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Hagedorn Closure Stakeholder Meeting. September 21, 2011. Ongoing Stakeholder Meetings. Goals: Provide information and solicit community and stakeholder updates and feedback 2011 Meeting Dates October 19 November 16 December 21
Hagedorn Closure Stakeholder Meeting September 21, 2011
Ongoing Stakeholder Meetings Goals: Provide information and solicit community and stakeholder updates and feedback 2011 Meeting Dates October 19 November 16 December 21 All meetings from 3:00 to 5:00 PM held at 222 S. Warren Street, Trenton DMHAS will be holding family meetings and hospital tours during the closure process. Dates and times to be announced.
Wellness and Recovery Goals Integration of Wellness and Recovery principles are central to all of DMHAS planning and activities Reduce reliance on institutional systems of care Expand opportunities and supports for community living, allowing individuals to live in the communities of their choice
Expansion of the CommunityBased System Conditional Extension Pending Placement Status (CEPP) - There are individuals residing in our psychiatric hospitals that the courts have determined no longer need care in an institution, but they remain in the hospital awaiting an appropriate community placement. Since 2007, over $80 Million in new funding has been expended to expand community based services Expansion of affordable, permanent housing and support services Expansion of the acute care system Local treatment Consumer driven options Evidence based practices
Reduced Reliance on Institutions • The increased services have reduced census in NJ state hospital population • From 2006 to 2011 state hospital census has declined • July 2006 census was 2173 of which 52.1% were individuals on CEPP • September 14, 2011 census was 1535 of which 36.1% were individuals on CEPP • As of 9-14-11, there were 143 vacancies on open units at APH, GPPH, TPH and 285 beds on units that had been closed.
Hagedorn Closure As a result of these changes, in March 2010, DHS recommended closure of (HPH) The NJ Legislature created the State Mental Health Facilities Evaluation Task Force The Task Force convened in November 2010 February 1, 2011 the Task Force delivered their report to Governor Chris Christie The SFY 2012 Budget included closure of a state psychiatric hospital The Department now has resumed efforts to prepare for closure
Hagedorn Closure Timeline September 6, 2011 – HPH closed admissions to younger adult population October 3, 2011 - HPH will close admissions to older adult population June 30, 2012 – HPH will close
Closure Process Phase I – Assessment All hospitalized consumers have continuing clinical assessments of their discharge readiness and service needs. Assessments include the Individual Needs for Discharge Assessment (INDA) and the Housing Preference Interview (HPI) Families are included in the assessment and planning whenever possible Division Level Reviewis in place to further evaluate the appropriateness of clinical assessments and discharge plan Hagedorn will usethe regulated appeal process for any consumer who refuses or challenges a transfer or community placement
Closure Process, cont. Phase II- Diversion of new hospital admissions • All consumers from HPH Catchment area will be served by GPPH • October 3, 2011 – Geriatric patients from Ocean County will go to APH • October 3, 2011 - Burlington residents of all ages will return to APH’s catchment area. • Legal patients with serious criminal charges from all catchment areas will continue to be admitted to AKFC • Patients with lesser charges will continue to be admitted to TPH or APH depending on the catchment area. 9
Closure Process, cont. Phase II Geriatric consumers to GPPH based on: Current Census numbers and projections indicate that GPPH would best accommodate the older adult transfers and future admissions Ability to create fully enclosed living and treatment space in two shared GPPH units with properly trained staff
Closure Process, cont Phase III- Discharges and Transfers to Other State Hospitals • Discharging consumers into the least restrictive, clinically appropriate setting remains the priority. • Each Hagedorn consumers will have a Discharge/Transfer Plan completed before leaving Hagedorn. The plan will outline the consumers preferences and needs as identified by the consumer, guardian or family member. The plan will follow the consumer to the receiving facility and/or services to make the transition as smooth and therapeutic as possible. • For consumer assessments which indicate a need for hospitalization after 6/30/12, consumers will be transferred to the appropriate hospital • Transfers will be conducted in a planned manner with involvement from the consumer and family during planning process.DMHAS has begun transfers on a limited basis.
Community Capacity Development SFY 2011 • Opportunities for consumers currently hospitalized • 171 Supportive Housing beds • Opportunities for consumers to be diverted from hospitalization • 82 Supportive Housing Beds • Development of three new Early Intervention Support Services programs (diversion from emergency screening)
Community Capacity Development Projections for SFY 2012 • Opportunities for consumers currently hospitalized • 110 Supportive Housing Beds • Emphasis on serving individuals with: legal challenges including sexually problematic behaviors, co-morbid medical challenges, and developmental disabilities.
Community Capacity Development Projections for SFY 2012 • Opportunities for consumers to be diverted from hospitalization • 50 beds for individuals at risk of hospitalization • Geriatric Statewide Consultation Service • 3 Early Intervention Support Service Programs • Monmouth • Mercer • Essex
Hospital Readiness Hagedorn treatment team, inclusive of families, consumers, community providers, and Olmstead staff are working together in discharge planning efforts. Hagedorn treatment teams are working with the treatment teams, inclusive of families and consumers, from the receiving hospitalsin preparation for transfer of consumers who will not be discharged before the hospital’s closure Hospitals have submitted their preliminary plans for accepting Hagedorn transfers The reorganizationplans address staffing, space planning and special needs of Hagedorn consumers Plans will be coordinated with central office and with Hagedorn.
HPH Staffing A staff Placement Policy to relocate Hagedorn staff has been released. An Employee Resource and Information Center (ERIC) has been established at Hagedorn.