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Green Button Tech Status

Green Button Tech Status. Marty Burns and Dave Wollman. Agenda. Green Button Organizationally Initiative Nick, Chris, Monisha, Dave, Ian, Marty Standards and Testing and Certification SGIP PAP20, NAESB, UCAIug OpenADE Green Button Technology Information Model XML Tools – XSD, XSLT GBDMD

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Green Button Tech Status

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  1. Green Button Tech Status Marty Burns and Dave Wollman

  2. Agenda • Green Button Organizationally • Initiative • Nick, Chris, Monisha, Dave, Ian, Marty • Standards and Testing and Certification • SGIP PAP20, NAESB, UCAIug OpenADE • Green Button Technology • Information Model • XML Tools – XSD, XSLT • GBDMD • GBCMD • Utility Back End Infrastructure • Tools • SDK • OpenESPI • www.greenbuttondata.org • http://en.openei.org/apps/ • Testing and Certification • Green Button Test Plan • Green Button Test Plan SW Tools

  3. Green Button Organizationally

  4. Green Button • Green Button is • A policy • Whitehouse initiative • A brand • Green Button Logo implies specific capabilities • Interoperability standards and testing andcertification ensure those expectations are met • A set of technologies and associated standards • Green Button Download My Data (ESPI data file) • Green Button Connect My Data (ESPI automated exchange) • Green Button is an industry-led effort to provide electricity customers with access to their energy usage data via a "Green Button" on electric utilities' websites.

  5. An overnight success … years in the making OpenADE (Open Automated Data Exchange) • Early requirements effort for securely sharing energy information with third parties • NIST SGIP Priority Action Plan • Accelerates issue resolution and consensus development • OpenADE / SGIP inputs to NAESB standard REQ21 • Energy Services Provider Interface (ESPI) • Privacy: REQ22 Third Party Access to Smart-Meter-based Information • Flexible file format basis for Green Button • initial implementation use a subset of ESPI and energy usage information.

  6. Key US Government Roles in Smart Grid $ R&D (and ARRA – stimulus funding), National Labs Public Consultation, Utility Engagement, Agency Coordination OSTP/CEQ & Smart Grid Task Force Interagency Coordination State Regulators NARUC – National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Industry Coordination, R&D Regulatory Structure NERC – North American Electric Reliability CorporationNAESB – North American Energy Standards Board Standards Developing Organizations

  7. NIST Smart Grid Interoperability Panel • Public-private partnership created in Nov. 2009 • Approx. 750 member organizations, 1900+ participants • Open, public process with international participation • Coordinates standards development • Identifies Requirements • Prioritizes standards development programs • Works with over 20 SDOs including IEC, ISO, ITU, IEEE, … • Significant international participation • Web-based participation SGIP Twiki: http://collaborate.nist.gov/twiki-sggrid/bin/view/SmartGrid/SGIP

  8. Role of NAESB • Maintains the Energy Usage Information standard REQ18/WEQ19 • Maintenance Update • Maintains the Energy Services Provider Interface REQ21 • Errata update • Lessons learned enhancements

  9. Role of UCAIug • Establish Green Button brand • Guard brand on behalf of certificate holders • Pool marketing resources to promote brand • Work with DOE/VA on Branding • Organize interop tests and manage marketplace feedback • Provide for certification of implementations • Establish an ITCA (based on NIST’s SGIP IPRM V.2) • Implement testing and certification processes • Develop the test plan specifications and software tools to enable certification by authorized test labs

  10. SGIP PAP20: Green Button ESPI Evolution Roadmap Going Forward … SGIP PAP Activities: Coordinates with • SGIMC • PAP 20 • CSWG • SGTCC Requirements for standards and test criteria • Requirements for Green Button and ESPI Rollout Privacy assurance recommendations Test plan consistency Education on implementation strategies, standards, use cases and test criteria ITCA assurances • Facilitate/Coordinate SGIP interactions Cybersecurity recommendations for EUI exchanges Specification Deliverables: Standards(NAESB) REQ.18/WEQ.19 Maintenance Update ESPI Errata Update REQ.21/REQ.22 ESPI New Reqs Update International Version T&C(UCAIug) Green Button Download My Data Test Plan Green Button Connect My Data Test Plan UCAIug ITCA Implementation(EnergyOS) Green Button SDK OpenESPI

  11. How to Reduce Barriers to Penetration • Standards • Consensus among stakeholders • Maintenance and evolution Barriers Impede Penetration of New Technology NAESB Activation Energy Potential Energy • Interoperable products and services Benefits Drive Penetration of New Technology Green Button as Catalyst Speeds Penetration • OpenESPI • Reference Implementations • Open Source Running Code • Development projects • “golden unit” • UCAIug • Users Groups • Implementation agreements • Labeling and Test Certifications • Issues resolution

  12. Green Button Technology

  13. Accurate but useful?

  14. Indirect But Fascinating: Green Button spurs innovation in new areas • Insight: entrepreneur-created web portals analyze energy usage and provide actionable tips; • Heating and Cooling: customized heating and cooling activities for savings and comfort; • Education: community and student energy efficiency competitions; • Retrofits: improved decision-support tools to facilitate energy efficiency retrofits; • Verification: measurement of energy efficiency investments; • Real Estate: provide energy costs for tenants and/or new home purchasers; and • Solar: optimize the size and cost-effectiveness of rooftop solar

  15. Composition and Atom Feed Syntactic Model Atom Feed View Information Model Profile View AtomFeed LocalTimeParameters 0..1 UsagePoint links entrys 1 ServiceCategory Entry:UsagePoint 0..* 0..* MeterReading IntervalBlock Entry:MeterReading 0..* Entry:ReadingType 1 0..* ElectricPowerUsageSummary IntervalReading ReadingType Entry:IntervalBlock 0..* 0..* ElectricPowerQualitySummary ReadingQuality Entry:ElectricPowerUsageSummary Note: This information is multidimensional. Many different reading types, summaries, and readings possible. i.e. not “flat” LocalTimeParameters

  16. Roles and Relationships in Green Button Connect My Data Green Button Connect My Data Data Custodian Third Party Automated Transfer Web Service Provider Web Service Consumer Web Portal Web Portal One-time Authorization Retail Customer User (agent) Green Button Download My Data

  17. Download/Connect My Data and the Utility Enterprise Edge Utility Enterprise Web Web Portal Green Button Data W/O Cost GUI Web Interface MDMA Has EUI Green Button Download My Data RESTful Web Services Green Button Data W/ Cost Billing System Has Cost Green Button Connect My Data

  18. Tools

  19. Web Technologies for Definition and Presentation of EUI File Format Standard EUI file Format

  20. Alternate paths to EUI – single format Sources of EUI Uses of EUI Single Data Format: all at once Power Utility Via: ESPI, SEP2, Web Portal Single Data Format: as sequence Acknowledgements to graphics owners

  21. SDK: Sample Data File Generator Table DrivenData Simulated Data

  22. SDK: Green Button Data File Generator Set the structure of the intervals and blocks Set weightings for weekdays and weekends

  23. SDK: Green Button Data from Table

  24. SDK: VBA Sample VBA code implementing Green Button File Generation

  25. SDK: Green Button Sample XSLT XSLT HTML XML

  26. SDK: GreenButtonDataStyleSheet.xslt Parses XML File for components and renders: UsagePoint ElectricPowerUsageSummary MeterReading IntervalBlock IntervalReadings

  27. Green Button Data Test Site • http://greenbuttondata.org/greendevelop.aspx • 15 minute load profile for 15 days. • daily load profile for 45 days. • hourly load profile for 32 days. • Additional data sets • Gas usage • Water usage • Daily Profile for one year • Sequence of 12 months contiguous data files for same UsagePoint

  28. www.GreenButtonData.org See http://www.greenbuttondata.org/greendevelop.aspx View Sample Data Select Sample Data Set Download Sample Data

  29. https://github.com/energyos/OpenESPI Green Button SDK Golden Unit Implementations Test Tools

  30. http://en.openei.org/apps/?keyword=Green%20Button%20Apps

  31. Testing and Certification

  32. Why We Need Certification • Testing and Certification affords implementers confidence that they will likely interoperate with other independently developed implementations • Minimum agreed performance threshold gives interoperability value and therefore increases the value of the brand • Dispersion of implementations costs implementers • Exception handling code quickly exceeds implementation code • Differences risk functionality apps depend on • Dispersion of implementations costs Data Custodians • Need to deal with Third Parties with different needs and expectations • Unwanted support calls from consumers about difficulties with their apps due to inconsistent implementation

  33. Conformance Testing vs. Certification • Conformance testing evaluates all implemented features of the standard including implementation agreements • Certification testing evaluates a subset of conformance tests based on one or more specific profiles using protocol implementation conformance statements (PICs)

  34. Interoperability Testing and Certification Authority (ITCA) • UCA International Users Group (UCAIug) is seeking Accreditation Bodies (AB), Certification Bodies (CB), and Conformity and Interoperability Test Laboratories (TL) to participate in implementing UCAIug’s Green Button product certification program. This program will include: • Design and implementation of one or more UCAIug certification test programs based on the ESPI NAESB REQ.21 Standard and the UCAIug Quality Assurance Program (see Section 1.3 for reference) • Collaboration with the UCAIug certification test tool partner to smoothly implement the certification test tools and promptly report any errors found during the process • Advise UCAIug on program implementation

  35. How Testing And Certification Is to be Accomplished • OpenADE Task Force develops requirements and implementation agreements for ESPI and produces a test plan that encompasses • Green Button Download My Data • Green Button Connect My Data • OpenADE Task moves test plan matrix (spreadsheet) forward to provide basis for test plan and tools • EPRI Green Button Download and Automated Data Exchange Conformance Suite • Builds out test plan to deliverable status • Builds implementing test tools

  36. Green Button Test Plan Requirements Hierarchy GBTP – Green Button Test Plan Document GBTC – Green Button Test Cases Spreadsheet

  37. Green Button Test Plan • Application Profiles • Green Button Download My Data • Green Button Connect My Data • Smart Device acquires Green Button Data from Data Custodian • Third Party acquires large batches of Green Button Data from single Utility • Original reads (Catch up data) • Collecting Sub-metering Data • Function Blocks • [FB_1]Common • Data Custodian Role • [FB_2]Green Button Download My Data • [FB_3]Green Button Connect My Data • [FB_4] Interval Metering • [FB_12] Cost of Interval Data • [FB_13] Security and Privacy classes • [FB_14] Authorization and Authentication • [FB_15] Usage Summary • [FB_16] Usage Summary with Cost • [FB_17] Power Quality Summary • [FB_18] Multiple UsagePoints • [FB_19] Partial update data • Third Party Role • [FB_20]Green Button Download My Data • [FB_21]Green Button Connect My Data • [FB_22] Security and Privacy classes • [FB_23] Authorization and Authentication – Third Party Role • [FB_24] Request bulk of UsagePoints from DataCustodian • [FB_25] Request of Partial Update Data

  38. What do we have • Green Button SDK • Data set generator • Simulated data sets • Derived Schema(s) to define conformance profiles • OpenESPI realization of Data Custodian and Third Party • Test Plan So Far • Test Plan Document (GreenButtonTestPlan.docx) • Test Plan PICs Starter (GreenButtonProformaPICS.docx) • Over 160 draft individual test case descriptions (GreenButtonTestCases.xlsm)

  39. Testing of Green Button • Green Button Download My Data • Library of unit conformance tests for • Data contents • Internal reference consistency • Self description of data file (e.g. units of measure included with measurements) • Implementation Profiles • Based on CA IOU implementation agreements plus lessons learned • PICs for implementation assertion • Green Button Connect My Data • Green Button Download My Data for baseline • Protocol tests for 12 Use Cases

  40. Composition of Test Plan • Test Plan Document • Identifies standard and background • Identifies profile definitions and implementation agreements • Includes PICs statement proforma • Describes the test library • Has machine readable annex with test descriptions • Test Plan Software (implements test descriptions) • Schema • Schematron • Test Vectors (know good files)

  41. GreenButtonTestCases.xlsm • Each Row of spreadsheet (simplified) • Test ID – unique id of test • Test Requirement – identifies requirement for test • Test Method – demonstration, test, analysis, inspection • Test Procedure – how to conduct the test (script, steps, etc…) • Test Results – how to interpret results • Spreadsheet has macro to: • Generate Test Cases part of Test Plan document • Generate Test Requirements part of Test Plan Document (macro tbd)

  42. Testing Green Button Download My Data • Green Button Data is XML • <UsagePointxmlns=http://naesb.org/espi/> • XSD Tests the structure and composition of a file (XML) against a data type description • <ComplexType name=“UsagePoint”/> • Schematron is based on XSLT and XPATH to allow for assertion based assessments of the contents of an XML file • <sch:assert test="sum(Interval/value) = 100“/>

  43. Other Tests • Inspection • View of web sites • File names • Inidicia • icons • notices • Demonstration • User Interface requirements as needed • Analysis (if needed)

  44. Testing Green Button Connect My Data • Scenario testing • Protocol evaluation • Success scenarios • “connect” establishment • “connect” removal • “connect” data exchange • Push • Pull • Batch • Failure scenarios • Dropped tokens • Lost messages state

  45. Green Button Connect My Data 45

  46. Test Environment: Example with ThirdParty under test OpenESPI with Test Aspect Subproject of OpenESPI Test Stimulus Engine Proxy: DataCustodian UUT: ThirdParty These are expected virtual URL-links used to exercise/test the implementation remotely There needs to be one “Proxy” for each role to use in testing the specific UUT role. Instrumentation Test Harness

  47. Green Button Download and Automated Data Exchange Conformance Suite EPRI Project Team Contributions Link to EPRI project description UCAIug OpenADE Task Force Requirements and Test Plan SW Development Test Implementation OpenESPI / Green Button Apache Licensed Open Source Development Project Open Source Apache 2.0 License UCAIugCertifications Tools Commercial ProductsCertification Test Tools Commercial ProductsESPI Implementations Commercial $$ Products and Services

  48. Technical Activities Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP) SGIP PAP20 Green Button ESPI evolution: http://collaborate.nist.gov/twiki-sggrid/bin/view/SmartGrid/GreenButtonESPIEvolution SGIP Green Button Initiative TWiki: https://collaborate.nist.gov/twiki-sggrid/bin/view/SmartGrid/GreenButtonInitiative SGIP Green Button FAQ: https://collaborate.nist.gov/twiki-sggrid/bin/view/SmartGrid/GreenButtonFAQ Standards: NAESB PAP10 Task Force Project Page : http://www.naesb.org/smart_grid_pap10.asp NAESB ESPI Task Force Project Page : http://www.naesb.org/espi_task_force.asp NAESB ESPI and PAP10 email lists: to subscribe contact Denise Rager at NAESB - drager@naesb.org NAESB Green Button Portal - http://www.naesb.org/ESPI_Standards.asp Users Group: UCAIugOpenADE Task Force Home Page: http://osgug.ucaiug.org/sgsystems/OpenADE/default.aspx UCAIugOpenADE Mail List: http://www.smartgridlistserv.org/cgi/wa.exe?A0=OPENSG-OPENADE UCAIugOpenADE Meetings: tuesdays at 3:00 EST - https://www2.gotomeeting.com/join/844935738, 415-363-0070 #844-935-738 UCAIugOpenADE Green Button Issues List: http://osgug.ucaiug.org/HelpDesk/Lists/servicerequests/GreenButton.aspx Open Source Implementations and tools: EnergyOSOpenESPI Mail List: http://groups.google.com/group/energyos_espi/subscribe?hl=en EnergyOSOpenESPI Web Site: http://www.openespi.org/ EnergyOSOpenESPI Meetings: mondays at 12:00 EST - https://www2.gotomeeting.com/join/129392235, +1 (516) 453-0010 #129-392-235 EnergyOSOpenESPIGitHub: https://github.com/energyos/OpenESPI EnergyOSOpenESPIGitHub Issues List: https://github.com/energyos/OpenESPI/issues General OpenESPI information: https://github.com/energyos/OpenESPI/wiki/ Energy OS home page: http://energyos.org/ Other: NREL OpenEnergyInfo Green Button Apps Repository: http://en.openei.org/wiki/Main_Page Green Button Data Sample/Developmental Web Site: http://www.greenbuttondata.org

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