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Research on tourism trends in Hungary and their transfer into tourism education

Research on tourism trends in Hungary and their transfer into tourism education. Mihály Szabó. I nternational workshop on early identification of skill needs in the sector of tourism, hotel and catering Halle (Salle) 29-30 April 2004 . Introduction.

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Research on tourism trends in Hungary and their transfer into tourism education

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  1. Research on tourism trends in Hungary and their transfer into tourism education Mihály Szabó International workshop on early identification of skill needs in the sector of tourism, hotel and catering Halle (Salle)29-30 April 2004

  2. Introduction

  3. Hungary:a spicy new member of the European Union

  4. World order by tourist arriving IN THE MIDDLE OF EUROPE International tourist arriving (million persons, 2002): 1.) France /76.7/, 2.) Spain, /51.8/, 3.) USA /41.9/, 4.)Italy /39.8/,… ...13.) Hungary /15.9/, 14.) Poland /13.1/

  5. Priority Sector „More than 10 per cent (€ 7.5 billion) of the GDP of Hungary has been generated by tourism regarding the multiplication effects" Estimated by WTTC, 2003

  6. European Union: the largest tourism market of the world • Two third of the citizens of the European Union spend their holiday within theEuropean Union • Half of the world tourism incomings is realized in theEuropean Union • 70 per cent of the incoming tourism to Hungary is from theEuropean Union • No unified European level tourism policy in theEuropean Union

  7. Unmatched position of tourism • Bad tourism lobby capabilities in the European Union > >the word ”tourism” occurs only once in 1260/1999/ECCouncil Regulation – basis of the National Development Plans of the members • Bad tourism lobby capabilities in Hungary > > the state allocation (investment) is reducedby 63 per cent from 2002

  8. Problems in tourism in Hungary • Low specific incoming (price/value relation problem, lack of complex products) • Regional concentration (Budapest, Lake Balaton) • Season-dependent turnover (Lack of attractions) • So called „sustainable development” (Only slogans without contents)

  9. Tourist nights in public accommodation establishmentand occupancy rate of rooms in hotels in Hungary January-November 2003 (by HCSO)

  10. International arrivals, tourist arrivals and total tourist nights in Hungary in 2002-2003 (thousands, HCSO)

  11. Rate of tourism nights by motivation and Income of public accommodation establishmentsJanuary-November 2003 (by HCSO)

  12. Our goal can be the exclusive tourism € 1000 / DAY TOURISTS € 96 / DAY (2003, National Bank of Hungary) SUPPLY

  13. The transfer of the researched tourism trends into tourism education New trends of tourism need new approach in education Fields where badly needed is fresh mentality and young people in tourism in Hungary • no-frills • animator • wellness • Internet • CRS • tendering operation • investment and development • lobby

  14. The transfer of the researched tourism trends into tourism education Skills tourism needs Attributes of our students Pragmatism Practice (in other language countries as well) Polyglot Keeping the eyes peeled Marketing approach Creativity Innovative approach Human approach

  15. International workshop on early identification of skill needs in the sector of tourism, hotel and catering Halle (Salle)29-30 April 2004 Thank you for your attention! (Köszönöm!) "The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which to burn." Laurence J. Peter

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