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8 Parts of Speech

8 Parts of Speech. 1/17/2014. Noun Pronoun Adjective Verb Adverb Preposition Conjunction Interjection. 8 Parts of Speech. Noun. A Noun is a word used to name a person, place, thing or an Idea. *Every sentence has a noun.

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8 Parts of Speech

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  1. 8 Parts of Speech 1/17/2014

  2. Noun • Pronoun • Adjective • Verb • Adverb • Preposition • Conjunction • Interjection 8 Parts of Speech

  3. Noun A Noun is a word used to name a person, place, thing or an Idea. *Every sentence has a noun. *If it does not have a noun then it is not a complete sentence.

  4. Noun cont. *Common Noun- general name for a person, place, thing, or idea. -Scientist, Woman, City, Building *Proper Noun- names a particular person, place, thing or idea. -Coretta Scott King, Mexico, North America, World Trade Center *Concrete Noun- names an object that can be perceived by the senses. -Cloud, Love, Thunder, Silk *Abstract Noun- names an idea, a feeling, a quality, or a characteristic. -Freedom, Love, Beauty, Joy

  5. *Collective Noun-namesa group of person or things. -audience, class, committee, family *Compound Noun- two or more words used together as a single noun. -firefighter, Prime Minister, Sister-in-law Noun Cont.

  6. Examples: -The State of New Mexico is in the southwestern part of the United States. -Kalya, my friend, is a gifted violinist. -We are planning a visit to our grandparents and other relatives in San Francisco. Noun Cont.

  7. Governor • Patriotism • Chinatown • Orchestra • Chairperson • Cheerleaders • Halle Berry • Loyalty • Violin What Kind of Noun is It?

  8. Questions, Concerns, Comments, Testimonies

  9. Pronoun -is a word used in place of one or more nouns. Example: Gloria stepped back from the picture and looked at it carefully. (The pronoun it takes the pace of the noun picture.)

  10. Pronouns Cont. Examples: -Where is Lian? She said she would be here on time. (The pronoun she takes the place of Lian twice.) -Our teacher and Mr. Barnes said they would go to the meeting. (The pronoun they takes the place of two nouns: teacher and Mr. Barnes.) -Thomas closed his book and put it down. (The pronouns his takes the place of Thomas and the pronoun it takes the place of book.)

  11. Examples Directions: In each sentence, write down the sentence and underline the pronoun on your own sheet of paper. 1.) The coach showed the players how they should throw the ball. 2.) Why did Janet take her dog to the veterinarian? 3.) Have the birds flown south yet? They should start migrating soon. 4.)Lee hit a home run. It was his first of the season. 5.)Manuel bought himself a bicycle helmet.

  12. Examples Answers 1.)The coach showed the players how they should throw the ball. -Players =noun & They= Pronoun 2.)Why did Janet take her dog to the veterinarian? -Janet = noun & Her= Pronoun 3.) Have the birds flown south yet? They should start migrating soon. -Birds = noun & They = Pronoun 4.) Lee hit a home run. It was his first of the season. -Lee = noun & his =Pronoun -Home run= noun & It =Pronoun 5.) Manuel bought himself a bicycle helmet. -Manuel = noun & himself = Pronoun

  13. Questions, Comments, Testimonies

  14. Verb and Adverb

  15. Verb -is a word used to express an action or a state of being. Example. -The sheep jumped over the moon. (Jumped is the verb)

  16. Different types of verbs Action Verb -expresses activity, whether physical or mental Transitive verb -expresses an action that is directed toward a person or thing named in the sentence. Intransitive verb -expresses an action(or tells something about the subject) without reference to an object. Ex. Marcie studied her notes. (transitive) Marcie studied very late. (intransitive)

  17. Linking Verb -links the subject with a noun, a pronoun, or an adjective. Ex. -The answer is three. -The winner could be you. -The answer is correct. -The casserole tasted strange.

  18. Most commonly used Linking words

  19. Examples -The poet wrote a sonnet.(transitive) -The poet wrote carefully. (Intransitive) -After we eat our sandwiches, we can go outside. (transitive) -After we eat at my house, we can go outside. -I’m reading an article in Time magazine about sharks. (transitive) -I’m reading. (intransitive)

  20. Helping Verbs -Help out the main verb in a sentence. Ex. -Mary could jump high. -John does sing at church. -Brice should move to Miami with his family.

  21. Verb ExamplesUnderline the verb and tell me if verb is a linking, action, or helping verb 1.) Tyler is my best friend. 2.) The ice-covered branches seem fragile and glasslike. 3.) In her spare time my mother designs and pieces quilts. 4.) Our class has been studying the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. 5.)Some people may ask why these structures are called wonders. 6.) The pyramids of Egypt were constructed around 2600 B.C.

  22. Adverb -modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. Tells where, when, how , or what to extent.

  23. ExamplesWhere?- Please set the package here. When?- Yesterday we went on a picnic. How? –The audience responded enthusiastically. -She quickly agreed. -We lived there. -Our flight lands soon.

  24. **Adjective** -is a word used to modify a noun or a pronoun. -modifies a noun by telling what kind, which one, how many, or how much. Examples: The sky is grey. (Grey, What kind) Everybody has five fingers . (Five, How many)

  25. Adjective Examples Name that Adjective -A sweating, exhausted runner crossed the line. -A dog, old and flea-bitten, snored in the sun. -Beverly was worried. -She felt nervous about the play. -That store sells those basketball shoes. -Mr. Jackson is a great, energetic, fun teacher at Pinecrest High School.

  26. Write down the Adjective in the sentence. • The movie is set in the West during the latter part of the nineteenth century. • John J. Dunbar, the main character, is a Civil War veteran. • Dunbar had been an army lieutenant. • The Lakota Siouz, cautious and apprehensive, eventually befriend Dunbar. • The friendly lieutenant maintains a peaceful relationship with the Lakota Sioux.

  27. Preposition -is a word used to show the relationship of a noun or a pronoun to some other word. Examples -The saint Bernard slept near my bed. -The saint Bernard slept under my bed. -The saint Bernard slept on my bed.

  28. Compound Prepositions

  29. Write down the Preposition in the sentence • In 1840, the British issued the first postage stamps. • Prior to this innovation, the recipient usually was responsible for the postage. • Thus, mail service was used mainly by the wealthy. • However, the new “penny post” made mail delivery affordable for the most people. • Soon, people throughout Britain were sending each other greeting cards.

  30. Conjunction -is a word used to join words or groups of words.

  31. Conjunctions -and, but, or, nor, for, yet, so -both, and, not only, but also, either, neither, whether Examples Paths and streets are shown on the park map. You might see a seagull on land or at sea. Both Jim and Roberto were outstanding athletes.

  32. You try some….1.) We want to go not only to Ontario but also to Quebec. 2.) Either we will buy it now or we will wait for the next sale. 3.) Diego and I are doing our research report on Jesse Jackson. 4.) We admire both his courage and his skill as a public speaker. 5.) Whether it rains or not, the soccer game will take place.

  33. Interjection-is a word used to express emotion. It has no grammatical relation to the other words in the sentence.

  34. Examples -hey -ouch -wow -ooops -well -well -yikes 1.) Hey! Be careful of the wire! 2.) There’s a skunk somewhere, ugh! 3.) I like that outfit, but, wow, its really expensive.

  35. Read carefully and identify the part of speech that is italicized. 1.) Marianne exhibited her modelspacecraft at the science fair. 2.) How long did it take Marianne to build the model? 3.) We stopped by your house, but you weren’t home. 4.) At what time did you stop by? 5.) Doesn’t Ms. Napolicoach the girls’ basketball team? 6.) She is also the coach of the school’s swim team. 7.) Everyonebut Bethany was at the meeting. 8.) Actually, Bethany came to the meeting but left early. 9.) Are you a member of the student council? 10.) Selena always volunteers to help.

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