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歧視. Constance Lai Diana Lam Joyce Ng Helen Tai Vivian Tang. 平等機會委員會. 是一個法定機構,於 1996 年成立,負責執行 《 性別歧視條例 》 、 《 殘疾歧視條例 》 及 《 家庭崗位歧視條例 》 。 委員會致力消除基於性別、婚姻狀況、懷孕、殘疾及家庭崗位而產生的歧視。此外,委員會亦致力消除性騷擾及基於殘疾的騷擾及中傷行為,促進男女之間、傷健之間、有家庭崗位和沒有家庭崗位人士之間的平等機會。. 現今香港所通過的三條法例.
歧視 Constance LaiDiana Lam Joyce NgHelen Tai Vivian Tang
平等機會委員會 是一個法定機構,於1996年成立,負責執行《性別歧視條例》、《殘疾歧視條例》及《家庭崗位歧視條例》。 委員會致力消除基於性別、婚姻狀況、懷孕、殘疾及家庭崗位而產生的歧視。此外,委員會亦致力消除性騷擾及基於殘疾的騷擾及中傷行為,促進男女之間、傷健之間、有家庭崗位和沒有家庭崗位人士之間的平等機會。
現今香港所通過的三條法例 • <<性別歧視條例>>是指任何人基於另一人的性別及懷孕等而在僱傭、教育等範疇作出歧視或性騷擾,皆屬違法。 • <<殘疾歧視條例>>,於僱傭、教育及參與體育活動等方面歧視或騷擾殘疾人士,即屬違法。 • <<家庭崗位歧視條例>>是指任何人基於另一人的家庭崗位,例如婚姻狀況係單身或者係未婚懷孕而在僱傭、教育等範疇對該人產生歧視,則屬違法。
帶有歧視成分的稱呼 • 阿差 • 鬼老 • 洋鬼子 • 賓賓 • 大陸燦 • 北姑 • 朱古力 • 黑鬼 • 大陸尼
政府籲莫以阿差黑鬼稱呼人 民政事務局副秘書長余志穩強調,以「阿差」、「黑鬼」稱呼少數族裔,不致扺觸歧視法,但不用為佳。余志穩出席一個電台節目時解釋,以香港作為一個大都會來看,種族歧視情況並不嚴重。不過,政府有責任防止歧視及制定相關道德原則讓公眾遵守,所以正就禁止種族歧視條例進行立法及諮詢。 他指出,以不雅用語稱謂少數族裔,例如以「阿差」稱呼印巴族裔, 或「黑鬼」稱呼非洲人,雖不致於犯法,但也不應這樣做。 協助少數族裔人士組織「融樂會」的總幹事王惠芬則表示,本港有30多萬少數族群經常受到歧視,完善法例可以為他們提供全面保障。 對於有關注團體批評諮詢文件建議的保護範圍,沒有包括由內地來香港的新移民。余志穩表示,首先是新移民並非少數族群;其次是他們面對的是社會歧視,並非種族歧視;況且建議中新法例的保護範圍,已涵蓋全部華裔人士。 明報
工作上不平等待遇: 經常面對的是同工不同酬,學歷不被承認,故此他們當中的失業率高達百分之四十
住屋上不平等待遇: 「例如申請公屋,政府沒有翻譯支援,他們連申請表都沒法填好。 」 南亞裔人外出租屋,業主不是乾脆不租,就是租金比本地人貴,甚至乎有業主說「你o的『亞差』成日煮咖喱,整臭我間屋第時點再租? 」
教育上不平等待遇: 本港肯切實辦共融教育的學校不多,少數族裔孩子讀公營學校的選擇很少,即使能夠入讀,礙於語文亦難在中學會考取得好成績,更遑論升讀大學
醫療上不平等待偶: 一部份前線醫護人員對南亞裔人士態度馬虎,令他們不清楚本身病情,容易誤服或延服藥物,影響健康;他們亦不敢留醫,生怕誤食有禁忌的醫院膳食。
I come from India, I think I’ve been in HK for about 18 years. Sometimes I‘ve been discriminated but not these days, maybe when I have just come, sometimes a bit of discrimination. I feel very angry about it. Discrimination is not really very serious, because there is no discrimination related violence, but there is discrimination in Hong Kong because people have such fixed ideas about different races.
I come from Australia. I don’t know if I am discriminated against because say for example I have brown skin or hair, I think it’s just about being foreign. For example, when I was looking for an apartment when I first arrived in Hong Kong, I noticed that the real estate agent will take you to the worst apartments, because they can’t sell them to the local people or rent them, so they offer them to the foreign people. Also, I am not sure if there is discrimination, but there is a little bit of lack of tolerance, and that comes in communication skills. People will show their anger very quickly, but I think that’s for all foreigners, not because I am maybe half Indian. It’s not serious, but I think there is a little bit of impatience with foreigners. We just suppose to find it everywhere in the world.
歧視?!Why??? • 人有錯誤的觀念,有角色定型的偏見 • 人害怕有利益衝突
Legislation. Because the government has been talking about legislation for racial discrimination but they still haven’t implemented it. And they really need to implement it very soon, because education itself is not going to end discrimination
I wish that people in shops or even in government offices, even in the school, would have developed better communication skills. And what we called conflict resolution, that means if there is a problem, you talk through the problem, you don’t cut off people, or isolate people, or walk away from people and things, but I found that happens in government departments, or shops and things like that. So, I just wish people could have a more mature approach to communication
From Mrs. Ravi I think education of citizens is necessary to make them understand and appreciate different colours, cultures and customs. Only when people are educated and civilized, they don't look down on other people. Implementing laws and regulation to prevent discrimination can also improve the situation buteducation is more important to eradicate such unacceptable beliefs from people's minds.