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Climate Services at SMHI

Lena Lindström, Climate Services, SMHI Core Service lena.lindstrom@smhi.se ,. Climate Services at SMHI. 13th EMS/11th ECAM. Userneeds …. Municipalities – science and information County administrative boards Climate scenarios and statistics from SMHI

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Climate Services at SMHI

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lena Lindström, ClimateServices, SMHI Core Service lena.lindstrom@smhi.se, Climate Services at SMHI 13th EMS/11th ECAM

  2. Userneeds… • Municipalities – science and information • County administrative boards • Climate scenarios and statistics from SMHI • Guides, reportsoch information from national authorities • Personal contacts and networkingareimportant • National authorities • Climatescenarios and statistics from SMHI • Hydrological and geological data • Digital information - highpriority

  3. lena.lindstrom@smhi.se Information

  4. What kind ofknowledge/information thatyou do not have access totoday, wouldfacilitateyourworkwithclimatechange adaptation? • Scenarios and analysis • Wind, precipitation, temperature, flows etc. • Morelocal scenarios and morespecific scenarios • Science och information • Compilationsofknowledge • Technicalexpertise • Lectures and seminars • Data freeof charge • Observations • Statistics • GIS-data • Advice and guidelines • Proposals for action • Technicalsolutions • Maps and risks • Floodmapping, topographical data, vulnerable areas • Good examples

  5. SMHI and data freeof charge • The data policy covers all products and data from SMHI’s grant-financedactivities. However, it doesn’t cover the products and services from SMHI’scommercialside. • Today, the priceof information is zero for data and productsusedfor non-commericalpurposes • Open data January 2014 • The priceof information is set at zero for all typesofuse. • A distribution fee is charged in thosecaseswherespeciallydeliveriesarerequired. • smhi.se will offer downloadable services for the mostpopular data volumes, for botharchive data and real-time data. • No restrictivelicensing terms.

  6. Thankyou!

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