1. Reinvigorating IT in a Health and Human Service Environment
John Petraborg will open with this slide giving a broad overview of the presentationJohn Petraborg will open with this slide giving a broad overview of the presentation
2. Legislation – Rick, Terry, Joe and Neva
Growing caseloads – Rick, Neva
Enhanced Funding – Rick
EA Frameworks – Terry , Rick
Streamlined APD template and Process – Terry, Joe, Neva
State/Fed Coordination – Neva (to be discussed later in more detail by Terry and others)
CAM tool kit – Joe
NIEM – Terry, Joe
Strategic Vision/Plan – Joe (to be discussed later in more detail “triangle slide” by Neva and others)
Risk Mitigation – Rick summarize slideLegislation – Rick, Terry, Joe and Neva
Growing caseloads – Rick, Neva
Enhanced Funding – Rick
EA Frameworks – Terry , Rick
Streamlined APD template and Process – Terry, Joe, Neva
State/Fed Coordination – Neva (to be discussed later in more detail by Terry and others)
CAM tool kit – Joe
NIEM – Terry, Joe
Strategic Vision/Plan – Joe (to be discussed later in more detail “triangle slide” by Neva and others)
Risk Mitigation – Rick summarize slide
3. The SDLC/APD Review Process 3 Rick will summarize, others can commentRick will summarize, others can comment
4. Federal Coordination and Communication Crosswalk – APDs and SDLC* Gates
Federal Conference calls
Federal State Conference calls
Submission process
Cover letter
*Software Development Life Cycle Terry discusses slide
Joe, Neva, and Rick add commentsTerry discusses slide
Joe, Neva, and Rick add comments
5. Strategic state system vision/plan Rick first…then Joe and others
Rick first…then Joe and others
6. Strategic state system vision/plan Rick first…then Joe and others
Rick first…then Joe and others
7. Neva, Rick, Joe,Terry, each talk about the things going on in each of their agencies….speed datingNeva, Rick, Joe,Terry, each talk about the things going on in each of their agencies….speed dating
8. Rick summarizes Rick summarizes
9. Questions John Petraborg will open it up for questionsJohn Petraborg will open it up for questions