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14-05-09. Strategies to Achieve 11 th Plan Target in the Balance Plan Period. Government of Uttar Pradesh. 9-Agro Climatic Zone in U.P. Tarai. Western Plain. Central Western Plain. South Western Semi Arid Plain. Central Plain. Bundelkhand. Northern Eastern Plain. Eastern Plain.
14-05-09 Strategies to Achieve 11th Plan Target in the Balance Plan Period Government of Uttar Pradesh
9-Agro Climatic Zone in U.P. Tarai Western Plain Central Western Plain South Western Semi Arid Plain Central Plain Bundelkhand Northern Eastern Plain Eastern Plain Vindhyan
Status of Agriculture 2006-07 (Production in Lakh M.T.) (Productivity in Qts/Ha.)
Food grains Production Targets (in Lakh M.T.)
Targets: Food grains Productivity Productivity in Qtls /ha.
Achievements of First Two Years- An Analysis • Though food grain production increased marginally from 418.65 lakh M.T in 2006-07 to 420.90 lakh M.T. in 2007-08, it increased appreciably to 454.25 lakh M.T. in 2008-09 against the planned target of 497.07 lakh M.T. • During XIth plan it is targeted to achieve 538.25 lakh M.T. by 2011-12. Appropriate planning and strategies have been finalized to attain planned foodgrain production in the remaining three years. • There have been lapses in achieving the production target of Pulses due to drought in Rabi 2007-08 and floods in Kharif 2008-09. Strategies have also been made to achieve XIth plan targets in the remaining three years.
State Initiatives • Subsidy on Bio-fertilizes enhanced from 75% to 90%. • Subsidy on Gypsum, Zinc Sulphate, Bio-pesticides and Bio-agents raised from 50% to 90%. • Subsidy on Seed production and Seed distribution allowed to private sector also. • Provision of 90% subsidy on Barbed wire fencing to protect Pulse crop. • Gypsum and all type of seeds exempted from VAT. • VAT reduced from 12.50 % to 4% on Sprinkler and Drip irrigation system. • Mandiwise market rates of agricultural produce now available on mobile/phone through BSNL Toll Free No. 1255534.
Pulses production scheme under state sector- Under this scheme main emphasis are given to tackle the menace of Blue-Bulls. • CUG facility extended amongst staff for quick and smooth communication. • In Bundelkhand region subsidy on Sprinkler and Drip irrigation system increased from 50% to 100%(Small, marginal, SC and ST farmers) and 75% to others. • Subsidy of Rs. 4000 per qtls. for notified varieties of Hybrid Paddy provided. • Subsidy of Rs. 200 per qtls. on seed distribution and also on production provided to private agencies.
Highlights & Best Practices • Record Food Grain production estimated 454.25 lakh MT. • 2. Contributed 31.36 lakh MT of Wheat against target of 25 and 43.82 lakh MT of Paddy against target of 26 lakh M T in national pool. • SRR strikes 30.17% as against 25.40% achieved in 2007-08. • 4. 80.79 lakh MT fertilizers distributed against 73.99 lakh MT in 2007-08 which is 9.19% higher. • 7620 KL/MT plant protection chemicals distributed in kharif 08 against 7089 KL/MT in kharif 07, which is up by 7.50% over the last year. • Use of Bio-pesticides and Bio-Agents enhanced to 1076 MT which is 14.1% of chemicals. • 7. 20 lakh Bio-fertilizer packets distributed by DoA and 30 lakh through private retailers which is 27% higher over last year.
8.19.88 lakh soil samples analyzed under the “Apni Mitti Pahachanen Campaign” and recommendation through Soil Health Cards provided to farmers. • Five days Mega Farmer’s Fair organized during Kharif and Rabi in each agro-climatic zone. • 65% seeds in Kharif and 59% Rabi seeds treated in the “Seed Treatment Campaign” . 11. Under National Crop Insurance Scheme, 23.98 lakh farmers ensured and 30.05 lakh ha area covered from the premium of Rs. 63.94 crores and Rs. 213 crore compensation paid in 2007-08. 12. In Bundelkhand, sprinkler and drip irrigation systems being provided to the marginal/small and SC/ST farmers on 100% and to other farmers on 75% subsidy.
Issues in Agriculture 1- Seed -Release of new varieties. - Production & Management. 2- Poor Soil Health, fertility & unbalanced use of fertilizers. 3- Inadequate Credit flow. 4- Land degradation and depleting Water resources. 5- Extension 6- Slow pace of Mechanization 7- Inadequate pace of Research and Technology development.
Crop-wise Production Strategy: Rice • Thrust on maximizing area under hybrid-rice. (From existing 10 lakh ha area to 30 lakh ha. GOI requested to supply additional 50000 qtls of certified hybrid seeds or allow subsidy on notified hybrid varieties.) 2.Spreading of suitable varieties for water logged/flood affected area. (Ambitious programme of covering 6 lakh ha water logged area with SWARNA Sub-1 variety. GOI requested to release SWARNA Sub-1 variety at the earliest.) 3. Extension of SRI technology. (Steps being taken to spread SRI technology in other than NFSM Districts(26). GOI requested to allow SRI demonstration in Macro Mode Assistance also.) 4. Spread of Basmati variety of rice in western U.P. 5. Intensification of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) technology 6. Mechanical weeding and inter culture.
Wheat 1. Promotion of Zero-Till-Seed drill and Rotavator. (Subsidy on Rotavator in macro mode scheme to kept at par with NFSM.) 2. Efficient irrigation management practices. (100% subsidy on drip & sprinkler irrigation system in Bundelkhand region and 75% in rest of the state against actual cost should be allowed in GOI schemes.) 3. Popularization of new high yielding varieties through mini-kits. 4. 100% seed treatment to be ensured. 5. Encouraging the balanced use of fertilizers as per soil test and also the use of organic manure and bio-fertilizers. 6. Encouraging the use of micro-nutrients especially zinc sulphate in deficient area. 7. Thrust on timely sowing of wheat. 75% by the end of November. 8. A short duration high yielding variety of HALNA popularized for late sown wheat areas. 9. Promoting integrated weed management against Phalaris minor and wild oat.
Pulses 1- Need for genetic breakthrough in Pulses. 2- Enhancing Breeder, Foundation and Certified seed production. • Adequate quantity of breeder seed needs to be ensured. • Subsidy for certified seeds to be enhanced from Rs.1200/qtls to 50% of the Selling Price) 3- Un-remunerative MSP (Need to enhance MSP and declaration before sowing season) 4. Thrust on use of gypsum in sulphur deficient areas. • 5. Bundelkhand region which contributes maximum area in pulses, the • facility of micro irrigation (sprinkler irrigation) system has been extended • in a big way. 6. Coverage of pulses in newly developed lands under soil conservation 7. Inter-Cropping of pulses with spring sown sugarcane. • 8. Protection of pulses against damage by Blue Bulls. • (Blue bull required to be kept out of Animal Protection Act.)
Oilseeds 1. Enhancing Breeder, Foundation and Certified seed production. - Adequate quantity of breeder seed needs to be ensured. - Subsidy for certified seeds to be enhanced from Rs.1200/qtls to 50% of the Selling Price) 2. Thrust on use of gypsum in Sulphur deficient areas. 3. Increase area under oil seeds in rain-fed conditions and efficient moisture conservation. 4. Coverage of oilseeds in newly developed lands under soil conservation scheme. 5. Popularizing new varieties through seed mini-kits programme. 6. IPM coverage in more areas.
SeedVarieties recommended for release by S.V.R.C • 23 varieties recommended by SVRC. GOI requested to notify SWARNA Sub-1
Seed Distribution (Lakh Qtls) SRR (%) • Availability of breeder seed needs to be ensured as per the requirement.
Proposed SRR-Crop Wise Kharif (%)
Proposed SRR-Crop Wise Rabi (%)
Soil HealthExisting Scenario A. Major Nutrients B. Secondary and Micro Nutrients
Soil Health Activities • Massive programme on Green Manuring to cover 6 lakh ha. in next 3 years. • 6.24 lakh Vermi/NADEP Pits to be constructed in next 3 years. • Around 4 crores packets of bio-fertilizer to be distributed in remaining plan period. • Soil Testing capacity to be enhanced from 20 lakh per annum to 40 lakh per annum to ensure balanced use of fertilizer. • Micro Nutrient testing facility to be extended upto Tehsil level( At present it is at Regional level). • Before each crop season “APNI MITTI PAHCHANE ABHIYAN”-a regular feature for collecting Soil samples on fixed dates.
Extension Strategies • 1. Krishi Pracharak (Kisan Mitra) made functional in each Gram Panchayat (52000). • One SMS to be placed in each Nyaya panchayat. • (4000 already working at Naya Panchayat as Technical Assistant and 4000 to be placed on contract under RKVY) • One farm school /in each Block/NP • (at Present 1435 are functional) • ATMA Sandesh bi- monthly Agri.-News letter from Dainik Jagran under PPP mode started reaching in each Gram Sabha. • Networking of 7 Community Radio Stations (CRS). • (Sanction of 6 CRS still awaited)
6.5 days VIRAT KISAN MELA in each agro-climatic zone being organized from Kharif 2008 • 7. Kheti-Bari Mahina to be organized from Rabi 2009-10. • Involvement of Private Sector (ITC, Excel Crop cox, NFL, Seed companies in a big way. • Use of C.U.G. Facility extended to extension functionaries. • Vikreta Se Visheshagya- massive training programme for input dealers.
Farm Mechanization Level of Agriculture Mechanization* Existing Status
1880 Rotavators, 1368 Zero Till, 16364 Pump Sets, 1051 Power Threshers and 11479 other farm implements distributed under NFSM and Micro mode. • 71 LASER LEVELLERS, one in each district provided for demonstrating and facilitating precision levelling. • Massive programme to increase use of Rotavatore, Zero Till Seed Drill, Pump Sets, Power weeders and other farm implements under NFSM. • Subsidy of Rs. 20,000 for Rotavator in MMA to be made at par with Rs.30,000 provided in NFSM.
Fertilizer (Lakh M.T.) • Emphasis on the use of NPK complex. • 3 New Fertilizer Testing Laboratories are proposed in GOI funded NPMSF Scheme.
Pesticides Consumption (T G) • 90 % subsidy on seed treatment chemicals for all and Bio-pesticides & Bio- agents for small/ marginal & SC/ST farmers. • 50 % subsidy to small/ marginal on PP equipments, Storage bin and Eco-friendly pesticides. and eco-friendly pesticides on 75 % subsidy to S.C./S.T. • Thrust on enhancing use of bio-pesticides and bio-agents in next 3 years.
Status of Problem Soil Area in Lakh ha. • Due to faulty cultivation practices and improper use of land and introduction of irrigation system without proper drainage about 20,000 ha. land is being converted in to problematic soil every year. • 35000 ha land being shifted from agriculture to non agricultural use every year.
Strategies regarding NRM • Selection of micro watershed on ridge to valley concept. 2. Integrated approach for reclamation. 3. Livelihood support to land less in watershed. 4. From selection of watershed to execution through people participation. 5. Bringing the treated area under cultivation. 6. Sustainable management of watershed on the basis of land capability. 7. Sensitizing about open grazing, tree felling and faulty cultivation. 8. Increasing coverage by crops or vegetation.
Crop Loan and KCC Rs. in Crore • At present, no of functional KCC is 66.42 Lakh. • Reduction of interest rate on crop loan from prevailing 7% to 4%.
Marketing • By increasing density of mandi yards from existing one mandi per 854 sq km to one mandi per 100 sq.km. • By developing infrastructure facilities liike electronic weigh bridges, combined linear assembly lines for washing, sorting, grading, packaging, ripening and controlled conditioned storage space. • By developing a state of the art terminal market at Greater Noida to cater the organized retail market of the agriculture produce in Delhi and its satellite towns. • Installation and commissioning of radiation plant at Saharanpur and vapour heat treatment plant at Lucknow.
Issues for Consideration of GOI 1. Seeds- - Adequate quantity of breeder seeds of Pulse and Oilseeds must be ensured. - Subsidy to be allowed on notified varieties of Hybrid Rice. - Subsidy on certified Seeds of Pulses must be enhanced from Rs. 1200 per quintal to 50% of actual cost. 2. Credit Flow- - Reduction of interest rate on crop loan from prevailing 7% to 4%. - Banks should appoint KCC agents which will help in issuing KCC to all the eligible farmers. 3. Setting Up of new Institute- - ICAR is establishing 3 institute on biotechnology, biotic stress and abiotic stress to face the emerging challenges. G.O.U.P. is prepared to provide space at Rahamenkhera, Lucknow and Mauranipur,Jhansi. 4. Fertilizers- - New railway rake points should be developed at broad gauge network at Jarwal Road, Robertsganj, Fafund, Gursahaiganj, Baghpat, Kasganj, khalilabad, Padrauna, Kaushambi, Chitrakoot, Hathras etc.
- Urgent need to increase no. of fertilizer buffers of IFFICO from existing 10 to 18, one each in every revenue division( Banda ,(Jhansi ,Allahabad, Azamgarh,Basti, Devipatan, Saharanpur Mathura.) - Policy of advance payment if MRP for the arrangement of of DAP should be reconsidered. The burden should not be on the state. 5. Farm Mechanization- - Subsidy of Rs. 20,000 for Rotavator in MMA to be made at par with Rs.30,000 provided in NFSM. - Subsidy should also be allowed on pumpsets of an 10 H.P in MMA as has been allowed in NFSM. 6. Quality Control- - One Bio-pesticides Quality Control, One Plant Quarantine Lab need to be established. - Three new fertilizer testing lab proposed in G.O.I funded NPMSF scheme. 7. Minimum Support Price- - MSP of crops specially Oilseed and Pulses to be declared before sowing season.