 4, 1861 Vows to enforce the laws of the U.S. and to preserve, protect, and defend the government
Fort Sumter Fort under the command of Major Robert Anderson Running out of supplies April 12 General P.G.T. Beauregard fires on the fort Anderson surrenders
Upper South Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas joined the Confederacy Border States stay neutral The Civil War begins
Political Cartoons: The Nation Divided Political Cartoons: The Nation Divided TRANSPARENCY
Transparency: Forming the Confederacy Forming the Confederacy TRANSPARENCY