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ROmeo Juliet

The balcony scene

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ROmeo Juliet

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  1. THE BALCONY SCENE“ROMEO & JULIET” Frank Dicksee(1853 - 1928 ) Southampton City Art Gallery Prof.ssa Guidi Claudia - Isiss T. Guerra. School year 2019-2020

  2. 1. INTRODUCTION • https://www.tes.com/lessons/bI_nWBRLnKKlFg/romeo-and-juliet-the-balcony-scene • ACT II, Scene III Prof.ssa Guidi Claudia - Isiss T. Guerra. School year 2019-2020

  3. SUMMARY • Romeo climbs the Capulet family garden wall and seesJuliet alone on herbalcony • Unawarethat Romeo isnearby, Julietsighsand speaksher feelings of love out loud. • Romeo declareshimself to Juliet, and shewarnshim of the danger of beingthere. • Romeo and Julietsweartheirtrue love to eachother, plan a secret marriage, and finallysaygood night. Prof.ssa Guidi Claudia - Isiss T. Guerra. School year 2019-2020

  4. 3. IMPORTANCE Criticallyimportant to the development of the plot • Alone for the first time; • TENSION because of the danger • that they may be discovered; The 2 lovers • Is decided • Juliet will not give up her honour. • Romeo is happy about the weeding and asks Friar Lawrence for help Their secret marriage Prof.ssa Guidi Claudia - Isiss T. Guerra. School year 2019-2020

  5. 4. ANALYSIS To develop the characters of ROMEO & JULIET • BALCONY SCENE SO: the audience can begin to sympathise with the young people. A certain amount of TENSION / DANGER SUSPENSE throughout the scene Prof.ssa Guidi Claudia - Isiss T. Guerra. School year 2019-2020

  6. 5•STYLE LANGUAGE • 210 LINES LONG • Entirelycomposed in unrhymed BLANK VERSE • A metaphor: Juliet is the sun Romeo. But, soft! what light throughyonderwindow breaks? Itis the east, and Julietis the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the enviousmoon, Whoisalreadysick and pale with grief, Thatthouhermaid art far more fair thanshe. A metaphor: Juliet’seyes are brightstars Romeo. Two of the faireststars in all the heaven, Having some business, do entreathereyes To twinkle in theirspherestilltheyreturn. ...hereyes in heaven Wouldthrough the airyregionstream so bright Thatbirdswouldsing and thinkitwerenot night. Prof.ssa Guidi Claudia - Isiss T. Guerra. School year 2019-2020

  7. 6. FAMOUS QUOTES • Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? • A rose by anyothernamewouldsmellassweet... • Thisphilosophical statement isuttered by Julietasshetries to come to terms with the factthat the man shelovesis part of herfamily'smosthatedrival clan. • Using the example of a rose, Julietsays a rose would be just aslovelyifithad a differentname--anyothername, just like Romeo. • Julietis NOT askingwhere Romeo is. Sheisaskingwhy he has to be Romeo, a Montague.

  8. 6. FAMOUS QUOTES • ..Good night, good night! • Partingissuchsweetsorrow, • That I shallsaygoodnighttillit be morrow • — Juliet, regretfullyparting from Romeo

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