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Explore the impacts of air, noise, water, land pollution & nuclear waste. Learn how to take action through recycling, reusing, and reducing waste for a cleaner environment. Let's save our planet together!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Teacher: Elena Sofroniadou 3rd Experimental Primary School of Evosmos Promoting CLIL Implementation in Europe THE ENVIRONMENT

  2. Let’s meet our planet

  3. Wake up to reality

  4. The reality


  6. Good wealth?

  7. Air pollution Urban air pollution = smog Industrial fumes deforestation exhaust fumes

  8. Noise pollution : undesirable levels of noise caused by human activity that disrupt the standard of living in the affected area

  9. Noise pollution = Shipping pollution Marine life can be disturbed by the noise pollution created by the passing ships. Marine animals often have weak eyesight and live in a world largely defined by acoustic information. Whale songs are longer when sub-marine detectors are on. But when one species begins speaking louder, it will mask other species voices, causing the whole ecosystem to eventually speak louder.

  10. Water pollution

  11. Marine pollution Industrial waste + shipping pollution Radio-active pollution = nuclear waste Agricultural runoff

  12. air and land pollution = soil contamination pesticides fertilizers

  13. Land pollution = littering = garbageDo the images remind you of anything?

  14. What can we do to help the planet?

  15. What can we do to help the planet? reforestation not waste water the 3 Rs: reduce, reuse recycle help clean the beaches or the local park or your school yard

  16. Recycling: bikes, cans, plastic bottles, paper

  17. Battery recycling

  18. REUSE? • Carrier bags and twist ties • Envelopes • Jars and pots • Newspaper, cardboard and bubble wrap • Old clothes • Packaging • Scrap paper • Plastic bottles • Old electrical equipment • Old tyres

  19. Reusable items

  20. REDUCE?

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