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Digital Futures Support materials for use with the DEFT resources. Digital Futures. Aims of DEFT. understanding more about what it means to be digitally literate exploring and sharing the potential of digital technologies sharing and developing good practice in teaching.
Digital Futures Support materials for use with the DEFT resources Digital Futures
Aims of DEFT • understanding more about what it means to be digitally literate • exploring and sharing the potential of digital technologies • sharing and developing good practice in teaching
Exploring what is meant by literacy What do you understand by the term "literacy"? • Do you feel this term has changed its meaning during your life time? • Has it changed since your parents and grandparents were young? • What does literacy mean in the everyday lives of the children you teach? Video:Glynda Hall from the University of California presents the changing nature of literacy
Your use of literacy in everyday life Map/list all the literacy related activities you have done so far today/over the past 24 hours.... Compare them with others. Experiment with grouping your uses of literacy in different ways e.g. - forms of texts, purposes, audiences, use of technology etc. What do you notice about your use of literacy in everyday life?
Views on literacy • as....a set of cognitive skills? • As social practice • “autonomous” and “ideological” models of literacy – See Brian Street (1985) • Critical literacy • Video: Exploring definitions of literacy, what it means to be a literate person in the 21st Century and implications for teaching • more needed here Other linksMerchant, G. Guy (2007). Writing the future in the digital age. Literacy, 41 (3), 118-128. Glynda Hull http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvAlqheqLZg Lankshear, C. and Knobel, M.2011.New Literacies: Changing Knowledge and Classroom Learning (3rd ed.).Buckingham: Open University Press. Lankshear, C. and Knobel, M. (2006).Digital literacy and digital literacies: Policy, pedagogy and research considerations for education. Digital Kompetense: Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy. 1(1): 12-24. pdf Beavis, C. and O’Mara, J. (2010) Computer games: pushing at the boundaries of literacy. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy 33(1) pp.65-76
Digital literacy How would you define "digital literacy" Within this project digital literacy has been defined as How does your definition compare? Read …to compare views on the nature of digitial literacy – or should we use the plural - literacies?? “………a blend of ICT media and information skills and knowledge situated within academic practice contexts while influenced by a wide range of techno-social practices involving communication, collaboration and participation” See Ref
Exploring what is meant by literacy for students at home and at school • What does literacy mean in the everyday lives of the students you teach? * • What are the similarities and differences in the ways in which they use literacy in their home and in school? • What are the implications of any similarities and differences? Worth reading on this: • Marsh,J. (2004) ‘The techno-literacy practices of young children’ Journal of Early Childhood Research 2 (1):51-66. • Levy, R. (2009) `You have to understand words…but not read them´; young children becoming readers in a digital age´, Journal of Research in Reading, 32(1), 75–91
Exploring school-based literacy • What kinds of literacies are used in school - within the formal and informal curriculum? • What interpretation of literacy is conveyed by current policy documentation? Which skills and aspects of knowledge are emphasised? Which skills and aspects of knowledge are the focus for assessment? What references are made to digital literacies within curriculum guidance, statutory documentation and assessment materials? • Merchant (2007) refers to competing discourses - ie ICT as • set of skills/tools • A vehicle for learning • transformative ie with the potential to change the nature of learning in a radical way What do you perceive as the main discourse in current and past statutory documentation? What about the discourse of your current school literacy and ICTpolicy? Draft National Curriculum for English KS1 & 2 Draft National Curriculum for KS3 Draft National Curriculum for KS4 Worth reading on responses to the National Curriculum Review: Response from UK Literacy Association Response from Naace - professional association for those concerned with advancing education through the appropriate use of ICT"
Exploring your students’ experiences of literacy • What does literacy mean in the everyday lives of the students you teach?* • How do your students’ uses and experiences of literacy compare with your own – in the past and present? • What are the implications of any similarities and differences? • What do you think of Prensky's idea of "digital natives“Do you feel this would be an appropriate term for your students? For you? Do you see yourself as a digital immigrant? What do you see as the implications of such terms? • Do you feel that your students can be considered as a uniform group in their uses of digital literacies - or are there differences in their use as Selwyn and hargatti suggest? Worth reading on this :Prensky, M (2001) Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants. http://www.marcprensky.com/writing/Prensky%20%20Digital%20Natives,%20Digital%20Immigrants%20-%20Part1.pdf Helsper, E.J. & Eynon, R. (2010) Digitalnatives: where is the evidence?. British Educational research Journal, 36, 3, 503-520. Livingstone, S. & Hesper, E. (2007). Gradations in digital inclusion: children, young people and the digital divide. New Media & Society 9(4), 671-696.http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/2768/1/Gradations_in_digital_inclusion_(LSERO).pdf Selwyn, N. (2004)‘Reconsidering Political and Popular Understandings of the Digital Divide’ New Media & Society6 (3): 341-362.
How/why might you build on your students' home use of literacy in your classroom teaching? Consider: • the technology used • its purpose(s) • the affordances of texts used or produced • particular language features of such texts or groups of texts Identify opportunities within your curriculum when you are planning to teach this type of language use.
The role of digital literacies in school • Why include digital literacies in the curriculum? Your views? • Look through the case studies, blogs and materials add to your list Watch
Why incorporate digital literacies in school based literacy teaching? motivation...... purposes and audiences for using literacy relevance to students’ lives Opportunities for creativity and innovation Meaningful contexts for applying and developing language and literacy skills Affordances of screen based texts and online communication AND
AND ‘literacy teaching and learning need to change because the world is changing’ (Cope and Kalantzis, 2000: 41) What are your views on this statement? Is the world changing? If so how and what do you see as implications of changes for education and for literacy teaching and learning? Worth reading on this:
Review the role of digital literacies in the curriculum Look through the case studies to review the following: • form of technology • activity & organisation • literacy use • links with formal curriculum • benefits • challenges/limitations
How can digital technologies be used to encourage critical literacy? • Within the case studies, where have students been encouraged to develop critical literacy? How? • What opportunities are presented within your curriculum to engage students in critical literacy? Worth readingon this: Burnett, C. & Merchant, G. (2011) ‘Is there a space for critical literacy in the context of social media?’ English Teaching, Practice and Critique. 10(1) Pp. 41-57.
How can digital technologies be used to encourage creativity? • Within the case studies, where have students been encouraged to develop creativity? How? • What opportunities are presented within your curriculum to engage students in developing their creativity?
How can digital technologies be used to encourage home school links? • What opportunities are presented within your setting to use digital literacies to support links with home? • Future Lab: Connecting digital literacy between home and school
Challenges of using digital technology in school • What challenges do you and your colleagues see in using digital technology with your students? • How might you overcome them?
Challenges of using digital technology in school How do the challenges you identified compare with those noted by Burnett (2011) i.e. inadequate access to equipment & competing pressures of curriculum? How could you respond to these chalengesibn your own teaching?
Education for the future What possible changes do you envisage for education in the future? Worth watching: • Mitchell Resnick on the power of ICT to generate creativity and innovation in the education process • Keri Facer, Professor of Education, Manchester Metropolitan University author, discusses the future of learning in the context of an underlying shift in the foundation of society and its impact on the education superstructure. Worth reading: • Rethinking Learning in the Digital AgeMitchel Resnick, The Media Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Video: • Partnership for 21st Century skills - Framework for 21st Century Learning - a holistic view of 21st century teaching and learning that combines a discrete focus on 21st century student outcomes(a blending of specific skills, content knowledge, expertise and literacies) with innovative support systems to help students master the multi-dimensional abilities required of them in the 21st century. • Beyond Current Horizons 2007 project considering the future of education beyond 2025: three potential worlds,considered three potential worlds, each built around a different set of social values – increasingly individualised, increasingly collective or increasingly contested approaches towards life and education.
Education for the future Other reading on Education and literacies for the future • Marsh, J. (2007) New Literacies and Old Pedagogies: Recontextualizing Rules and Practices, International Journal of Inclusive Education, 11, 3, 267-281. • Jenkins, H.2006.Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture. Chicago: MacArthur Foundation. http://digitallearning.macfound.org/atf/cf/%7B7E45C7E0-A3E0-4B89-AC9C-E807E1B0AE4E%7D/JENKINS_WHITE_PAPER.PDF • Facer, K.2011..Learning Futures: Education, Technology and Socio-Technical Change. London: Routledge
Practical stuff • Twitter in the classroom • Using kindles & kinnects in class • Future Lab: “It’s not chalk and talk anymore” School approaches to developing students’ digital literacy