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PTSA Membership Counts. 100% of staff are membersGoal is to have 1,200 members by October. Cost is only $12 for 1 parent, $20 for 2 parents, $5 per studentYour membership helps fund our programs
1. River Hill High School Parent Teacher Student Association An advocacy organization whose primary role is to speak on behalf of children and youth, to people & organizations that make decisions affecting our students.
We speak for every child with one voice.
We assist parents to develop the skills they need to raise and protect their children .
Encourage family involvement in our school.
We support the mission of River Hill administrators and teachers.
2. PTSA Membership Counts 100% of staff are members
Goal is to have 1,200 members by October. Cost is only $12 for 1 parent, $20 for 2 parents, $5 per student
Your membership helps fund our programs & services
Join at the PTSA table in the lobby tonight!
3. Student Directory Provided FREE of charge to ALL students.
Delivery date is dependent on YOU, but our goal is end of September.
www.riverhill.org click on Directory
No internet? Forms available in lobby
4. Communications PTSA is working collaboratively with parent and student groups to provide you with current information.
Our focus will be all extra-curricular activities with links to important information
PTSA announcements and Newsletters will be delivered electronically this year on Wednesdays.
Must be enrolled with hcpssnews.com
Archive copies of newsletters will be on PTSA website. Go to www.riverhill.org/ptsa
5. Summary of Parent Programs 2008 -2009 Coffee with Guidance*
Principal’s Coffee
October – Fall College Night*, Testing Information Night*, Study Skills Night
November – Refugee Awareness Night, Flu Shot Clinic
January – College Night for Juniors*, Preparing for Senior Week at Ocean City
6. Summary of Parent Programs2008-2009
February – Writing Skills Seminar
March – Evening with Susan Reimer “How to Talk to Your Kids about Sex”
June – Student Life Expo
7. Student Programs SAT Prep classes – Most Classes Ever Held
Academic recognition, Senior Portfolio Awards, Scholarships
Work with SGA & student groups to support initiatives – Safe School Ambassadors, Leadership Council, speakers, etc.
8. Student Programs National PTA Reflections – Arts Recognition
Serve as grant coordinator for Special Programs –Technology Lab
Host AMAZING Post Prom Party (P3) ensuring safety of our kids on Prom Night April, 2009
9. Teacher & Staff Support Help to fund TeacherWeb & TeacherEase
Provide staff luncheons throughout year
Coordinate Teacher Appreciation Week the first week in May
10. New Programs for 2009-2010 September – Seminar on “Lyme’s Disease”
January – “Mythbusters” about Teen Drug and Alcohol Use sponsored by the HC Drug Free Council
Ongoing – “Safe Home Pledge” campaign to keep our teens safe
Post Prom Party – Plans in the works to provide the best P3 event ever.
New website format– Making information readily available to you. www.hcpss.org/rhhs - Click PTSA or www.riverhill.org/ptsa
11. Volunteers Our PTSA is outstanding because YOU care and volunteer!
Please help us become better -- we can always use your help and feedback.
Volunteer Forms on PTSA table in lobby and on the website under PTSA Volunteers.
12. Other Ways to Support RHHS Grocery Store & Target designation programs
Scrip – monthly gift cards – riverhillmusic.org
Restaurant Nights
Market Day
Verizon Velocity
Boosters Dinner Dance (Feb 2009)
Products, Merchant Discount Cards, Magazines, spirit wear, etc. offered by sport teams & student clubs
Donations to philanthropic collections
13. 2008-2009 Financial Review INCOME BUDGET $75,006.00
Membership Dues $ 9,277.00
Post Prom Party 21,497.67
Program Offerings (SAT) 42,760.00
Special Programs Grant (Art Lab) 8,500.00
Balance Brought Forward 5,919.45
Other ( Market Day, Flu Clinic) 1,708.78
Organizational Expenses $ 4,062.75
Operating Expenses 408.85
SAT Course Offering 20,249.80
Special Programs (Art Lab) 8,500.00
PTSA Objectives 30,968.72
(Classrooms support, P3, Scholarships, Teachers, Parent Programs, etc.)
14. 2009-10 Proposed Budget
15. 2009-10 Proposed Budget
Organizational Expenses $ 3,890
Operating Expenses 625
SAT Course Offering 21,000
Special Programs 10,000
Student Support 25,900
Community Support 1,500
Staff Support 10,878
Carryover Reserve 6,130
16. 2009-10 Budget
17. VOTE on Budget Thank you for supporting PTSA!