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Realidades 2. Los Mandatos con T ú The Tú Commands Study guide / Worksheet / Powerpoint Capítulo 7A. To practice the T ú commands…. www.phschool.com. To review the irregular affirmative Tú commands, go to www.phschool.com , and use web code jdd-0315.
Realidades 2 Los Mandatos con Tú The Tú Commands Study guide / Worksheet / Powerpoint Capítulo 7A
To practice the Tú commands… www.phschool.com To review the irregular affirmative Tú commands, go to www.phschool.com, and use web code jdd-0315. To review the negative Tú commands, go to www.phschool.com, and use web code jdd-0704.
I. Regular AR, ER. IR Verbs Spanish Affirmative Familiar English 1st person singular, Negative Familiar English VerbCommandPresent IndicativeCommand (These come from the (It is important to know Drop “O” of the 1st 3rd person singular, this in order to form the person singular (yo) of Present tense) negative Tú command.) present indicative, and add ES (ar verbs) or AS (er/ir verbs). modelo: hablar Habla. Speak, Talk. Yo hablo. No hables. Don’t talk. Don’t speak. 1. escuchar 2. dejar 3. parar 4. quitar Escucha. Listen. Yo escucho. No escuches. Don’t listen. Deja. Leave. Yo dejo. No dejes. Don’t Let. Allow. leave. (let, allow). Para. Stop. Yo paro. No pares. Don’t stop. Quita. Take away. Yo quito. No quites. Don’t Remove. take away (remove).
I. Regular AR, ER. IR Verbs Spanish Affirmative Familiar English 1st person singular, Negative Familiar English VerbCommandPresent IndicativeCommand (These come from the (It is important to know Drop “O” of the 1st 3rd person singular, this in order to form the person singular (yo) of Present tense) negative Tú command.) present indicative, and add ES (ar verbs) or AS (er/ir verbs). modelo: hablar Habla. Speak, Talk. Yo hablo. No hables. Don’t talk. Don’t speak. 5. tratar 6. recordar (ue) 7. contar (ue) 8. pensar (ie) Trata. Try. Yo trato. No trates. Don’t try. Recuerda. Remember. Yo recuerdo. No recuerdes. Don’t Remind. remember. (remind). Cuenta. Count. Tell. Yo cuento. No cuentes. Don’t count (tell). Piensa. Think. Yo pienso. No pienses. Don’t think.
I. Regular AR, ER. IR Verbs Spanish Affirmative Familiar English 1st person singular, Negative Familiar English VerbCommandPresent IndicativeCommand (These come from the (It is important to know Drop “O” of the 1st 3rd person singular, this in order to form the person singular (yo) of Present tense) negative Tú command.) present indicative, and add ES (ar verbs) or AS (er/ir verbs). modelo: hablar Habla. Speak, Talk. Yo hablo. No hables. Don’t talk. Don’t speak. 9. acostarse (ue) 10. levantarse 11. aprender 12. leer Acuéstate. Go to bed. Yo me acuesto. No te acuestes. Don’t go to bed. Levántate. Get up. Yo me levanto. No te levantes. Don’t get up. Aprende. Learn. Yo aprendo. No aprendas. Don’t learn. Lee. Read. Yo leo. No leas. Don’t read.
I. Regular AR, ER. IR Verbs Spanish Affirmative Familiar English 1st person singular, Negative Familiar English VerbCommandPresent IndicativeCommand (These come from the (It is important to know Drop “O” of the 1st 3rd person singular, this in order to form the person singular (yo) of Present tense) negative Tú command.) present indicative, and add ES (ar verbs) or AS (er/ir verbs). modelo: hablar Habla. Speak, Talk. Yo hablo. No hables. Don’t talk. Don’t speak. 13. correr 14. ofrecer (zc) 15. obedecer (zc) 16. mover (ue) Corre. Run. Yo corro. No corras. Don’t run. Ofrece. Offer. Yo ofrezco. No ofrezcas. Don’t offer. Obedece. Obey. Yo obedezco. No obedezcas. Don’t obey. Mueve. Move. Yo muevo. No muevas. Don’t move.
I. Regular AR, ER. IR Verbs Spanish Affirmative Familiar English 1st person singular, Negative Familiar English VerbCommandPresent IndicativeCommand (These come from the (It is important to know Drop “O” of the 1st 3rd person singular, this in order to form the person singular (yo) of Present tense) negative Tú command.) present indicative, and add ES (ar verbs) or AS (er/ir verbs). modelo: hablar Habla. Speak, Talk. Yo hablo. No hables. Don’t talk. Don’t speak. 17. volver (ue) 18. aplaudir 19. asistir 20. divertirse (ie) Vuelve. Return. Yo vuelvo. No vuelvas. Don’t return. Aplaude. Applaud. Yo aplaudo. No aplaudas. Don’t applaud. Asiste. Attend. Yo asisto. No asistas. Don’t attend. Diviértete. Have fun. Yo me divierto. No te diviertas. Don’t have fun.
I. Regular AR, ER. IR Verbs Spanish Affirmative Familiar English 1st person singular, Negative Familiar English VerbCommandPresent IndicativeCommand (These come from the (It is important to know Drop “O” of the 1st 3rd person singular, this in order to form the person singular (yo) of Present tense) negative Tú command.) present indicative, and add ES (ar verbs) or AS (er/ir verbs). modelo: hablar habla. Speak, Talk. Yo hablo. No hables. Don’t talk. Don’t speak. 21. pedir (i) 22. seguir (i) Pide. Ask for. Yo pido. No pidas. Don’t ask for. Sigue. Continue. Yo sigo. No sigas. Don’t Follow. continue (follow).
I. Regular AR, ER. IR Verbs Spanish Affirmative Familiar English 1st person singular, Negative Familiar English VerbCommandPresent IndicativeCommand (These come from the (It is important to know Drop “O” of the 1st 3rd person singular, this in order to form the person singular (yo) of Present tense) negative Tú command.) present indicative, and add ES (ar verbs) or AS (er/ir verbs). modelo: hablar Habla. Speak, Talk. Yo hablo. No hables. Don’t talk. Don’t speak. 23. vestirse (i) 24. dormirse (ue) 25. destruir (y) Vístete. Get dressed. Yo me visto. No te vistas. Don’t get dressed. Duérmete. Go to sleep. Yo me duermo. No te duermas. Don’t go to sleep. Destruye. Destroy. Yo destruyo. No destruyas. Don’t destroy.
II. Some “GO” verbs Some affirmative Tú commands drop ‘GO’ of the 1st person singular (YO) of the present indicative. The verbs found in this section follow the given pattern. Complete the chart. Spanish 1st Person Singular (YO) Affirmative Tú CommandEnglishNegative Tú commandEnglish VerbPresent Indicative (Drop the “GO” of the 1st (Drop “O” of the 1st person Person Singular) singular, and add “AS”) modelo: poner Pongo. Pon. Put, place, set. No pongas. Don’t put, don’t place, sont’t set 26. tener 27. decir 28. salir 29. venir Yo tengo. Ten. Have. No tengas. Don’t have. Yo digo. Di. Say (tell). No digas. Don’t say. (tell). Yo salgo. Sal. Leave (go. No salgas. Don’t leave. out, come out) (go out, come out) Yo vengo. Ven. Come. No vengas. Don’t come.
III. Tú commands of irregular verbs The following verbs have some or all irregular Tú command forms, and just have to be memorized. Look at the charts from the text, Realidades 2 on pages 1 and 2 of this packet to complete the following chart. Spanish VerbAffirmative Tú CommandEnglishNegative Tú CommandEnglish 30. dar 31. estar 32. hacer 33. Ir 34. ser Da. Give. No des. Don’t give. Está. Be. No estés. Don’t be. Haz. Do. Make. No hagas. Don’t do. Don’t make. Ve. Go. No vayas. Don’t go. Sé. Be. No seas. Don’t be.
Spanish VerbAffirmative Tú CommandEnglishNegative Tú CommandEnglish CAR Verbs(Use 3rd person singular, (Remember the C > QUES) Present indicative) 35. buscar 36. chocar 37. secarse Busca. Look for. No busques. Don’t look for. Choca. Crash. No choques. Don’t crash. Sécate. Dry yourself. No te seques. Don’t dry yourself.
Spanish VerbAffirmative Tú CommandEnglishNegative Tú CommandEnglish GAR Verbs(Use 3rd person singular,(Remember theG > GUES) Present indicative) 38. apagar 39. jugar (ue) 40. llegar Apaga. Turn off. No apagues. Don’t turn off. Juega. Play. No juegues. Don’t play. Llega. Arrive. No llegues. Don’t arrive.
Spanish VerbAffirmative Tú CommandEnglishNegative Tú CommandEnglish ZAR Verbs(Use 3rd person singular,(Remember theZ > CES) Present indicative) 41. cruzar 42. comenzar (ie) 43. tropezar (ie) Cruza. Cross. No cruces. Don’t cross. Comienza. Begin. (start) No comiences. Don’t begin. (start) Tropieza. Trip. (stumble) No tropieces. Don’t trip. (stumble)
To practice the Tú commands… www.phschool.com To review the irregular affirmative Tú commands, go to www.phschool.com, and use web code jdd-0315. To review the negative Tú commands, go to www.phschool.com, and use web code jdd-0704.
¡Gracias por tu atención! ¡El Fin!