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IT-Security Researches in Germany and Europe

Learn about leading IT security research institutes and projects in Germany and Europe, as well as academic career opportunities in the field. Explore topics such as cryptography, network security, and secure authentication.

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IT-Security Researches in Germany and Europe

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  1. IT-Security Researches in Germany and Europe Prof. Tsuyoshi Takagi Future University‐Hakodate http://www.fun.ac.jp/~takagi/

  2. IT-Security Institutes in Germany PTB (German NIST) Uni-Bochum, Uni-Essen Prof. C.Paar, Prof. G.Frey (elliptic curve cryptosystem) German Telecom Research Center Berlin BMBF (Ministry for Education and Research) TU Dresden Prof. A. Pfizmann Information Hiding DFG (German NSF) BSI (German NSA) Uni-Frankurt Prof. C.-P.Schnorr TU Karlsruhe Prof. Thomas Beth Research City Darmstadt Uni-Saarland MaxPlanck Institute DFKI (verification technique) TU Munich Verification Technique Uni-Freiburg Prof. Gueter Mueller (network security) DymlerCrysler Research Center

  3. Research City Darmstadt • TU Darmstadt • - Prof. J. Buchmann, number fields crypto, post-quantum crypto • - Prof. A. May, lattice based cryptosystems • - Prof. N. Suri, dependable, embedded systems & software • Fraunhofer Institute • - Prof. J. Encarnacao, computer graphic, water marking, etc • - Prof. C. Eckert, PKI, smart cards, etc. • German Telecom Research Center • - Dr. Friedrich Toensing, network security, etc

  4. Industry-Government-Academic Cooperation Government BMBF (Ministry) DFG (NSF) BSI (NSA) 100% Resource Funding Project-Oriented Grants Grants (projects with university) Private Companies Universities 40~80% Resource Funding Project Oriented Grant TU Darmstdat, Uni-Saarland, … German Telecom DymlerCrysler, Siemens, …. Projects Students Professors Master/PhD Students Research Projects Semi-Governmental Institutes Applied Projects Researchers Fraunhofer, MaxPlack, …

  5. FP6-IST • EU Government, 6th Framework Programme • Information Societies Technology (FP6-IST) • (total budget: 4,000 million Euros) • Network of Excellent (7) • - European Network of Excellence in Cryptology (ECrypt) • - Biometrics for Secure Authentication • - The Future of Identity in the Information Society • - etc • Integrated Project (20) • - Security Expert Initiative • - Towards a Global Security and Visibility framework for Justice in EU • - Integrated Secure Platform for Interactive Personal Devices • - etc • Specific Targeted Project (34) • - Distributed Adaptive Security by Programmable Firewall • - Side Channel Analysis Resistant Design Flow • - Secure Contracts signed by Telephone • - Dependable Distributed Systems • - etc

  6. Academic Career in Germany 25~26 29~31 32~35 38~40 40~45 45~50 | | | | | | Old Master PhD PostDoc Habilitation Associate Full Professor Professor Faculty Member 25~26 29~31 32~35 38~43 43~50 New 2001~ | | | | | Master PhD PostDoc Assistant Associate Full Professor Professor Professor Faculty Member

  7. Juniorprofessor • Same right and obligation as standard professor • - lectures, supervising PhD, grant application, professor meetings, secretary, etc • Non-Tenure Position (3 years + 3years) • - house employment is not allowed

  8. Main Activities • Certificate Authority - Flexi-Provider, CA using Java • Formal Security Proof - security proof for high level protocols • Side channel attacks - meaningful security modeling • Quantum computer - alternative mathematical problems Designs, Codes, and Cryptogrpahy IEEE Transactions on Computers IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals. Journal of Cryptogloy CRYPTO EUROCRYPT ASIACRYPT PKC CHES ACISP ACNS ICISC ICICS INDOCRYPT ISC ….

  9. Research Projects • SicAri, BMBF-Project - security analysis of side channel attacks(300,000 Euro, 4 years) • Verisoft, BMBF-Project - formal verification of cryptographic protocols(800,000 Euro, 4 years) • DFG - public-key cryptosystem for quantum computing age (130,000 Euro, 2 years) • Industry Projects - efficient and secure implementation(100,000 Euros)

  10. Future University - Hakodate FUN • FUN started in 2000. • School of System Information Science • - Chaos Theory, Information Design, Communication, • Humanoid Robotics, Ubiquitous Sensor Network, etc.

  11. Recent Research Topics • PKC over Mobile Phones - software implementation (Java, C) - RSA, elliptic curve cryptosystems - pairing based cryptosystems - side channel attacks • Security of Sensor Networks - implementation of PKC over MOTE - detection/elimination of selfish nodes (with Prof. Osamu Takahashi at FUN)

  12. Small Examples of Selfish Nodes

  13. An Experiment using Simulator NS-2 Node Number 100 Prob. (one extra hop to the left node) Prob. (no connection to the left node) throughput [kbps] probability Through put [kbps] Prob. of the above + ratio of selfish nodes

  14. Thank you! Questions?

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