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Human Health and the Environment. By: Zack Savage. Intro.
HumanHealth and the Environment By: Zack Savage
Intro The human health and the environment go hand in hand. We have created chemicals and technology that are gradually getting worse for out health. Additionally, you have the environment, like the sun, also affecting your health. On top of all that, we have bacteria and virus that can make us ill, or even be fatal.
Question 1 • The most common environmental factors that affect human health are: air, noise, soil and water pollution, climate change, environmental contaminants, occupational health and safety, pest control and radiation.
Air Pollution Examples of air pollution: • Carbon di-oxide (CO2): It is a major absorber of infrared radiation emitted towards the space from the earth surface. Thus, it has crucial role in planetary temperature structure. • Carbon monoxide (CO): If inhaled, it is absorbed from the lung alveoli 300 times faster than oxygen. High concentration of CO in blood makes it difficult for heart to pump blood through arteries. • Hydrocarbons (HC):Unburnt hydrocarbon may form ozone with oxides of nitrogen which is a central nervous system depressant. Other hydrocarbons cause convulsion of CNS.
Air Pollution Examples of air pollution: • Oxides of nitrogen (NOx): Causes dilatation of air spaces in lungs. NO2 causes damages to bronchioles and alveolar ducts. NO2 is also suspected to impair the defense mechanism of respiratory system. Infants and children are more susceptible. • Particulate matter: Diesel emits suspended particulate matter (SPM) which contains shoot. Shoot is responsible for reduction of atmospheric visibility and absorb and carry organic compound to lungs. • Lead (Pb): Around 75% of the ingested lead is deposited in bones and tissues causing irreversible brain and kidney damage. Growing nervous system of young children are particularly vulnerable.
Air Pollution • Tens of thousands of deaths have resulted from air pollution. A well known example is smog in large cities in the early 1950’s. More commonly now, asthmatics would be heavily affected. Everyone is affected by air pollution, although some people are more prone to it. • The environment also takes its toll with air pollution. The decomposition of solid hazardous waste can result in harmful substances being absorbed into water supplies, becoming air borne or being swallowed.
Air Pollution- Smog • Smog, meaning smoke and fog, is a term used to describe the results of air pollution that have interacted with sunlight and certain chemicals in the atmosphere. The ozone is very helpful to humans because it protects us from harmful UV rays, but ozone on the ground is hazardous to human health. Ground ozone is caused from vehicle emissions consisting of nitrogen oxides interacting with the sunlight.
Smog Photos • These pictures are to help you get a better understanding:
Question 2 • People who have the disease “asthma” have huge breathing problems. This disease causes their airways to constrict, thus reducing the air flow, which ultimately causes problems with breathing properly. Some causes that make asthma worse are air pollutions, tobacco smoke, emission from factories, pollens from flowers, cold air, exercises, chemicals and even certain medications.
Asthma • This picture is good visual image of someone with the disease asthma and their breathing:
Breast Cancer • “Women living in areas with high levels of traffic-generated pollution are at greater risk for beast cancer. The researchers examined exposure to smog-causing nitrogen dioxide, and found the risk for breast cancer rose about 25 per cent with every increase of nitrogen dioxide of five parts per billion”. • (Quoted off site)
Breast Cancer Video • For information, please click this video:
Question 3 • There are various ways in which environmental contaminants can enter the human body. Some of these are entered through inhalation, ingestion or absorption. Some of these include food contamination, and UV rays.
Food Contamination • Food contamination refers to foods that are tainted or spoiled because they contain microorganisms, such as bacteria or parasites, or toxic substances that make them unfit for consumption. (Quoted off site).
UV rays • Humans absorb the sun through their skin. One of the most common affects of UV rays is erythema, also known as sunburn. This occurs when skin cells are damaged by absorption of energy through the UV rays. Of course there are other worries with absorbing UV rays, such as wrinkles, aging, skin cancer, etc.
Question 4 • Reducing your exposure to environmental contaiminates can be easy. Although there are some environmental facts, like the sun, that are harder to protect yourself against, it is still possible.
Protecting yourself! • You need to protect your skin against environmental conditions. The biggest way you can protect yourself is from the sun, especially if you have sensitive. • Ways you can protect yourself: Limit your time in the sun (take breaks indoor), sun screen- your face, ears, neck, and any other unprotected skin, choice appropriate clothing (light clothing, wear a hat, sunglasses, etc. • Pollution also effects your skin. Pollutants such as cigarette smoke and dirt are absorb into the skin. This increases the aging of your skin.
Question 5 • Some populations that are vulnerable to the effects of environmental factors are intuits and people in Ethiopia.
Inuits • Inuits whofollow a traditionaldiet are vulnurable to contaminates. ChemicalslikePCBs (man-made, if burned or improperlydisposed of, itwilltravel up the Northernwinds) will infect much of the Articfoodchain. The greastestconcernswouldbe the longer living animalssuch as whales and polar bears. For whale, the chemicalscangetinto the fatty tissues fromtheirownconsumtion. This is a huge source of food for the Inuit people.
Ethiopians • Basal CellCarinoma- Basal cell carcinoma is the most commonly occurring cancer in humans. The risk of developing this common type of skin cancer results from a mixture of genetic and environmental factors. (Quoted off site) • This is only one of the environmental factor that would affect the Ethiopian people. Because of their hot climate and genetic make up (dark hair, eye, skin ,etc) they would be more prone to the UV rays. People in Ethiopia are severally at risk for Basal Cell Carinoma.
Question 6 • A grassrootis a non-profit corporation engaging in issues to help a cause. An example of a grassrootisIcynene. • A governmentalinitativeis a profited corporation engaging in issues to help a cause. An exampleis the Canadian Breast Cancer Initative.
Icynene • Icynene is a corporation helping to build eco-friendly show homes to help raise awareness to breast cancer. In this case, participants helped raise funds for Susan G. Komen fund. This home will be used for special events, tours, workshops, etc. • Please visit for more information: • http://www.icynene.com/assets/documents/pdfs/case-studies/ICY-CS-17-01-SL-019-01-BUILD4CURE.pdf
Canadian Breast Cancer Initiative • The Canadian Breast Cancer Initiative has donated $25 million over the past five years towards prevention and early screening, breast cancer research, treatment and care, and support for women with breast cancer. • Ultimately, their goal is to improve the quality of life for anyone affected by breast cancer; and reduce the mortality of breast cancer. • Please visit for more information: • http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/ccdpc-cpcmc/bc-cds/cbci_main_e.html
Conclusion • There are manyfactorsthatcan affect humanhealth. Thesefactorscanbereduceby changinglittletweeks about our life styles. It isdoableand itcanmake a difference. This couldmean not drivingaround as muchsoyoudon’tproducesomuch car emissions, or evenjustwearingsunscreen, wecan do it!We have turnedourwouldinto a man made disaster, but itcanbefixed.
Page Cited http://www.chem.unep.ch/pops/POPs_Inc/press_releases/ottawa-1.htm http://nasdonline.org/document/51/d001635/protect-yourself-against-the-sun.htmlhttp://www.free-makeup-tips.com/tips/Skin-Protection-Tips.htmhttp://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&safe=vss&q=reducing+exposure+to+cancer+causing+environmental+contaminants&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=http://www.icynene.com/assets/documents/pdfs/case-studies/ICY-CS-17-01-SL-019-01-BUILD4CURE.pdfhttp://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/ccdpc-cpcmc/bc-cds/cbci_main_e.htmlhttp://www.cancer.ca/Ontario/Prevention/Environment%20and%20you/Risk%20factors%20for%20cancer.aspx?sc_lang=en • http://www.agius.com/hew/resource/introeh.htmhttp://www.athenaglobal.com/pdf/7_environmental_factors_affecting_health.pdfhttp://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ewh-semt/index-eng.phphttp://www.angelfire.com/ak/medinet/effects.html