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Photos Here. POWER OF ONE: TAVISTOCK, LONDON SPRING 2012 DR. LESLEE BROWN. Faculty Led Study Abroad studyabroad@thechicagoschool.edu. Country Overview.

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  1. Photos Here POWER OF ONE:TAVISTOCK, LONDONSPRING 2012DR. LESLEE BROWN Faculty Led Study Abroad studyabroad@thechicagoschool.edu

  2. Country Overview • London: Comprised of 32 boroughs along with the City, London is often described as more of a conglomerate of villages than a unified city. Each area heritage and traditions are alive and evolving, from the City of London 2000-year-old association with trade to the West End ever-changing theatre scene. • Tavistock Clinic: Influenced by the new psychology coming from Vienna & Zurich, Dr Hugh Crichton-Miller, a neurologist, developed pioneering psychotherapeutic ways of treating shell-shocked and neurotic soldiers. He became convinced of the need to establish a clinic providing similar services to civilians of limited means, and the Tavistock Clinic was born in 1920. Faculty Led Study Abroad studyabroad@thechicagoschool.edu

  3. Map of Region Tavistock Clinic Located in Camden

  4. Course Description • Development of Skills in Facilitation of Work Discussion. The aim will be to enable students to transfer their learning into other settings within which they will be working. • Development of and rationale for work discussion groups within a range of settings • Understanding and managing the role of the facilitator • Initial set up and management of beginnings and endings • Skills in recognizing and managing anxiety in individuals and groups: Container-Contained • How the non-verbal mechanisms of Splitting and Projection manifest themselves in group dynamics – and how to understand and manage them. • How is the group leader or facilitator perceived: Transference and Counter-Transference • Basic Assumption Theories of Groups (Bion and other significant writers) • Understanding defenses in groups and social systems • Listening and Questioning Skills – using open questions Faculty Led Study Abroad studyabroad@thechicagoschool.edu


  6. COURSE DESCRIPTION The proposed London study abroad will provide students an immersive professional development training in Psychodynamic group theory through a training seminar at the Tavistock clinic in London. Dr. Leslee Brown and Dr. Emil Jackson from Tavistock have designed this training seminar specifically for TCS. Training in the Facilitation of Work Discussion Groups. The professional development training seminar will teach TCS students the application, method and development of work discussion groups in a multitude of settings; including educational, corporate and organizations, clinics and various workplace environments. Students will learn the methods, theories and development procedures, strategies and empirically validated case examples in taking this skill and being competent to form, facilitate and measure outcomes of the efficacy of work discussion groups. “Work discussion groups are one of the cornerstones and central seminars within any psychoanalytically oriented training or professional development course” as, stated by Dr. Emil Jackson (2008). Students will come away from the seminar with the knowledge and competence to market, develop and put into action work place discussion groups in a multitude of settings

  7. Course Instruction • ARIVE 3/10/12-DEPART 3/17/12 • Assignment, readings, activities-syllabus will be discussed 1st class and syllabus will be handed out • Pre-post departure survey requirement Faculty Led Study Abroad studyabroad@thechicagoschool.edu


  9. Travel • Make your own airline reservations and buy your own ticket • Fly into London Heathrow • Many options to get from Heathrow to hotel • We will discuss airport transfer options at 1st class • Lodging and accommodation covered in international fee • Personal time is built into program • Specifics- no spouses • Visas, immunizations not needed • Passport required Faculty Led Study Abroad studyabroad@thechicagoschool.edu

  10. WHAT IS INCLUDED IN TRIP • Study Abroad International Program Fee: $2,650.00: • Covers the cost of lodging • All breakfasts • 5 lunches, • 2 dinners • Program administrative costs • Some tours • Tavistock Training 



  13. Return from Travel • Assignments must be submitted to receive grade Faculty Led Study Abroad studyabroad@thechicagoschool.edu

  14. How to Apply? Open Application Period November 15-December 1: Open Application Period: All submitted during this time will receive fullest consideration; applications will not be accepted before this date. Submit to studyabroad@thechicagoschool.edu Once the open application period closes, we will review all applications for eligibility Faculty Led Study Abroad studyabroad@thechicagoschool.edu

  15. Financial Aid Financial Aid is available; can assist with study abroad program fee and airfare Faculty Led Study Abroad studyabroad@thechicagoschool.edu

  16. LONDON

  17. Questions? lbrown@thechicagoschool.edu or studyabroad@thechicagoschool.edu Faculty Led Study Abroad studyabroad@thechicagoschool.edu

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