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Spring Week 1 Honors English I. Mrs. Buikema 2014. Bellwork January 6, 2014. Welcome Back!! Happy 2014!! In your writer’s notebook, write a paragraph reflecting on: Winter break, Last year’s highlights, or Your hopes and goals for this year. Classroom Resolutions. Put phone away.
Spring Week 1Honors English I Mrs. Buikema 2014
BellworkJanuary 6, 2014 • Welcome Back!! Happy 2014!! • In your writer’s notebook, write a paragraph reflecting on: • Winter break, • Last year’s highlights, or • Your hopes and goals for this year
Classroom Resolutions • Put phone away. • Stay quiet and listen when other classmates are sharing. • Keep the room tidy—pick up trash around desk. • Keep being awesome.
Missing assignment sheet • If you don’t turn in your work, you will turn in one of these sheets. • Late work penalties • Daily grade • One day late: minus 50 • Two or more days late: zero • Major grade • One day late: minus 20 • Two days late: minus 30 • Three or more days late: minus 50
What are we going to do today? • Read poetry • Create a definition of poetry
Poetry Folders. • Count off by 8. Separate into your groups. • Follow the instructions on the first page of the folder.
BellworkJanuary 7, 2014 • Get with your groups from yesterday and finish your poetry packet and definition. • When you are finished, take a sticky note and stick on the board: what are some of your favorite poems or poets? If you don’t have one, which of the poems we have read so far do you like best?
What are we going to do today? • Define poetic terms
BellworkJanuary 8, 2014 • Take out your literary terms so that I can check that you’ve completed them. • Write a couplet using the word “orange”
Portfolio Project • Due WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22
What are we going to do today? • Go over poetry portfolio • Read a prose version of poem • Discuss rhythm, rhyme scheme, stanza. • Read "Fast Break" with partner and discuss author's choice for structure. • Learn TP-CASTT using any poem. • Write a simile poem
Turning Prose into poetry • Try to decide on the line breaks for the passage on page 211 • Answer the question on p 212
BellworkJanuary 9, 2014 • Write one line with assonance and one line with consonance.
MLA Formatting Resource • https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/
What are we going to do today? • Analyze metaphors • "Identity" p. 217 • "Hope is the thing with feathers" p. 238 • Write an extended metaphor poem.
BellworkJanuary 10, 2014 Share!! • Write a quatrain using “rinse,” “fence” “pear” and “share”. • Then, pair share!
What are we going to do today? • Practice EOC editing • Work on Poetry Portfolio
THE EOC • End of Course Exam • March 31, 2014 • Reading comprehension, punctuation, CAPE short answer questions, expository essay