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GERMANY SPARKS A NEW WAR IN EUROPE Germany sparks a new war in Europe

GERMANY SPARKS A NEW WAR IN EUROPE Germany sparks a new war in Europe Stalin signed 10 year agreement: Non-Aggression pact- with Germany- saying they would not fight Secret part: Germany and Soviet Union agreed to divide Poland, USSR could have Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia

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GERMANY SPARKS A NEW WAR IN EUROPE Germany sparks a new war in Europe

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  1. GERMANY SPARKS A NEW WAR IN EUROPE • Germany sparks a new war in Europe • Stalin signed 10 year agreement: Non-Aggression pact- with Germany- saying they would not fight • Secret part: Germany and Soviet Union agreed to divide Poland, USSR could have Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia • Germany’s lightning attack • Blitzkrieg- lightning war (attack on ground, attack from sky) • Invasion of Poland: German blitzkrieg in Warsaw • This event caused France and GB to declare war on Germany • Western half of Poland will fall to Hitler • Soviets make their move • Stalin sent Soviet troops to occupy the Eastern half of Poland • Finland will resist – fiercely • Soviets pull out the win

  2. French and Brits had mobilized army against Germany • Stationed on Maginot Line- system of fortifications along France’s border with Germany • Nothing happened referred to as a “phony war” • France: “The Germans will never go through the Ardennes!” The Calm Ends • Hitler launched surprise invasion of Denmark and Norway • Denmark fell and Norway surrendered • Germany began to build bases along the coast to launch strikes on Great Britain

  3. The Fall of France • Hitler send tanks through the Ardennes- heavily wooded are in Northern France, Luxm., and Belgium • Germans squeezed between the Maginot Line • Moved across France • Rescue at Dunkirk • Germans had trapped the Allied forces around the Northern French city of Lille • Allies retreated to the beaches of Dunkirk, French Port • G.B. set out to rescue the Army • Ships crossed the English Channel and carry 338,000 soldiers to safety

  4. France Falls • Resistance in France crumbles after Dunkirk • Germans take Paris • French leaders surrender • German Terms of Surrender: • 1. Germans take N. France and 2. leave S. France to puppet gov’t headed by Marshal Petain • Headquarters for Petain was in Vichy France • Charles de Gaulle- French general, set up exile gov’t in London • Commits all energy to taking back France • Will battle Nazi’s until France was liberated in 1944

  5. The Battle of Britain • G.B. stood alone against the Nazis • Winston Churchill- new G.B. prime minister • Hitler will try to invade G.B. • Hitler 1st wanted to destroy RAF- royal air force then land troops • Luftwaffe- German air force began bombing • British will not waver • Technological advances help Britain • Radar- could tell #, speed, and direction of Luftwaffe • Enigma machine- decoded German messages • Germans will give up on daylight raids • Stunned by British resistance Hitler called off attacks • Key to this battle: Hitler could be defeated

  6. Eastern Front and the Mediterranean Axis Forces Attack North Africa • Mussolini, Italy at first neutral • Mussolini declares war on France, Britain after German victory • September 1940—Mussolini attacks British controlled Egypt Britain Strikes Back • December 1940—British attack and drive Italians back • Now Germans get involved: Erwin Rommel, German general in charge of Afrika Corps, battles British in North Africa • In 1942, Rommel first retreats then succeeds against British War in the Balkans • Hitler takes Balkans as he secretly prepares to invade Soviet Union

  7. Hitler invades USSR • Operation Barbarossa begins June 22, 1941 • Germany invades an unprepared Soviet Union in June 1941 • Soviet troops burn land as they retreat (scorched earth policy); Germans move into Russia • Germans stopped at Leningrad, forced to undertake long siege • Winter 1941-1942 – 1 million people in Leningrad die, city still didn’t fall… • So, Hitler looks to take Moscow • Germans almost capture Moscow, but forced to pull back • Both Moscow and Leningrad = WINTER IS AWFUL! • Operation Barbarossa's failure led to Hitler's demands for further operations inside the USSR (like Battle of Stalingrad) (Hitler WOULD NOT retreat!)

  8. U.S. Aids its Allies • Most Americans want to avoid war • Roosevelt fears that if allies fall, U.S. would have to fight • He hopes to strengthen allies so they can resist Germany • Lend-Lease Act—U.S. Lend and lease weapons and supplies to countries vital to the US • FDR and Winston Churchill issue Atlantic Charter, later agreed upon by allies • The Charter stated the ideal goals of the war • Set ideas forward for post-war world.

  9. CHARTER GOALS no territorial gains were to be sought by the US or UK territorial adjustments must be in accord with the wishes of the peoples concerned; all people had a right to self-determination; trade barriers were to be lowered; there was to be global economic cooperation and advancement of social welfare; the participants would work for a world free of want and fear; the participants would work for freedom of the seas; there was to be disarmament of aggressor nations, and a postwar common disarmament.

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