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Analysis of Missiles: Simple Propulsion Systems but Not for Humans!!!

Explore the comprehensive mechanism of intake air control, oblique shock wave angles, pressure recovery factors, and total pressure ratios for missiles. Learn about ramjets, external compressions, and the performance of adiabatic oblique shocks. Delve into the modern design aspects of Asthras and their operating features. Discover the ancient flyer technology and the performance enhancements in missile propulsion systems.

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Analysis of Missiles: Simple Propulsion Systems but Not for Humans!!!

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  1. Analysis of Missiles P M V Subbarao Professor Mechanical Engineering Department Simple Propulsion Systems but not for Humans!!!

  2. ( ) æ ö g - 1 ( ) 2 + b 1 s i n M ç ÷ x è ø 2 = M n ( ) y æ ö g - 1 ( ) 2 g b - s i n M ç ÷ x è ø 2 M n = y M ( ) y b - q s i n Hypersonic Flyers :Comprehensive Mechanism of Intake Air Control

  3. Mx=5.0 max curve Mx=4.0 Oblique Shock Wave Angle Chart Mx=3.0 Mx=1.5 Mx=2.5 Mx=2.0

  4. g 2 p ( ) = + - 2 y 1 1 M n ( ) x g + 1 p x ( ) ( ) é ù + g - 2 é ù 2 1 M g 2 n T ( ) x = + - 2 ê ú y 1 1 M ê ú n ( ) ( ) x g + g + 2 1 1 T M ê ú n ë û ë û x x Performance of An Adiabatic Oblique Shock But Pressure Recovery Factor or Total Pressure Ratio for the oblique shock :

  5. Performance of An Adiabatic Oblique Shock Across a Shock Available Resource Pressure Recovery Factor or Total Pressure Ratio for the oblique shock :

  6. Performances of NS & OS The total pressure recovery of a normal shock rapidly deteriorates beyond Mach ~ 1.6. 90% total pressure recovery is achieved at 1.6.

  7. Simplest Reversible Inlet of A Missiles M>1 Oblique Shock Normal Shock A single compression ram inlet involves one oblique shock and one normal shock.

  8. Inlet with Multiple External Compressions A double compression ram inlet involves two oblique shocks and one normal shock.

  9. Multiple External compressions Inlets

  10. Performance Enhancement of External Compressions to Inlet

  11. Special Designs of Center Bodies If there are multiple shocks: My3 q My2 My1 Mx q q

  12. The Ancient Flyers : Ramjets (Asthras) Only three operating components: A central Body intake (diffuser) burner (combustion chamber); nozzle

  13. Ramjets - Basic Operating Features • External shock decelerate ambient air entering the flyer. • This Air is further decelerated in intake (diffuser). • The pressure rises due to ram effect. • Known as ram pressure and significant at supersonic speeds. • A ramjet therefore needs no machines or engine to increase the pressure. • Simplifies the design and reducing the cost. • Greatest disadvantage is that it has to be accelerated up to very high speed before it produces any useful thrust. • Also complicated supersonic intake required to avoid shock losses.

  14. The Asthra : Modern Models

  15. Frictionless Flow through Constant area Pipe with Heat Transfer exit inlet Momentum equation gives Integrating from inlet to exit:

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