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Explore innovative textbook with accent on North American English grammar, integrated writing practice, and mixed-methods evaluation. Contextualized grammar, extensive resources, and student-centered approach.
GRAMMAR and BEYOND Is it reallygoingbeyond? Seyit Ömer Gök GEDIZUNIVERSITY izmir 12 Dec 2013
Outline • What is innovative in thistextbook? • Context • Findings of Pre-use & In-useevaluation • Q & A
Introduction * 4-level series • * TeacherResources • TeacherSupport Resource • Bookwith CD-ROM • 2. Class Audio CD • 3. TeacherSupportWebsite • * Components forStudents • Student’sBook • Workbook • WritingSkills Interactive
Introduction * research-based * content-rich * contextualized grammar * students of North American English. * focuses on the grammar structures most commonly used in North American English * an emphasis on the application of grammar structures to academic writing. * practices all four skills
What Makes Grammar and Beyond Different? * Corpus-based information * Common mistakes sections * Writing practice in class
Context • - Izmir Gediz UniversityPrep School • 750 students • - Modular System (CEFR) / 2 montheach / B2 exitlevel • -At thebeginning of theacademicyear: • 60 % - A1 • 25 % - A2 • 10 % - B1 • 5 % - B2 • - 30-32 hourperweek in eachmodule
List of books A1 - Grammar&Beyond 1 (16 hour) + Grammar&Beyond 1 WB (3 hour) LL Elem (9 hour) 2 Readers (2 hour) A2 - Grammar&Beyond 2 + Grammar&Beyond 2 WB (22 hour) LL Pre-Int (8 hour) 2 Readers (2 hour) B1 - Grammar&Beyond 3 + Grammar&Beyond 3 WB (18 hour) Q-Skills 2 Reading (8 hour) Contemporary Topics Intro (4 hour) 2 Readers (2 hour) B2 - Grammar&Beyond 4 + Grammar&Beyond 4 WB (18 hour) Q-Skills 3 Reading (8 hour) Contemporary Topics Intro (4 hour) 2 Readers (2 hour)
Stages of Evaluation AdaptedfromMcGrath 2002
‘Pre-use evaluation involves making predictions about the potential value of materials for their users’. Tomlinson 2003, 23 ‘In-use evaluation is most reliable when it draws on the experiences of several teachers and several groups of learners’ (McGrath 2002, 15). ‘Post-use/retrospective evaluation’ carried out to weigh up the effects and outcomes of the materials (Ellis 1997; Tomlinson 2003; McGrath 2002) ‘the most valuable’ type of evaluation (Tomlinson 2003)
Methodology • EvaluativeCase Study • Central Phenomenon: The coursebook series • Mixed-Methods:‘QUAN + QUAL’ (Dornyei 2007, 169) -Questionnaire (Quantitative) Interpret: Interpretationbased on quantitativeandqualitativeresults
ResearchQuestions • To what degree does the coursebook series meet the needs, wants and interests of the end users, namely teachers and students? • 2. What are the attitudes of the teachers and students towards the coursebook series?
Data collectiontools andparticipants * In-classobservation + VSR (7 teachers) * Semi-structuredInterview (9 teachers) * Semi-structured Questionnaire (4-point LikertScale / 45 items in total) (160 students) * Semi-structured Questionnaire (4-point LikertScale / 81 items in total)(14 teachers) * Focus-groupinterview (19 students)
Findings Grammar and Beyond Level 1 A1 Module
Pre-use ‘+’ Integration of Writing Contextualized In the writing section, the studentsgo beyond sentence level and see themselves in real practice. This is a big plus, I suppose. The grammar structures are given in context, so the students can be asked to deduce the functional meaningsofgrammar topics. Activities Avoidcommonmistakesareveryuseful as showingwhat is grammaticallyincorrect is a goodwaytoteachwhat is grammaticallycorrect. I personallylikedthe ‘avoidcommonmistakes’ part.It is like a FAQ section of a website. Design Grammarchartsareembeddedwellintotheunits.
‘-’ Level Level Thereadingtexts at thebeginning of eachunitare at timesmoredemandingthanthesubjectto be taught. The passages are long and a little complex at times. Content Pacing Thebook is tooloadedconsideringtheallocated time period. Thestudentsare not givenenough time todigestandmasterthegrammartopics. Activities Not enoughpair&groupworkactivities. Writing It is a good idea tointegratewritingintogrammar; however, thewritingsection of thebook is unnecessarilytoodetailed.
LEVEL (VOCABULARY) Thevocabulary is toodemandingandthesentencesarecomplicated. I had tosimplifythetextsandgrammarpoints. GRAMMAR PRESENTATION
OtherFindings *Almost half of the students in A1 Level want to have explanations in Turkish. *Some of the students and teachers would like to have a revision part after every three units. * Most of the students inteviewed said that they found the ‘avoid common mistakes’ and ‘writing sections’ the most useful for themselves. They also stated that the book improved their writing skills best.
* Some of the teachers found the grammar charts unnecessary. However, the students said that these charts help them a lot. * The teachers and students find the book too intensive to be covered in eight weeks. * The teachers said that the ‘avoid common mistakes’ parts highlight the mistakes which are very similar to the ones their students usually make.
* The writing tasks require students to use certain structures, which sometimes constrains the students. * The listening tasks are used only for checking the answers.
Thank you! seyit.gok@gediz.edu.tr twitter.com/SeyitOmerGOK Website: www.seyitomergok.com GEDIZUNIVERSITY izmir